Promotion in JAG in Level 12 of 7th CPC: Clarification by DoT for the officers already granted NFU in Level-13 of 7th CPC

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Promotion in JAG in Level 12 of 7th CPC: Clarification by DoT for the officers already granted NFU in Level-13 of 7th CPC

Promotion in JAG in Level 12 of 7th CPC: Clarification by DoT for the officers already granted NFU in Level-13 of 7th CPC

No. 3-1/2008-EW
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications

618-A, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan
Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, New Delhi -110 002

Dated: 19 October, 2020

Whereas few representations have been received from amongst the officers promoted to Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) vide this office even no. order dated 07.07.2020. The common gist of the representations is that their promotion order should indicate promotion to Junior Administrative Grade in Level-13 of 7th CPC instead of Level-12.

2. The Representations have been examined. It is noted that these officers have been granted promotion to Junior Administrative Grade of the service in Level- 12 of 7 CPC – on regular basis – in accordance with the extant Service Rules i.e. P&T Building Works Service Rules 1994 as amended from time to time. This is also in line with the Minutes of Meeting of DPC conveyed by UPSC. The fact that they are already drawing their pay in Level-13 is due to scheme of Non-functional upgradation and is not relevant while considering them for regular promotion to JAG as per statutory RRs.

Also read: Non-Functional upgradation for Officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Services in PB-3, PB-4 and HAG – DoPT OM dated 11.02.2020

3. However, it is clarified that the officers already granted NFU in Level-13 of 7th CPC shall continue to draw pay in Level-13, and there will be no pay fixation for officers already drawing their pay in Level-12 or 13 on grant of regular promotion to JAG.

4. This issues with the approval of competent authority. :

(S. K. Khare)
Director (Electrical)


The Officers concerned
(through Heads of Controlling Units)


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