Aaykar Kutumb – An E-Diary functionality for Income Tax Officer and above : Instructions to download ‘Aaykar Kutumb’ Version 4.2


Aaykar Kutumb – An E-Diary functionality for Income Tax Officer and above : Instructions to download ‘Aaykar Kutumb’ Version 4.2

Aaykar Kutumb – An E-Diary functionality for Income Tax Officer and above : Instructions to download ‘Aaykar Kutumb’ Version 4.2

6th Floor, Mayur Bhawan. Connaught Circus, New Delhi — 110001

फ.संं. Pub-1(70)/PR, P&P/2020-21/924

दिनांक 31.12.2020

सेवा में,

आयकर आयुक्त (प्रशासन व करदाता सेवाएं)

कार्या – प्रधान मुख्य आयकर आयुक्त

गुजरात/कर्नाटक/मध्य प्रदेश छत्तीसगढ़/उड़ीशा/उत्तर पश्चिम क्षेत्र/तमिलनाडु एवं पुडडचेरी/दिल्ली/उत्तर पूर्व क्षेत्र/आंध्र प्रदेश एवं तेलंगाना/राजस्थान/उत्तर प्रदेश (पश्चिम) एवं उत्तराखंड/केरल/पश्चिम बंगाल एवं सिक्किम/उत्तर प्रदेश (पूर्व)/मुंबई/ नागपुर/बिहार एवं झारखण्ड/पुणे – (सभी क्षेत्र)

महोदय/ महोदया,

Sub: Downloading ‘Aaykar Kutumb’ Version 4.2- reg.

Please refer to the above mentioned subject.

2. The mobile app Aayakar Kutumb is available since June 2018 for download from Google Playstore and Apple store. The ‘Aayakar Kutumb’ app, in its present version (Ver. 4.2), is a convenient departmental Directory and communication tools. The newer version ‘Aayakar Kutumb’ (Ver. 4.2) has already been launched apart from having updated data, it reflects the data as appearing in AHB-2019.

3. The main features are:

(i) The database structure of officers in Aaykar Kutumb app has been expanded so as to accommodate all levels of the Income Tax Department of the level of ITO and above. This will make the app more inclusive. The app’s search function also now provides for this expansion.

(ii) An E-Diary functionality has been provided to Departmental users of the app of level of ITO and above. This will enable fixing of meetings, and instant in-app responses to the meeting notice/request, along with the meeting particulars. A User Guide about this useful tool has also been made available in the app itself.

(iii) To provide a ready availability of latest co-ordinates of officers of the Income Tax Department, the app has a functionality that enables officers using the app to make an in-app request for change of data in their case, of any, such as on account of transfer, change of mobile number/email id/office address etc. Requests by departmental officers for first-time inclusion of their details in the app databse has also been provided for.

4. An SoP for first time user of the Aaykar Kutumb app and for corrections in their profile by the existing user has been enclosed for reference.

5. In this regard, the officers in your region may be advised to update their data in Aayakar Kutumb app through “Add. Employee Profile”. Further, those officers who are not yet using the app may be advised to download the same and make use of this app.


(डा. संदीप गोयल)
अपर महान‍िदेशक ( ज.स.प्र.व.प्र.)


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