Training Schedule for e-APAR Module of HRMS – Railway Board Order
No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/10
New Delhi, dated: 28.09.2020
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units/Training Institutes
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Implementation of e-APAR Module of HRMS- schedule of Training – reg.
It is to inform you all that subsequent to the development of e-APAR module of HRMS, the testing of which is under process at 3 Pilot locations (Workshop Jodhpur, DLW Varanasi and Raipur Division), its implementation has reached the last stage. The module will be launched tentatively in first week of October.
2. In this regard, Training on e-APAR module will commence as per the following schedule:
Date | Time | Railways |
06.10.2020 | 11.00 – 13.00 | NR, NCR, NER, ECR |
15.00 – 17.00 | WCR, CR, WR, NWR | |
07.10.2020 | 11.00 – 13.00 | All PUs, CTIS, Railway Board |
08.10.2020 | 11.00 – 13.00 | SR, SCR, ICF, RWF, SWR |
15.00 – 17.00 | ER, SER, NFR, ECOR, Metro, NFR Construction |
3. It is advised that all the Zonal Railways/PUs/CTIs may nominate the concerned staff dealing with this module to attend the training on scheduled dates. Further, all the nodal officers for HRMS nominated by Railways/PUs may invariably participate in the scheduled training session and do the necessary co-ordination. The details of VC link will be shared by CRIS in due course. Copy of this letter has been uploaded on pay commission/PC-VII.
(Java Kumar G)
Dy. Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board
Copy to; All PCPOs/Indian Railways/Nodal Officers nominated for HRMS, GM/CRIS, EDE(GC), JS/Railway Board, Dir.(A). Dir.(A), Dir (Confidential)