Payment of gratuity and severance amount to GDS employees on their absorption as postmen/MTS/PAs
Central Head Quarters,
Padam nagar, Delhi-110007,
President: B.V.Rao.
General Secretary: S.S.Mahadevaiah
Ref. No. GDS/CHQ/95/2/2019
Date 07-10-2020
Shri Santosh Kumar Kamita Ji,
Member (Personnel),
Postal Serves Board,
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi- 110001
Sub: Payment of gratuity and severance amount to GDS employees on their absorption as postmen/MTS/PAs.
Ref: your office OM No, 17-31/2016-GDS dated 16-08-2019,
As per rules, on absorption as P.As/Postmen/MTS the GDS employees are eligible for payment of gratuity and Severance amount as admissible to them on the baris of their service rendered as GDS apart from return of the NPS Contribution made by them. Orders for early payment or transfer of NPS contribution have been issued vide your office letter under reference. But such orders for early payment of due gratuity and severance amount have yet ta be issued.
There is many a case of the GDS where GDS on absorption against departmental Posts are waiting for payment of due gratuity and severance amount. The Divisional administration is not sanctioning or taking necessary action for payment of gratuity and severance amount.
We, therefore, request you kindly to issue clear instruction in this regard so that the GDS employees who are absorbed against departmental Posts get their due gratuity and severance amount within three months of such absorption.
We shall be thankful for an early action.
With regards,
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Source: AIGDSU