NPS Accumulation on Mobility of Person amongst Central/State and Autonomous Bodies while working under Pensionable Establishment: Railway Board ACS No. 150
RBA No. 76/2020
No. 2020/AC-I I/21/7
New Delhi, dated 18.09.202
General Managers/PFAs,
All Indian Railways & PUs etc.
Sub: ACS No. 150- Introduction of new detailed head in India n Railway Finance Code Vol. II for Accountal of NPS Accumulation on Mobility of personnel amongst Central/State and Autonomous Bodies while working under Pensionable establishment.
Please connect Boardโs letter No. F(E)III/2 005/PN l/35 dated 19.08.2020 circulating Department of Pension and Pensionersโ Welfare(DOP&PW)โs O.M. No. 28/30/2004-P&PW (B) dated 11.06.2020. As regards instructions with respect to para 9 of DOP&PWโs letter ibid, the accountal of corpus of N PS account of Railway employees will be as follows:
S.No. | Issues | Adjustment process |
1. | Adjustment of Employees contribution in Accounts | Account may be credited to individual SRPF Account and the account may be re-casted permitting up-to-date interest |
2 | Adjustment of Government contribution under NPS in Accounts | Amou nt may be credited to SMH 11-940 Credits under N PS -941 โ Adjustment of Government Contribution to N PS (New detailed head introduced vide ACS No. 150 to F-11 enclosed herewith) |
3. |
Adjustment of increased value of subscription on account of appreciation of investment | May be crediting to SMH 11 -940 Credits under NPS โ 942 โ Adjustment of increased value of subscription in NPS on account of appreciation of investment (New detailed head introduced vide ACS No. 150 to F-11 enclosed herewith) |
Contents of the correction slip may please be circulated suitably. Kindly acknowledge recept
DA: As above.
(Sanjeev Sharma)
Director Finance/ Accounts
Railway Board
Copy to:
- C&AG (Railways) Room No. 224, Rail Bhawa n, New Delhi.
- DG/HR, AM(Revenue), EDFE
- AC-I (Comp), AC-III (6 copies), AC-IV, Code Revision, Accounts Inspection, Accounts Appropriation, Finance (Budget), Pay & Accounts/Rly
Advance Correction Slip No. 150
(Second Reprint Edition 2008).
Please introduce the following Detailed Head under Sub Major Head 11 (Erstwhile Demand No. 13) โ Abstract โLโ Provident Fund, Pension and Other- Retirement Benefits โ Minor Head โ 900 Credits or recoveries โ under Sub Head โ 940 Credits under NPS for โAdjustment of Government contribution under NPSโ and โAdjustment of increased value of subscription on account of appreciation of investmentโ:
Minor-Heads | Sub-Heads | Detailed-Heads |
900 Credits or recoveries | 940 Credits under NPS | 941 โ Adjustment of Government Contribution to N PS
942 โ Adjustment of increased value of subscription in N PS on account of appreciation of investment |
(Authority: Boardโs Letter No. 2020/AC-11/21/7 dated 18.09.2020 โ RBA No. 76/2020)