Productivity Linked Bonus to Postal employees equivalent of emoluments of 60 (Sixty) days for AY 2019-20: Department of Posts Order
File No. PP-2611/2020-PAP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
P.A.P. Section
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi โ 110001.
Dated: 22:10:2020
1. All Chief Postmasters General
2. All Postmasters General
3. Sr. Deputy Director General (PAF), Department of Posts
4. All General Managers (Finance)
5. All Directors/Deputy Director of Accounts (Postal)
6. Director, RAKNPA/Director of All PTCs
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2019-20.
The under signed is directed to convey the sanction of the President of India to the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2019-20 equivalent of emoluments of 60 (Sixty) Days to the employees of Department of Posts in MTS, /Group โCโ and non-gazetted Group โBโ. Exยญ-gratia payment of bonus to Gramin Dak Sevaks who are regularly appointed after observing all appointment formalities, and Ad-hoc payment of bonus to Casual laborers who have been conferred Temporary Status are also to be paid equivalent to allowance/wages respectively for 60 (Sixty) Days for the same period.
1.1 The calculation for the purpose of payment of bonus under each category will be done as indicated below:-
2.1 Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated on the basis of the following formula:-
Average emoluments X Number of days of bonus
30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
2.2 The terms โemolumentsโ for regular Departmental employee includes Basic Pay in the Pay matrix , Dearness Pay, S.B. Allowance, Deputation (Duty) Allowance, Dearness Allowance and Training Allowance to Faculty Members in Training Institute. In case of drawal of salary exceeding Rs. 7000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only) in any month during the accounting year 2019-20, the emoluments shall be restricted to Rs. 7000/ยญ- (Rupees Seven Thousand only) per month only.
2.3 โAverage Emolumentsโ for a regular employee is arrived at by dividing by twelve, the total salary drawn during the year 2019-20 for the period from 1.4.2019 to 31.03.2020, by restricting each monthโs salary to Rs. 7000/- per month. However, for the period of EOL and Dies-Non in a given month proportionate deduction is required to be made from the ceiling limit of Rs. 7000/-.
2.4 In case of those employees who were under suspension or on whom dies-non was imposed or both, during the accounting year, the clarificatory orders issued vide Paras 1 & 3 respectively of this office order No. 26ยท8/80PAP(Pt.II) dated 11.6.1981 and No. 26-4/87-PAP(Pt.II) dated 8.2.1988 will apply.
2.5 Those employees who have resigned/retired or left service or proceeded on deputation within the Department of Post or those who have proceeded on deputation outside the Department of Post after 31.03.2020 will also be entitled to bonus. In case of all such employee, the Productivity Linked Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of Para 2.1 to 2. 3 above.
3.1 In respect of GDSs who were on duty throughout the year during 2019- 20, Average Monthly Time Related Continuity Allowance will be calculated taking into account the Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) plus corresponding Dearness Allowance drawn by them for the period from 1.4.2019 to 31.3.2020 divided by 12. However, where the Time Related Continuity Allowance exceed Rs/- 7000/- in any month during this period, the allowance will be restricted to Rs. 7000/- per month. Ex-gratia payment of bonus may be calculated by applying the bon us formula as mentioned below:
Average TRCA X Number of days of bonus
30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
3.2 The allowance drawn by a substitute will not be counted towards ex-gratia bonus calculation for either the substitutes or the incumbent GDSs. In respect of those GDS who were appointed in short term vacancies in Postmen/MTS Cadre will be governed by instruction issued by this Directorate vide O.M. No. 23/01/2019- GDS dated 23.10.2019.
3.3 If a GDS has been on duty for a part of the year by way of a fresh appointment, or for having been put off duty, or for having left service, he will be paid proportionate ex-gratia bonus calculated by applying the procedure prescribed in Para 3.1 above.
3.4 Those Gramin Dak Sevak who have resigned/ discharged or left service after 31.03.2020 will also be entitled to proportionate ex-gratia Bonus. In case of all such Gramin Dak Sevaks, the Ex-gratia Bonus admissible will be as per provision of Para 3.1 above.
3.5 In case of those Gramin Dak Sevaks who were under put off, or on whom dies-non was imposed, or both, during the accounting year, the clarificatory orders issued vide Paras 1 & 3 respectively of this office order No 26-08/80-PAP (Pt-I) dated 11.6.1981 and No. 26-04/87-PAP(P.II) dated 8.2.1988 will apply.
4.1 Full Time Casual Labourers including Temporary Status Casual Laborers who have worked for 8 hour a day, for at least 240 days in a year for three consecutive years or more (206 days in each year for three years or more in case of offices observing 5 days a week) a on 31.03.2020 will be paid ad-hoc bonus on notional monthly wages of Rs.1200/- (Rupees Twelve hundred only). The maximum ad-hoc bonus will be calculated as below:
(Notional monthly wages of Rs.1200) X (Number of days of bonus)
30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
Accordingly, the rate of bonus per day will be worked out as indicated below:
Maximum ad-hoc bonus for the year
The above rate of bonus per day may be applied to the number of days for which the services of such casual laborers had been utilized during the period from 1.4.2019 to 31.03.2020. In ca es where the actual wages in any month fall below Rs.1200/- during the period 1.4.2019 to 31.3.2020, the actual monthly wages drawn should be taken into account to arrive at the actual ad-hoc bon us due in such cases.
5. The amount of Productivity Linked Bonus/ex-gratia payment/Ad -hoc bonus payable under this order will be rounded off to the nearest rupee. The payment of Productivity Linked Bonus a well a the ex-gratia payment and ad-hoc payment will be chargeable to the Head โSalariesโ under the relevant Sub-Head of account to which pay and allowance of the staff are debited. The payment will be met from the sanctioned grant for the year 2020-21.
6. After payment, the total expenditure incurred and the number of employees paid may be ascertained from all the units by Circles and consolidated figures are intimated to the Budget Section of the Department of Posts. The Budget Section will furnish consolidated information to PAP Section about the total amount of bonus paid and the total number employees (Category-wise) to whom it was disbured for the Department as a whole.
7. This has the approval of Honโble Finance Minister vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditureโs ID Note No. 11/1/2017-E.III(A) (1520078/2020 dated 21.10.2020 and issue with the concurrence of AS & FA vide Diary No. FA/2020-CS/50 dated 22.10.2020.
8. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,
(D.K. Tripathi)
Assistant Director General(Estt.)
Phone No.:ยท011-23096191
Email: ยท
Copy forwarded to:-
1. PPS to Secretary (Post)/PS to Director General (Postal Services).
2. Addl. DG (Co-ordination)/ Member (P)/ Member (0)/Member (PLI)/ Member (Banking)/ Member (Tech)/ Member (Plg & HRD)
3. AS & FA
4. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate/Parcel Dte/PLI Directorate .
5. Sr. DDG (Vig) & CVO/ Director General P&T (Audit)
6. Secretary, Postal Services Board
7. Chief Engineer (Civil) Postal Directorate
8. Budget Section/PA Wing/STT/C&A Section of Postal Directorate
9. All other Sections of Postal Directorate
10. All recognized Federations/ Union/Association
11. GM, CEPT Mysore for uploading the order on the India Post website
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