Engagement of Medical Practitioners (CMPs) over and above the vacancy to contain the spread of COVID -19 Pandemic: Railway Board
No. 2020/E(GR)II/COVID-19/WFH/1
New Delhi, Dated: 24.12.2020
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & PUs
Sub: Engagement of Medical Practitioners (CMPs) over and above the vacancy to contain the spread of COVID -19 Pandemic.
Ref: This office letter of even numbers dated 28.03 .2020, 31.03 .2020, 01.04 .2020 and 30.06.2020
โขhttp://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/IndianMedical_Services/Engagement_CMPs_280320.pdf (dated 28.03.2020)
โขhttp://www.indianrailwavs.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/lndianMedical_Services/engagement_CMPs_310320.pdf (dated 31.03.2020)
โขhttp://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/IndianMedical_Services/engagement_CMPs_310320_R2.pdf (dated 31.03.2020)
โขhttp://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/IndianMedical_Services/Engagement_CMPs_010420.pdf (dated 01.04.2020)
โขhttps://indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/EGC%200rders/download/CMP%20final%200rder.pdf (dated 30.06.2020)
Please refer to Board โs letters of even number cited on the above subject. Ministry of Railways, with the approval of competent authority, have now decided to further extend the engagement of Medical Practitioners over and above the vacancies in Indian Railway Health Service (IRHS) to meet the local requirements for handling the COVID โ 19 pandemic from 01.01.2021 to 30.06.2021 or till the pandemic of COVID-19 continues, whichever is earlier, with the same terms as contained in Board โs letters cited above. It may please be noted that this is purely a temporary measure, after which status quo ante will be restored.
2. Railway-wise details of intake of CMPs w.e.f 01 .04.2020 (date of entry, date of exit, category, expenditure on each CMP, etc.) should be uploaded on official website and the link may be forwarded to the undersigned for information.
This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Ministry Railways (Railway Board).
(Kamal Kishor)
Deputy Director/Estt.(Gaz. Rectt.)II
Railway Board
Tel: 01 1 -23047261
E-mail: kamal.pandey14@gov.in
No. 2020/E(GR)ll/COVID-1 9/WFH/1
Copy to:
(1) The Principal Financial Advisor, All Indian Railways/PUs
(2) The Principal Director of Audit, All Indian Railways/PUs
New Delhi, Dated: 24 .12.2020