Review of Policy on creation of posts & Surrender of 50% of existing vacancies: AIRF Writes to Railway Board
All India Railwaymenโs Federation
7th July 2020
The Chairman
Railway Board
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Review of Policy on creation of posts & Surrender of 50% of existing vacancies โ Reg.
Ref: . Railway Board L.No.E(MPP)2018/1/1 dtd. 02-07-2020.
You are aware that railwaymen have worked hard 24ร7 during the COVID-19 pandemic situation by putting up their might valiantly to run the Passenger train services and also freight trains smoothly even during these threatening times of Covid-19 pandemic.
The Railway Boardโs orders to review post created during the last two years and to surrender 50 % of these post against which recruitment has not been done, if totally uncalled for Railway recruitment Boardโs and RRC has not been able to undertake recruitment and the examination has been postponed in definitely due to COVID-19 pandemic, whereas a large numbers of applications have been received from the candidates for these recruitment.
In the light of the above emergent circumstances, the Railway Boardโs review of policy on creation of posts, which were contemplated in view of the important works in Railways and surrendering of 50% of the vacant posts with immediate effect is a big blow to the Indian Railways, itself.
Presently, a large number of both Passenger special and freight trains are in operation and the same are likely to increase in the near future. Hence, for the maintenance and smooth running of these trains, a huge number of staff are required for continuous monitoring and related back-end tasks. Any proposal for non-filling of the vacancies by reviewing the indents already placed and also stopping recruitment of RRBs and RRCs will result in manifold increase in workload on the incumbents.
Further, Railway Board and Government of Indiaโs proposal to privatize 109 Routes is nothing but privatization of the big chunk of Indian Railways. Secondly, according to the reliable news agency (PIB), Railway ministry is preparing a Cabinet Note for corporatization of Production Units which is nothing but a shrewd step towards privatization.
You may appreciate that the Railwaymen are second to none and have always thrived in crisis situation like warriors, whether it be due to vagaries of nature or otherwise. More so, Railways is a life-line of the nation with an appreciable and incredible operational ability. Hence, implementation of any of the above proposal would make a big dent on its credibility and reliability, leading to untold misery and pecuniary burden on the public.
It is quite unfortunate that all these the above action are being taken by the Railway Board without holding any consultation with the recognised federation, while it has been a established practice to consult the organised labour prior to take any such decisions.
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In view of the above, you are requested to kindly take appropriate steps to cancel the above proposal of privatizing 109 routes and also cancel the above referred letter regarding surrender of 50% of vacant post in non-safety category which could not be filled up as recruitment process is stalled due to Covid-19 pandemic.
It would be highly appreciate if immediate action is taken on the issues as requested above at an early date, so that the railwaymen do not get demolished in this crises of pandemic covid-19.
Yours Sincerely
S G Mishra
General Secretary
Source: Airf