Review of Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS): DoPT OM Dt. 23rd Oct 2020

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Review of Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS): DoPT OM Dt. 23rd Oct 2020

Review of Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS): DoPT OM Dt. 23rd October 2020

F. No. AB-14017/41/201 3-Estt.RR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt. RR Section

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 23rd October 2020


Subject: โ€“ Review of Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS) โ€“ reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department OM of even number dated 16.4.2020 (copy enclosed) followed by reminder dated 06.07.2020 on the above-mentioned subject conveying therein the following recommendations made by Committee of Secretaries (CoS), in its meeting held on 20th February 2020, while considering the proposal of review of Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS):

(i) Ministries/Departments may carefully rework the Output Indicators so as to simplify and streamline them. Qualitative dimensions may also be captured so that excellence of a Scientist is brought out and only the deserving Scientists get promoted.

(ii) Ministries/Departments may ensure that all promotions under MFCS are held timely so that the issue of granting retrospective promotion does not arise.

(iii) Number of posts required at HAG/HAG+ level may be worked out individually at the Ministry/Department level looking at the organizational structure and their specific requirements. Cadre review exercise may accordingly be undertaken.

2. A response in this regard is still awaited. It is, therefore, requested that Action Taken Report on the recommendations made by CoS, may kindly be provided to this Department at the earliest.

(J. Sriram Murty)
Under Secretary to the Government of lndia
Tel: 23094254


All Scientific Ministries/Departments


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf