Issuance of Pre-loaded Rupay Cards for Government Servants as part of Special Festival Package: Fin Min Order 16 Oct 2020
No. 12(2)/2020-E.II(A) (Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 16th October, 2020
Subject: Issuance of Pre-loaded Rupay Cards for Government Servants as part of Special Festival Package.
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Departmentโs O.M. of even No. Dated 13th October 2020 wherein a guideline for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was issued for disbursal of pre-paid UTSAV Card.
2. In this regard it is stated that that Department of Financial Services vide their O.M. No. F. No. 29/3/2020-BO.II dated 14th October, 2020 has issued some guidelines need to be followed by DDOs and appointment of a Nodal Officer in each Ministry/Department for this purpose. A copy of the same is enclosed for taking necessary action.
3. All Ministries/Departments are requested to take necessary action for smooth implementation of Special Festival Package on immediate basis.
(Sunil Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Encl: As above
All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
Copy to:
Dy. Director (B.O.I]), Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Jeevan
Deep Building, Sansad Marg, New Delhi.
F.No. 29/3/2020-BO.II
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Services
Jeevan Deep Building, New Delhi
Date: 14th October, 2020
Subject: Issuance of Pre-loaded Rupay Cards for Government Servants as part of Special Festival Package
This is with reference to the Department of Expenditureโs (DOE)โs OMs No. 12(2)/2020-Ell (A) dated 12.10.2020 and 13.10.2020 to all Ministries / Departments of the Government on the subject captioned above (copy enclosed). In this regard, DOE is further requested that all Ministries / Departments may kindly also be instructed as follows:
a) All the DDOs may be instructed that the data in the format required by SBI may be sent to SBI as soon as possible, since the processing, generation and printing of cards will take time, as was already indicated en pe the flowcharts indicating the steps in the card manufacturing and card delivery processes. Therefore, the indent for the cards (including the tentative number of cards expected to be applied for) may be given by the respective DDOs to SBI immediately.
b) Since the cards and the PINs have to be made available at the concerned branches, the details sought from DDOs regarding their names, email addresses, mobile numbers, and the respective SBI branches where they are maintaining accounts/ nearest SBI branch, is required to be sent to SBI by the end of this week positively, for enabling SBI to map the link branches and arrange delivery logistics.
c) The DDOs may also be instructed that the names and mobile numbers of the respective staff to whom the festival advance has been / is being sanctioned may also be provided to SBI, because in the absence of this, e-commerce will be difficult to carry out later as OTP is required to be sent to the mobile number of the card user. This instruction has not been emphasized in DOEโs OM dated 13.10.2020, and may kindly be stressed upon.
d) Each Ministry / Department may be asked to nominate a Nodal Officer for this purpose, who will coordinate in this regard within his / her own Department. The names and telephone details of Nodal Officers may be communicated to SBI urgently.
e) The nodal officer from SBI is Ms. Vidya Krishnan, CGM (D&TB P&Q), State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Mittal Tower, Nariman Point, Mumbai โ 400 021 (Tel: 022-22835512). All communications to SBI may necessarily be marked to and
2. It is requested that necessary directions may kindly be issued by DOE for smooth implementation.
(Raghav Bhatt)
Deputy Director
Ms. Annie George Mathew
Additional Secretary (Pers)
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi
Copy to: Shri Dinesh Kumar Khara, Chairman, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, State Bank Bhavan, Madame Cama Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai โ 400 021
Grant of Advance โ Special Festival Package to Government Servants: FinMin Order Dtd 12 Oct 2020