Revision of Central Government Account Receipts & Payments Rules, 1983: Reminder
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
(TA-II Section)
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan,
GPO Complex, E-Block, INA,
New Delhi
Dated, the 02nd Sept., 2020
Office Memorandum
Subject: Revision of Central Government Account Receipts & Payments Rules, 1983
Reference is invited to this office OM No. TA-2-03002(01)/1/2020-TA-II/289 dated 02-07-2020 and e-mail dated 03-07-2020, OM of even No.334 dated 16-7-2020, 354 dated 27-7-2020 and D.O. letter of even No. 385 to 388 dated 10-8-2020 seeking comments/suggestions on draft R&P Rules (Volume-I and II). However, the comments are still awaited.
2. All Pr. CCAs/CCASs/CAS(UIC) of Ministries/Departments are again requested to expedite their comments/suggestions. if any. so that the draft RPR can be finalized by duly incorporating the comments/ suggestions. If no comments, then NIL report may be submitted.
3. The comments/suggestions may be furnished to this Office by mail and preferably in track change mode to
(Ashish Kumar Singh)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts
1. All Pr.CCAs/CCAS/CAs (IC) of Ministries/ Departments (Except M/o Home Affairs, Finance, HRD (now Education). Steel, Space and D/o Posts).
2. Financial Commissioner, M/o Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi โ for similar action.
3. CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam. Dethi Cantt., 110010 โ for similar action.
4. Member (Finance), Department of Telecommunication, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi โ for similar action.
Copy to: Sr. AO (ITD) to upload on CGAโs website.