Framework of Nirbhaya Fund: Safety and Security of Women and Girls

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Framework of Nirbhaya Fund: Safety and Security of Women and Girls

Framework of Nirbhaya Fund: Safety and Security of Women and Girls – reg.

हर काम देश के नाम
रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक,
उलान बटार रोड़, पालम, दिल्‍ली -110010
Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010

F. No. AN Coord /3012/Circular/ Vol. IX

dated 23.07.2020


PCA (Fys.)/ All PCDAs/ CDAs/ RTCs
(through CGDA website).

The safety and security of women and girls under the ‘Framework for Nirbhaya Fund’.

A copy DO letter no. 18/3/2016-Nirbhaya dated 224 June 2019 from Shri Ajay Tirkey, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child Development on the subject matter is forwarded herewith for necessary action please.

It is requested that the innovative proposals, as per the Nirbhaya Framework guidelines for enhancing the safety and security of women/ girl; if any; may please be submitted to HQrs. office latest by 31st July 2020.

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)

भारत सरकार
महिला एवं बाल विकास मत्रालय
सचिव शास्त्री मवन, नई दिल्‍ली – 110 001

अजय ति्की, भा.प्र.से.
Ajay Tirkey, IAS.

D.O. No. 18/3/2016-Nirbhaya

Dated: 22nd June, 2019

Dear Secretary,

Please refer to this Ministry’s DO letters of even number dated 10th April, 2017 , 1st August, 2017 and 25th April, 2019, requesting for proposals aimed at enhancing the safety and security of women and girls under the ‘Framework for Nirbhaya Fund’. The Framework for Nirbhaya Fund detailing the required contours for such proposals is available on the Ministry’s website, under the caption ‘Schemes.

2. As clarified in the ‘Framework for Nirbhaya Fund’, any projects proposed under the Nirbhaya Framework should have direct impact on safety and security concerns of women, should optimally use existing infrastructure, technology and should not be duplicating over existing government schemes/ programmes. Further, they should provide for real time intervention as far as possible, while taking due care regarding privacy and confidentiality of women’s identity and information. Their monitoring mechanisms from ground to the national level, and the systems of measuring and reporting outputs and outcomes, including the absolute/ estimated numbers of beneficiaries, need to be clearly laid out in the proposal.

3. I shall be grateful if you could kindly sensitize and encourage the departments/ organisations under your charge, dealing with matters of women and girls, to formulate and send good and innovative proposals as per the Nirbhaya Framework guidelines for enhancing the safety and security of women/ girls from and security of women/ girls from the kitty of Nirbhaya Fund. I am confident that by taking up such initiatives in the right earnest, together we can make our country a better and safer place for all the women and girls to grow and prosper.

A With regards,

Yours sincerely

(Ajay Tirkey)

Secretaries of the all Ministries/ Departments, Government cf India.


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