Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID 19 situation: DoEPwD OM Dt. 14th Sep 2020
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan
CCO Complex, New Delhi
Dated the 14th Sep 2020
Sub: โ Exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty due to COVID 19 situation reg.
The undersigned. is directed to say that D/o Personnel and Training has earlier issued circulars from time to time exempting employees with disabilities from roster duty during COVID 19 pandemic. They had last issued a circular in this regard on 05.06.2020 (copy enclosed). Now, DoPT vide their OM No. 1427850/20/Secy (P) (Copy enclosed) dated 28.08.2020 has clarified to this Department that their OM No. 11013/9/2014 โ Estt.A.III dated 05.06.2020 in this regard is still in force till further orders.
2. D/o Financial Services, D/o of Public Enterprises and Railway Board are requested to issue appropriate instructions to the organizations under their control for compliance of DOPTโs instructions.
(K.V.S. Rao)