Overtime and travel allowance to Railway Employees: Clarification


Overtime and travel allowance to Railway Employees: Clarification

Overtime and travel allowance to Railway Employees: Clarification


Railway is not planning to reduce the Overtime and travel allowance to Railway Employees โ€“ PIB Fact Check

There are some unconfirmed news spreading in some of the news articles that Indian Railways is planning to cut overtime and travel allowances for 14 lakh Railway employees. As per the report allowances for overtime duty including Travel Allowance will be deducted 50 per cent.

Today, PIBFACTCHECK confirmed in the official twitter page that there is no plan to reduce the overtime and travel allowance to Railway Employees

Tweet from PIBFactCheck

It is being claimed in some news articles that #IndianRailways is planning to reduce the overtime and travel allowance of 13 lakh employees by 50 per cent.
#PIBFactCheck: This claim is #Fake. @RailMinIndia has not proposed to reduce the rates of overtime and travel allowance.

Read Also:-

Implementation of 7th CPC Over Time Allowance across Ministries/Departments: DoPT OM 19.06.2018; Download Hindi and English OM

Review of cost of Over Time Allowance (OTA) and Travelling Allowance (TA): Railway Board Order reg measures to reduce cost and improve savings

7th Pay Commission Overtime Allowance: Discontinuation for some categories, Linking with Biometric Attendance and Old rate to be continued