Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 โ Pay scale, Assessment Board, Number of chances, Seniority list, Qualifications etc.
Chandigarh, the 9th July, 2019
No.V-17020/46/2019-INI-II .- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 32 of the Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Act, 1966 (51 of 1966), the Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, with the previous approval of the Central Government, makes the following regulations further to amend the Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Regulations, 1967, namely:-
1. (1) These regulations may be called the Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (Amendment) Regulations, 2019.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Regulations, 1967,-
(a) regulation 34 shall be renumbered as regulation 34(1) thereof and after sub-regulation (1) as so renumbered, the following sub-regulation shall be inserted at the end, namely:-
โ(2) The combined seniority of faculty of the Institute promoted under the Assessment Promotion Scheme as specified in Schedule IA along with the faculty appointed by direct recruitment shall be determined in accordance with the said Scheme.โ;
(b) after Schedule I, the following Schedule shall be inserted, namely:-
[See regulation 34(2)]
(i) Assistant Professors with three years of service will be eligible for appointment to the post of Associate Professor subject to clearance of the prescribed selection process.
(ii) Associate Professors with three years of service will be eligible for appointment to the post of Additional Professor subject to clearance of the prescribed selection process.
(iii) Additional Professors with four years of service will be eligible for appointment to the post of Professor subject to clearance of the prescribed selection process.
This scheme shall apply to promotions to the faculty posts in the grades of Associate Professor, Additional Professor and Professor.
Assistant Professors and Associate Professors with three years and Additional Professors with four years of regular service in the respective grades in the Institute shall be eligible for promotion as Associate Professor, Additional Professor and Professor, respectively. No other conditions, such as, higher qualifications as for direct recruits, need be fulfilled.
The Assessment Board shall meet once a year and consider the fitness of all persons who have completed the requisite eligibility service as on 30th June of that year and all promotions under this scheme shall be effective from 1st July.
As per the rules in force, there can be direct recruitment to all grades of the faculty and selection on each occasion could be for appointment to be made at the same time but in more than one discipline. The combined seniority list of the Institute shall be worked out as follows:-
(i) The seniority of employees of the Institute in each category shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of regulation 34 by the order of merit in which they were selected for appointment to the grade in question, those selected on an earlier occasion being ranked senior as a block to those selected later.
(ii) The preparation of a seniority list of persons selected in the same selection committee would involve the following steps, namely:-
Draw up list of persons on the basis of their date of joining those joining on an earlier date being placed above those joining on a later date.
In the list prepared as above, those who join on the same date may be arranged in order of age-those born earlier being placed above those born later.
For those joining on the same date and adjusted as in Step II above according to their age, further rearrangement may be carried out so that the original inter-se seniority of the employees of the Institute in the Lower Post or Grade maintained. This operation may be done by pulling down the junior in the previous combined seniority list immediately below his senior in that list now appearing in this list even though he may be elder in age.
The above list may now be further modified to carry out corrections of violation of departmental merit or seniority laid down by the selection committee. This will be done by pulling the junior down immediately below his senior in merit.
Note: โ In case where a junior in the combined and seniority list is being considered for assessment, all persons senior to such junior in the seniority list will also be considered even though the seniors do not have the requisite years of service. The senior, if found fit, will be given notional promotion with effect from the date of promotion of his junior and for purpose of pay, etc., it would be granted to him with effect from the date of actual promotion, i.e., the date on which he completes four years service on the grade at the Institute, provided the following two conditions are fulfilled:-
(a) Probation should have been completed by him successfully.
(b) The total period of extension granted to join the service should not have exceeded six months.
The Assessment Board shall take into consideration its recommendations of the Head of the Department or Unit, the performance of the faculty members with reference to annual confidential reports and his performance in the interview for deciding his fitness for promotion to the next higher grade. However, the Board may consider in absentia the candidature of such faculty members as are unable to present themselves for interview.
Faculty members would be eligible to avail of three consecutive chances to appear before the Standing Selection Committee in three years.
The pay scale to the faculties is applicable as per the existing rates which are revised from time to time. [References: The Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide D.O. letter no. V-16020/35/89- ME(PG) dated 24th December, 1991 conveyed the approval for implementation of the revised Assessment Promotion Scheme for the faculties of AIIMS, New Delhi/PGIMER, Chandigarh. While conveying the revision of scales of pay of the faculty members of AIIMS, New Delhi/PGI, Chandigarh, Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide letter No.V.16020/41/97-ME(PG) (Vol.II dated the 10th March, 2000, has also conveyed their approval for extension of Assessment Promotion Scheme from Additional Professors to Professors w.e.f. 01.07.2000. Further, the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide their letter No.V.16020/57/2008-ME-I dated the 12th January, 2010 and No.V.16020/11/2009-ME-I dated the 30th March, 2011 conveyed the revised Promotion Scheme which shall be effective from 01.07.2008 notionally subject to condition that pay fixation and other financial
benefits shall be from 31.12.2008.]โ.
By the Authority of the Institute
JAGAT RAM, Director
Foot-note : Principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India vide No. G.S.R. 571 dated 18.4.1967 and amended vide nos.