Routing of cases in respect of RBSS, RBSSS, RBSCS and other Misc Cadres in Railway Board: Office Order No. 77 of 2020
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
Office Order No. 77 of 2020
Sub: Routing of cases in respect of RBSS, RBSSS, RBSCS and other Misc Cadres in Boardโs Office.
It has been decided that henceforth all the cases/files relating to important issues like promotions, posting, deputations, indent etc in respect of Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS). Railway Board Secretariat Stenographer Service (RBSSS), Railway Board Secretariat Clerical Service (RBSCS) and other Misc. Cadres in Boardโs Office should invariably be routed through Secretary, Railway Board.
2. The above issued with the approval of competent authority.
E. No.2020/O&M/2/5 (3. Majumdar)
Dated: 26.10.2020 .
(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
All Officers and Staff of Boardโs Office and at Dayabasti, New Delhi.
Source: Click here to view/download the PDF
I was appointed in grade pay 1800in the year 1984 subsequently under LDCE promoted in grade pay 1900 in the year December 1989 further on 01.03.1993 promoted to grade pay 2400.subsequently n 18.08.2000 under GDCE selected as Cashier on 1.11.2003 as Sr.cashier in Grade Pay 4200 but subsequently on completion of 10yrs in 2013 l represented for MACP grade pay 4600.denied.clarify.