Employment Assistance on compassionate grounds in favour of Intermediate educational qualification holders: EC Railway


Employment Assistance on compassionate grounds in favour of Intermediate educational qualification holders: EC Railway

Employment Assistance on compassionate grounds in favour of Intermediate educational qualification holders: EC Railway

East Coast Railway

Office of the
Principal Chief Personnel Officer
Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur,

No. ECoR/Pers/Comp.Apptt/Clarification/WAT


The Divisional Railway Manager (P),
East Coast Railway,

Sub: Employment Assistance on compassionate grounds in favour of Intermediate educational qualification holders.

Ref: DRM(P)/WATโ€™s letter No.WPT/S/EA/Comp/2020 dated 07.10.2020

WAT division has sought guidance on appointment to be offered to wards/widows under CGA in view of non-availability of adequate DR Quota vacancy against NTPC (Under Graduate) posts, CG appointees qualified in the written test against NTPC (Under Graduate) posts are still waiting for appointment.

2. It is clarified that following options are available and one of them may be opted by the appointee.

a) Candidate may wait till accrual of the vacancy against DR Quota of NTPC (UG) posts.
b) Candidate may be offered Artisan post (Tech-Ill) as per their Medical Category subject to three years of practical training in shop floor.
c) Candidate can opt to join Level-1 post.

3. However, while acceding to option being exercised by CG appointee, following points may be kept in mind.

a) If two or more candidates qualify in the same written test against NTPC(UG) posts, both may be allotted equivalent posts (either Level-2 or Level-3) or candidate with higher marks may be given higher post, if it becomes inescapable to give Level-3 posts also along with Level-2 posts.
b) If a candidate having Intermediate in Physics & Math in Higher Secondary or equivalent opts for written test against NTPC(UG) posts, on qualifying the said test, if there is no DR Quota vacancy in NTPC(UG) posts, the candidateโ€™ can be posted against Tech-ill/Signal or Tech-lll/Tele subject to availability of vacancy. If the same candidate is posted in any other Artisan posts (Tech-I!I), he/she has to undergo three years practical training in shop floor.
c) For Matriculate candidates, this office letter No.ECoR/Pers/R/Clarification/CGA dated 05.06.2018 still stands good.

This has the approval of the competent authority.

(R.N.A. Parida)
For Principal Chief Personnel Officer

Copy to:
1) PFA, PCSC & CWM/CRW/MCS for kind information.
2) Ruling Section/HQ

employment assistance on compassionate grounds

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


  • Babita 4 years ago

    I am army person widow,,my qualifications is b.com,ITI .I need a job.