Dearness Allowance/ Dearness Relief Freeze: Urging upon the Government of India to withdraw the decision of DA/DR freeze
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Represented By
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category -II
Central Office: –
No. 351, ‘B’ Wing,
Loknayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi — 110003
Address for Communication: Room
17/2—C, P & T Quarters,
Kali Bari Marg,
New Delhi-110001
No. NFCAA/HQ/A-2/2020/ Corr-16
Dated: 08.09.2020
1. The Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,
New Deihi-110004
2. The Secretary,
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance,
Room No.129-A, North Block,
New Delhi-110001
3. Controller General of Accounts,
Department of Expenditure,
Ministry of Finance,
4th Floor, GPOA, Block-E, INA,
New Delhi – 110023
Subject: forwarding of Resolution adopted in the Federal Executive meeting on 4th September 2020 urging upon the Government of India to withdraw the decision of DA/ DR freeze
I have been directed to forward herewith a self-contained Resolution on the above mentioned subject adopted in the Federal Executive meeting of this federation held online through video conferencing on 4″ September 2020 for your kind consideration and favorable decision.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Encl: as stated above
(V. Bhattacharjee)
Secretary General
Copy to:
1. Secretary, Staff side, JCM(NC), New Delhi
2. Secretary, General, NFCGA-EWO, New Delhi.
Urging upon the Government of India to withdraw the decision of DA/ DR freeze
This online Federal Executive meeting of the National Federation of Civil Accounts Associations (NFCAA), which represents the All India Civil Accounts Employees Association and the All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category — II held today the 4th September 2020 deliberated on the decision of Government to freeze the Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees and Dearness Relief to the Central Government Pensioners due with effect from January 2020 for next eighteen months i.e. upto June, 2021.
The Government of India has taken the drastic decision to stop the normal increase in salary and pension in the form of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief for the next one and half years to its employees and pensioners which is the compensation for them against the price hike. Even the declared decision of the Government to pay the DA/DR to employees and pensioners retrospectively with effect from 1st January 2020 and payable in the month of March 2020 has been withdrawn vide an order dated 23rd April, 2020. The employees retiring during these eighteen months shall loose a huge amount in respect of Retirement benefits viz: Gratuity, Leave Encashment apart from recurring loss of DR in pension. This decision was also a bolt from the blue for low paid Central Government Employees who are in the forefront for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic at the cost of their lives. They have been made to suffer for the rest of their life financially while they have already contributed at least one day’s salary/ wage to the PM Relief Fund or PM CARE fund as financial support to the Government of India. Moreover, the families of those persons who have expired recently due to corona infection or in any other form would be the worst sufferers. Considerably reduced pensionary benefits would be available to them and the conditions of the families of NPS holders shall be miserable as nothing substantial shall reach to them as compensation to their sacrifice in fighting the Coronavirus.
Therefore, the wage and pension freeze of the 48 lakhs Serving Central Government Employees and about 60 lakhs Central Government Pensioners have adversely affected the serving employees as well as pensioners who are particularly low paid or retired from lower level posts. They are the worst hit sections as it has become extremely difficult for them to survive with such a condition as they are deprived from routine compensation against the persistent rising prices of essential items and would rise further during the next one year.
The National Federation of Central Government & Allied employees National Federation Of Central Government & Allied Employees & Workers Organisations (NFCGA-EWO) which is an Organisation of the central government, allied department, casual, contingent, outsourced and contract employees and workers and to which the All India Civil Accounts Employees Association and All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category -II vide letter dated 25-04-2020 and dated 13-05-2020 have requested Hon’ble Finance Minister and the Hon’ble Prime Minister vide our letter respectively to kindly re-consider the decision of DA and DP freeze. Similarly, Staff side, JCM (National Council) has also requested the Government of India to kindly restore the payment of DA and DR to the central Government Employees and Central Government Pensioners.
This meeting therefore, in pursuance of the requests of NFCGA-EWO and the Staff side JCM (NC) urges upon the Government of India to kindly withdraw the decision of DA/ DR freeze and release the payment of DA Central Government Employees and Central Government Pensioners urgently.
The meeting resolves to forward the resolution to the Cabinet, Secretary to the Government of India, Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, and the Controller General of Accounts, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, with endorsement of its copies to the Secretary, Staff side, JCM (NC) and the Secretary General, NFCGA-EWO.
(Amol Sule)