Revision of approver limits of proposal and claims in respect of PLI and RPLI : Department of Posts OM Dt. 21.08.2020

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Revision of approver limits of proposal and claims in respect of PLI and RPLI : Department of Posts OM Dt. 21.08.2020

Revision of approver limits of proposal and claims in respect of PLI and RPLI : Department of Posts OM Dt. 21.08.2020

Department of Posts,
Ministry of Communications,
Government of India
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, New Delhi-1 10021

No 25-01/2020-LI

Dated 21.08.02020

Office Memorandum

Sub: Revision of approver limits of proposals & settlement of claims in respect of PLI & RPLI

In supersession of OM of this Directorate OM No. 25-1/2011-LI dated 19.10.2015 and to simplify the process of acceptance of new proposals and facilitate settlement of claims within Citizen Charterโ€™s norms, approver limits for acceptance of new proposals and settlement of claims are hereby revised as following :-

1. New proposals, revival, surrender, forced surrender, maturity, survival, death claims (except early death claims) โ€” PLI & RPLI

Sl No. Approving Authority/Approver Revised approver limit (for single or aggregate sum assured)
1 Postmaster (HSG I/HSG II),
Sr Postmaster(Gr B),
Dy. Chref Postmaster (Gr B),
A.D of HO (Gr B) headed by Director
Upto and equal to Rs. 20 lakhs
2 Head of Division (Gr BY Gr A),
Postmaster (Gr A),
Director of HO (Gr A) Headed by a Director
Greater than Rs. 20 Lakhs and upto and equal to Rs. 50 Lakhs

ii. Early death claim (Death within 3 years of acceptance of policy) โ€“ PLI & RPLI

Sl . No. Approving Authority/ Approver Revised approver limits for early death claim  (for single or aggregate sum assured
1 Director GPO (JAG) Director(HQ)/Regional DPS(JAG) All Cases  (irrespective of Sum Assured)

2 Second or subsequent loan not exceeding the amount as prescribed in POLI Rules will now be granted by Postmaster/Manager of CPC instead of Postmaster General subject to the condition of full repayment of the previous loan, if any.

3 In case of reopening of claim cases (for example. in case of court case etc). the authority competent to approve claims may re-open the claim but would submit it to the next higher authority for decision.

4 The following non-financial/financial service requests will continue to be approved by Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/ Head Office) concerned:

  • Address change
  • Agent change
  • Billing frequency change
  • Billing Method change
  • Commutation
  • Conversion
  • Duplicate Policy Bond
  • Name change
  • Refund of premium/loan interest or principal
  • Reduced Paid-up
  • Free Look / policy cancellation.
  • Authorization of medical examiner for examine PLI and RPLI proponent

5. The revised approver limits will be effective from 25th of August, 2020.

6 This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Hariom Sharma)
Divisional Manager-II

View: Settlement of PLI/RPLI death claim cases: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by Department of Posts

Copy to:

Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad
All O0Gs, Dept. of Posts. Dak Bhawan
GM, CEPT. Mysuru
Directors Postal Training Centres
Additional Director General of APS


Source: Click here to view/download the pdf