Non-submission of report on post check of bills passed during COVID-19 and System security protocol for Work from Home
No . Q-18001/4/2020-IAD-CGA/1580-1600
Dated: 18/09/2020
Subject: Non-submission of report on post check of bills passed during COVID-19 and System Security Protocol for Work From Home (WFH).
Your attention is invited to this office O.M No.250 l 4/F.CGA/IAD/4/2020 dated 19.05.2020 wherein guidelines on repo1t and bi ll s passed during COVJD-19 and system security protocol for Work From Home(WFH) was circulated to all Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CA(l/Cs). It has been requested to submit a monthly reports regarding bill s passed during COVID-19 without presenting original bill by DDOs in prescribed Proforma-I and II to IAD, O/o CGA. Further, the Reconciled Statement and Certificate of post check are also required as indicated in the guidelines as under:-
(i) Point No. 9 of guidelines Annexed with O.M No. G.250 l 4/ MF.CGA/IAD/4/2020 dated 19.05.2020 may be referred which is reproduced below: โ
Post-check of all such bills should be done by respective PAO as and when inkยญ signed bill alongwith ink-signed sanction order and other original documents are received. The PAO will carry out all checks required as per Civil Accounts Manual for pre-check of bill s, extant rules, and other instruction or guidelines issued by the Government in this regard. Observations, if any, will be brought to the notice of the Dy.CA/CA/CCA/Pr.CCA and to the respective ODO and programme division for necessary corrective action. A consolidated report of the post check done by the PAO will be forwarded by the Dy.CA/CA/CCA/Pr.CCA to the IAD, O/o CGA.
Accordingly, a certificate of post-check as indicated in Para 3 of 0.M may also be sent.
(ii) Para 3 of aforesaid O.M may be referred which is reprod uced as under: โ
The Dy.CA/CA/CCA/Pr.CCA of the concerned ministry shall reconcile the consolidated list of all payments made in format given at Proforma-II, with the Systems Group, O/o CGA, every month to ensure that no payment which does not figure in the list provided by them, has been processed through system. A copy of reconciled statement shall be sent to IAD along with a certificate stating that โall the bills having tag of WFH Protocol have been received in ha rd copy as well and subjected to post checkโ.
Reconciled statemen t is also required with the certificate of post check
In this regard , a reminder O.M was issued on 18.06.2020. However, req uisite information in respect of some Ministries/Departments is still awaited.
All concerned Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs (I/C) (as per l ist below) are once again requested to submit the aforesaid monthly report from April 2020 to Sept 2020 in the prescribed Proforma by 24111Sep 2020 positively. Fu1iher monthly reports should be submitted on or before I5111 of the following month till continuation of WFH.
(Dr. N. Shravan Kumar)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts(IAD)
All concerned Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs( l/c) of Mini stries/Departments as noted below:
1. Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Chemical and Fertili zer, CBDT, CBIC, Coal, Earth Science, Health and Family Welfare, MHA, HRD, Industry, Labou r, Power, RD, DST, RTHS, Skill Development, Space, Steel and Water Resources.
2. Sr.AO(ITD) request for uploading on CGA website.