Filling of vacancies under Sports quota: Department of Posts Order Dt. 28 SEP 2020

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Filling of vacancies under Sports quota: Department of Posts Order Dt. 28 SEP 2020

Filling of vacancies under Sports quota: Department of Posts Order Dt. 28 SEP 2020

No. 17-07/2017-SPN-I
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
Personnel Division

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi, Dated 28.09.2020


1. All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
3. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs
4. Addl, Director General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi
5. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP

Subject: โ€“ Filling of vacancies under Sports quota- regarding.

Madam / Sir,

I am directed to refer to Directorateโ€™s letters of even number dated 15.05.2019, 05.07.2019, 12.09.2019 and 11.10.2019 regarding filling up of the vacancies earmarked for sports quota in accordance with the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T).

2. Vide aforesaid letter dated 15.05.2019, following was communicated: โ€“

โ€˜while making recruitment under sports quota, Circles are required to notify such vacancies without restricting them to a specific sport/ discipline or to specific gender. The notification shall invite all meritorious sports persons belonging to approved disciplines and recruitment to these vacancies shall thereafter be made based on criteria stipulated in DOP&T O.M. No. 14034/01/2013-Estt. (D) dated 03.10.2013.โ€

3. Despite these instructions, references were received from various circles conveying that recruitment of meritorious sport persons in all the approved disciplines included in the instructions of DOPT will hinder development of teams at national level in any particular discipline. Thus, Circles were seeking clarification in this regard.

4. The matter was examined in detail and It was decided by the Competent Authority to obtain the advice of DOP&T in the matter. DOPT has advised as under: โ€“

โ€œwe may advise DoP that their pursuit of participating at major sporting events related to 13 identified sports disciplines has no bearing on appointment of meritorious sportsperson as per O.M. dated 03.10.2013, as the two are separate activities, DoP may participate In events relating to the proposed 13 sports disciplines by forming their own teams.  However, if any post is to be filled under the sports quota, meritorious sports persons relating to any of the 43 discipline are equally eligible to apply for such posts, in terms of O.M. dated 03.10.2013. Such appointment cannot be linked to development of a team to represent DoP at a national level.

6. With regard to O.M, dated 03.10.2013, it may be informed to the Administrative Department that the said instructions are issued to provide incentives to already meritorious sportsperson who have achieved in their respective sports in the form of recruitment, promotion, increment etc. No such provision of recruiting sportsperson for formation of team in particular sports discipline is available in the said instructions. Therefore, restricting sports disciplines to 13 (in place of total 43 disciplines given in DoPT instructions) by the AD with the motive of developing team in a particular discipline appears to be denying right to sports persons of other disciplines to get the above mentioned incentives which is not considered to be in consonance with the above mentioned instructions issued by DoPT.โ€

5. In view of the above, Circles are requested to fill up the vacancies earmarked for sports quota in strict compliance with DOP&T O.M. No. 14034/01/2013-Estt. (D) dated 03.10.2013, as amended from time to time. Further, Circles may note that DOP&T vide O.M. No. 140341/2013 (D)-Estt. dated 01.09.2020 (copy enclosed) has provided a list of 63 sports disciplines which have been identified for recruitment under sports quota.

6. The notification issued by the circles shall invite applications from meritorious sports persons belonging to all approved disciplines. If any circle has already notified sports quota vacancies for a limited number of sports disciplines and selection of candidates against such notification has not been finalized , such notification may be cancelled forthwith and a fresh notification accordance with the guidelines.

7. Further, as communicated vide letter of even number dated 15.05.2019, field trial shall not be conducted and selection of candidates will be done as per the criteria outlined in the guidelines issued by DOPT from time to time.

8. Circles may take note that no further reference on the issue of restricting the recruitment to a limited sports discipline and conducting field trial shall be entertained by the Directorate.

Yours faithfully,

(Satya Narayana Dash)
Director (SPN)


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