Check List for Permanent Duty Claim: PCDA(O) Pune Instructions
Please Ensure: โ
1. The claim is preferred on the form IAFT-1715.
2. The claim has been signed by the officer himself and countersigned by the Controlling Officer mentioned in Rule 6 of TR 2014 unless the claimant is his own Controlling Officer or by the local superior Officer where the move has been authorised by the move sanctioning authority under appendix III TR.
3. The claim is receipted by the Officer.
4. An attested copy of IHQ of MoD (Army) posting order is attached with the claim. Copy of list of various postings available on Army Intra Net is not acceptable. Please enclose Letter of AHQr notifying posting or in case of Unit Move, order under Relief Program
5. A copy Part-II office order notifying POSOUT / POSIN is attached with the claim.
6. All the tickets for which reimbursement has been claimed are attached with the claim in original.
7. The adjustment claim is submitted within 60 days from the date of completion of journey. Prefer separate claims for Self and Family if moves have taken place on different dates.
8. The details of advances taken for the move in question are invariably mentioned in the claim. Tickets purchased through DTS (Air/Rail) should be treated as advance and incorporated in the claim by adding in the total amount claimed as well as in advances for proper adjustment.
Check List for LTC Claim: PCDA(O) Pune Instructions
Move of Self & Family โ Check List for Permanent Duty Claim
9. Entitlement is from Old duty station to New duty station only irrespective of leave / joining time granted. If officer / family travel via Home town, he /she need to prefer LTC claim for the same.
10. Air tickets along with boarding passes as well as rail tickets must be attached with the claim in original. The air tickets must be booked through Booking Counter/direct website of operating air line or through Govt. Authorised travel agents i.e. Balmer & Lawrie, Ashok Travels or IRCTC. Tickets booked through private agencies or private websites are not admissible.
11. In case of journey undertaken by private airline where journey by Air India is mandatory a copy of IFA sanction to undertake journey by private Airline is enclosed.
12. Officers Posted to North East region are permissible to travel by private Air Lines on duties.
13. Additional fare to officer to bring family from old duty station is admissible only if NAC for the Govt Accommodation is issued by the station HQr of new duty station and family moved after allotment of accommodation. Additional fare is not admissible for retention of accommodation at old duty station on academic or other reasons.
Conveyance of Baggage โ Check List for Permanent Duty Claim
14. Entitlement is 6000 kg from old duty station to new duty station in peace posting and from old duty station to SPR/Home(or vice versa) in case of field posting.
15. The move of family baggage/car etc. to the new duty station/SPR is undertaken within the lien period (i.e. six months from the date of move of the Officer) and where the move is undertaken beyond the lien period, enclose sanction of competent authority extending the lien period in terms of Rule 16(ii).
16. In case of field posting where entire quantity of baggage has been conveyed, a copy of allotment letter for Govt built married accommodation is enclosed. In case officer is moving Single to field unit baggage entitlement is 100kg on warrant only.
17. In case the baggage has been shifted to SPR, a copy of declaration notifying the SPR is enclosed. As per SAO 10/S/86, declaration of SPR is to be done within the period of Two months only, otherwise last duty station will be treated as SPR by default. No change of SPR is permissible, once the same is declared, during the period of field posting.
18. Tax invoice(Consignee Note) duly indicating the quantity of baggage(mention the weight) and payment receipt is enclosed with the claim.
19. In case of both husband and wife being Govt servant entitlement of baggage is 6000 kg combined for both of them. They can convey at any proportion as per their convenience but total should not exceed 6000 kg.
Conveyance of car: Check List for Permanent Duty Claim:
20. The Officer himself owned car at the old duty station prior to his posting. Enclose copy of RC of CAR in name of Officer. Car in the name of spouse/ father/mother etc is not admissible for admittance of conveyance.
21. The car has been conveyed from the Officer`s old duty station to new duty station in case of peace posting and from old duty station to SPR / Home for field posting.
22. If car is conveyed by loading on truck, Tax invoice(Consignee Note) duly indicating the car details and payment receipt is enclosed with the claim. Also attested copies of the documents pertaining to the vehicle through which car was conveyed viz. Valid national permit, insurance policy, certificate of registration, driverโs driving licence etc. are attached with the claim. Claim will be admitted as per the weight of vehicle noted in the RC of Vehicle.( Weight of Veh X 50 X Km /6000)
23. If car is moved by road under own propulation /Chauffer driven, mention the same in claim. Enclose copy driving licence along with copy of RC of vehicle. Claim will be admitted as per the RMA rate notified by the station HQr of starting station.
24. Officer can claim conveyance of one car or bike. Same is not admissible for car and bike both or two cars.
CTG โ Check List for Permanent Duty Claim:
25. CTG admissible is 80% of basic pay of last month of move date and 100% for transfer from /to Andaman & Nicobar Island.
26. Date of move is date of SOS from old unit and not TOS date at new unit.
Source: Click Here to read/view pdf