Frequently Asked Questions on Scheme of Adventure Sports Programmes : Point of Doubts and Clarification

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Frequently Asked Questions on Scheme of Adventure Sports Programmes : Point of Doubts and Clarification

Frequently Asked Questions on Scheme of Adventure Sports Programmes : Point of Doubts and Clarification

Frequently Asked Questions on Scheme of Adventure Sports Programmes :

Sl No. Point of Doubts Clarification
 1 Who all are responsible for conducting the Scheme ? The scheme is conducted by Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board, a Society registered under the Society Registration Act, 1860, which functions under the aegis of Department of Personnel and Training. The programs run by
Institutes/organizations are approved by the DOPT as mentioned in DoPT’s O.M. No. 125/1/2015-16/CCSCSB — dated 4th December, 2015.
 2 Who all are entitled for the Scheme ?  Only Central Government Civilian employees are eligible for the scheme.
 3 Are family members of Central Government employees are eligible to be part of the scheme?  Family members of Central Government employees are not eligible to be part of the scheme.
 4  Whether all programs available on the websites under the list of approved institutes are eligible for reimbursement ?  NO. The programmes whose Circulars are uploaded on the website of this Department from time to time, are only eligible for
 5  Whether any limit is prescribed for duration of tour program ?  CCSCSB generally sponsor program of 5 to 7 days duration. In any case, duration of program with journey period cannot be exceeded beyond 10 days.
 6 How to claim reimbursement under Scheme of Adventure Sports?

After successful completion of the program, all necessary documents mentioned in the checklist are required to be sent to, Secretary, CCSCSB, DOPT, ‘Room No. 361, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi 110003.

Checklist ;

(1) Intimation given to CCSCSB.
(ii) Date and copy of circular under which programme covered,
(iii) Attach a copy of circular with highlighted date and S.No. of the programme.
(iv) Duly filled application form forwarded through welfare officer of concerned Ministry.
(v) Special casual leave sanction order.

(vi) Mention whether Group ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C
(vii) Copy of ID card
(viii) Amount of Travel Expense with copy of the tickets
(ix) Bank details of the officer ie. Bank Name, Account No, IFSC code and Branch code(copy of cancelled Cheque.
(x) Copy of Aadhaar card
(xi) Amount of Course fees with receipt ,
(xii) Mobile Number and email id
(xiii) Copy of completion certificate of the adventure trip.
(xiv) Institutes admit card.

 7 How do I register for the program and who will pay the program fee?  For registration of program, contact details are available in the Circular. Employees who are willing to register themselves for program, make payment for it and seek reimbursement as explained in Point No. 6.
 8 How will be the reimbursement Provided. What all is included in the reimbursement and how much will be the reimbursement?  Reimbursement are provided in the account of the employee concerned with maximum ceiling of Rs 20000/- per person per camp.
(1) Reimbursement includes to and fro travel expenses as per the entitlement in LTC Rules with a maximum ceiling of Rs 4000/-,
(ii) Re-imbursement of programe fee:
(a) 90% for Group ‘C’ Central Government Employee
(b) 80% for Group ‘B’ Central Government Employee;
(c) 75% for Group ‘A’ Central Government Employee;
(iii) Actual hiring charges if the necessary equipment are hired from any Government agency with adequate proof subject to a maximum of Rs. 2000/-
 9 What all mode of travel can be used by the officer? Mode of travel can be availed by the officer as per the entitlement in LTC Rules.
 10  If we purchase any extra item, will it be reimbursed? No reimbursement will be made for the extra item purchased. Only maximum of Rs 2000/- will be reimbursed as actual hiring charges if the necessary equipment are hired from any Government agency with adequate proof.
 11  What is the time limit for reimbursement of claim? No time limit is prescribed under the scheme. However, reimbursement takes approximately 2 months. if all necessary documents are attached with claim.
 12 Which leave can be availed under the scheme?  Only special casual leave can be availed. If not, no reimbursement will be provided.
 13  Will reimbursement be provided if intimation is not made to the Department?  It is necessary to intimate to CCSCSB for the programme in advance. Without intimation, reimbursement cannot be made.
 14  Is it necessary to forward application through Welfare Officer ?  Yes.
 15  How is the reimbursement provided. Can it be made in the account of family members?  Reimbursement is only made in the account of the employee concerned.
 16  In how many times is the reimbursement made in a year?  Financial assistance will be limited to one activity in a block of two calendar years. For example Mr. X participates in an activity in the year 2018, then Mr. X ts not eligible for participation in the next year i.e. 2019.

View: Grants-in-aid for the year 2020-2021 to the Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations: DOPT Order Dt. 17th August, 2020


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