Change of procedure for generation of LOTs /Consolidation Journal and handling of vouchers for NSS in CBS Post Offices from 10.10.2020: SB Order No. 34/2020
SB Order No. 34/2020
e.F.No. FS-14/3/2020-FS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(FS Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated :- 07.10.2020
All Head of Circles/Regions.
Subject:-Regarding change of procedure for generation of LOTs /Consolidation Journal and handling of vouchers for National (Small) Savings Schemes in CBS Post Offices from 10.10.2020
The existing process for generation of Scheme wise List of Transactions (LOTs) and Scheme- wise Consolidation Journals by CBS Post Offices and further processing by SBCO has been reviewed at Directorate level and after detailed examination the competent authority has accordingly decided to implement a common List of Transaction (LOT) and a common Consolidation Journals for all Small Savings Schemes in CBS Post Offices. This will enable savings of paper, less report generation, speed up the process and ease of operation.
2. From 10.10.2020 the following procedure will be followed for generation of List of Transactions (LOTs) and Consolidation Journals, handling of vouchers for National (Small) Savings Schemes by CBS Post Offices, SBCO.
Note:– In common List of Transaction the following changes have been made: –
1) SI Entries (Automatic transfer from SB to RD, MIS/TD/SCSS to SB) will not be included in common List of Transaction as these are system generated transactions. However SI failure report will be shared by CEPT with respective CPCs for further necessary action on daily basis.
ii) A single entry for each MPKBY Agents LOT is included, and if required, the detailed transaction can be viewed through agent reports using HFINRPT menu.
111) Transaction will be reflected as per time of creation of Transaction ID in each Post Office (SOL).
iv) Other channel transactions will not be included in common List of Transaction (i.e. ATM, internet banking & mobile banking) as these are being handled through nodal office/GL integration.
Part A :- Process to be followed by Post Offices (HOs/SQs).
1) After each and every transaction, counter PA will shall write Name of Scheme and TRAN ID in red ink on the right hand side of the voucher.
1) Consolidated list of commission paid as well as list of TDS deducted and should be sent to account branch of HO for preparation of schedule and Income Tax Return.
111) One withdrawal form will be prepared by counter clerk duly verified by HO DPM/APM for the POSB cheque Inward clearing amount intimated by cheque clearing branch. Printout of Inward clearing cheque images should be attached with the withdrawal Form. APM will verify the Inward cheque clearing amount with cheque clearing branch. DPM/APM (SB)/PM will tally inward clearing amount shown with total debit clearing amount in โLong Book Detailed report โBRNโ.
Read more to below given pdf link