Revised Rate of Deputation Allowance, Hill and Fuel Allowance, Halting and Other Allowance: Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020


Revised Rate of Deputation Allowance, Hill and Fuel Allowance, Halting and Other Allowance: Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

Revised Rate of Deputation Allowance, Hill and Fuel Allowance, Halting and Other Allowance: Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

Revised Rate of Deputation Allowance, Hill and Fuel Allowance, Halting Allowance, Special Area Allowance, Project Area Allowance, Mid Academic Year Transfer Allowance (w.e.f. 1.11.2020), Split Duty Allowance, Compensation on Transfer (w.e.f. 1.11.2020)

Other Allowances

(i) Deputation Allowance (w.e.f. 1.11.2020)

Deputation Allowance shall be at the following rates:

An officer deputed to serve outside the bank – 7.75% of Pay with a maximum of 6000/-
An officer deputed to an organization at the same place or to the training establishment of the bank -4% of Pay with a maximum of 3000/-

(ii) Hill and Fuel Allowance (w.e. 1.11.2012)

Place Rate
(a) Places with an altitude of 1000 metres and above but less than 1500 metres and Mercara Town 2% of Pay subject to a maximum of 1125/-p.m.
(b) Places with an altitude of 1500 metres and above but less than 3000 metres 2.5% of Pay subject to a maximum of 1500/- p.m.
(c) Places with an altitude of 3000 metres and above 5% of Pay subject to a maximum of 3000/- p.m.

(iii) Halting Allowance (w.e. 1.6.2015)

Grade/Scale of Officers Metro Major ‘A’
Class Cities
  Area I
Other Places
Officers in Scale VI & above  2700 1300 1950 1425
Officers in Scale IV & V above  2250 1300 1950 1425
Officers in Scale I/II/III  1950 1100 1425 1200

(iv) Special Area Allowance (w.e.f. 1.11.2012)

At places where special area allowance is payable in terms of Regulation 23(ii) of Officers’ Service Regulations, 1979/1982, the said allowance shall be payable at rates as in Annexure V.

(v) Definition of Family:

View: Revised Rate of Special Area Allowance: Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

Clause 14 (vii) of Joint Note dated 25.05.2015 is modified ‘as under :-

For the purpose of medical facilities and for the purpose of leave fare concession, the expression ‘family’ of an employee shall mean –

  1. the employee’s spouse, wholly dependent unmarried children (including step children and legally adopted children) wholly dependent physically and mentally challenged brother/ sister with 40% or more disability, widowed daughters and dependent divorced/ separated daughters, sisters including unmarried/ divorced/ abandoned or separated from husband/ widowed sisters as also parents wholly dependent on the employee.
  2. The term wholly dependent family member shall mean such member of the family having a monthly income not exceeding 12,000/- pm. If the income of one of the parents exceeds 12,000/- p.m. or the aggregate income of both the parents exceeds 12,000/- p.m., both the parents shall not be considered as wholly dependent on the officer employee.
  3. A married female employee may include her natural parents or parents-in-law under the definition of family, but not both, provided that the parents/parents­ in-law are wholly dependent on her.

Note: For the purpose of medical expenses reimbursement scheme, for all employees, i.e male/female any two of the dependent parents/ parents-in-law shall be covered. The Officer employee will have the choice to substitute either of the dependent or both.

Physically chalanged children of employee to be defined as dependent irrespective of age or marital status, subject to income criteria.

Project Area Allowance

On and from 1st November 2017, Project Area Compensatory Allowance shall be payable at the following rates :

  • Project Areas falling in Group A – 600/- p.m.
  • Project Areas falling in Group B – 525/- p.m.

Mid Academic Year Transfer Allowance (w.e.f. 1.11.2020)

On and from 1.11.2020, Mid Academic Year Transfer Allowance shall be payable at 1650/- p.m. subject to other conditions.

Revised DA HRA CCA LA etc. of Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

Split Duty Allowance

On and from 1st November 2017, Split Duty Allowance shall be payable at 300/- p.m.

Compensation on Transfer (w.e.f. 1.11.2020)

An officer on transfer will be eligible to draw a lumpsum amount as indicated below for expenses connected with packaging, local transportation, insuring the baggage etc.

  • Officers in Scale IV and above – 30,000/-
  • Officers in Scale I, II and III – 25,000/-


Click Here to Read Full: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020 – Revision of Bank Officers Salary DA Increments HRA & Other Allowances w.e.f 1st Nov 2017