Continuation of issuance of Manual Pass to Railway Employees: Order Dtd. 16 Nov 2020
No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6(Part)
New Delhi, dated: 17.11.2020
Sub: Continuation of issuance of Manual Pass to Railway Employees
Ref: Board โs Letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6 dated 14.08.2020
Boa rd โs Letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6(Pa rt) dated 16.11.2020
Please refer to Boardโs letter of even number dated 16.11.2020 wherein instructions regarding continuation of Physical passes in certain cases have been issued.
2. It is clarified that Para 3(ii) of the letter dated 16.11.2020 shall be read as under:
โFrom 1st January, 2021 onwards, the system may be in variably shifted to eยญ-Pass module in respect of serving Railway employeesโ
3. Other contents of the letter dated 16.11.2020 shall remain unchanged.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board
(Telephone No: 011-4784 5125)
(e-mail id:
Copy to:
The General Managers, All Indian Railways and Production Units/Training Institutes (As per standard mailing list)
OSDs/PSOs/Sr.PPSs/PPSs/PSs/PAs to:-
CRB, ,M(Finance), M(lnfra), M(TR), M(Op & BD), DG (HR). DG/RHS, DG/RPF, Secretary/ Railway Board, Addl. Members, Advisors/Executive Directors/ Joint Secretaries, Directors of Railway Board, All Branches of Railway Board
No. PC-Vll/2020/HRMS/6(Part)
New Delhi, dated: 16.11.2020
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units/Training Institutes
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Continuation of issuance of Manual Pass to Railway Employees
Ref: Boardโs Letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6 dated 14.08.2020
Please refer to Boardโs letter dated 14.08.2020 (RBE 66/2020) containing the guidelines for e-Privilege Pass/PTO Modules of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) in Indian Railways which was launched on 10.08.2020. The following crucial aspects were mentioned in the said letter:
(i) E-Pass/PTO module shall be available to serving employee of Indian Railways w.e.f. 24.08.2020.
(ii) Provision of physical pass shall also be there up to 31.10 .2020 and employees who want to avail Privilege Pass/PTO in the physical form can avail the same during the period i.e. up to 31.10.2020. However, from 01.11.2020, Privilege Pass/PTO will be available only in Digital Form.
2. However, while carrying out the implementation of the e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module, certain practical issues regarding certain categories of employees have been communicated to Boardโs Office from various quarters. Further, the e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module for Pensioners has not yet been launched due to certain logistical issues and that the same would be commissioned very shortly.
3. Taking into view the concerns raised by various stakeholders, the matter has been thoroughly and comprehensively examined in Board โs Office and following decisions have been made for implementation across whole Indian Railways :
(i) Issuance of physical passes may be extended up to 31.12.2020 with the corresponding extension of time for booking across PRS counters for serving employees as per the validity of Passes.
(ii) From 1st January, 2020 onwards the system may be invariably shifted to e-Pass module in respect of serving Railway employees.
(iii) For pensioners, considering the logistical issues and considering the age factors of the end users, physical passes may continue to be issued to pensioners till 31.03.2021 with the corresponding extension of time for booking across PRS counters for pensioners as per the validity of Passes.
(iv) As far as the Audit staff is concerned , the issue has already been referred to CRIS and till such time improvisation may be made to continue the issuance of physical passes to them.
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
5. This letter has been uploaded on the website of Indian Railways <;it the following location:
[ โ About Indian Railways โ Corporate Overview โ Directorates โ Pay Commission โ Pay Commission-VII]
(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board
(Telephone No: 011-4784 5125)
(e-mail id:
Copy to: OSDs/PSOs/Sr.PPSs/PPSs/PSs/PAs to:-
CRB, M(Finance), M(Infra), M(TR), M(Op & BD), DG(HR). DG/RHS, DG/RPF,Secretary/Railway Board, Addl. Members, Advisors/Executive Directors/ Joint Secretaries, Directors of Railway Board, All Branches of Railway Board
My suggestion: All types of free passes to all should be stopped . 50% concession may be given to all who r now issued passes to various persons . Issue photo card concession pass restricting to self, spouse and two minor children irrespective of gender. and to no other person .when money is to be paid,be it only 50%, all unnecessary travel will be restricted. No overall expenditure on e-passes and accounting is to be maintained.
To those who r now eligible for free passes pay them certain fixed monthly amount proportionate to the number of passes surrendered by both working employees and pensioners. It can be worked out 26 lakh persons can be stopped travelling( 13 lakh employees with a minimum of 2 persons in a pass ) and also may be equal no. Of retirees at least twice a yr. totally 5 millions free travelers can be stopped in a yr. Let the Rlys work out the economics and switch over concession pass ( equal to present PTO ) issued at the time of employment and retirement. And ciose all machiniaries in this connection.