CGDA: Constitution Duties Awareness Program (CDAP) by Department of Justice

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CGDA: Constitution Duties Awareness Program (CDAP) by Department of Justice

CGDA: Constitution Duties Awareness Program (CDAP) by Department of Justice – regarding.

रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
उलान बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्ली छावनी-110010
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010

No. AN/Coord/3012/Circular/ Vol. VII/SD

Dated 16.07.2020


All PCDAs/PCA(Fys)/ CDAs/ RI’Cs
(through CGDA website).

Sub: Constitution Duties Awareness Program (CDAP) by Department of Justice-regarding.

Please find enclosed a copy of Ministry of Defence, D (Welfare) ID No. 11011/21/2019/D(Welfare) dated 08.06.2020 on the subject matter.

2. MoD D(Welfare) has suggested some activities to be undertaken at department level for celebration of Constitution Duties Awareness Program (CDAP).

3. All field offices are requested to take action accordingly. Further, the videos, photographs and text material related to the activities may be uploaded on the website of Department of Justice as well as email a report at [email protected] and HQrs. Office.

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)

Copy to:

1. IT&S (Local): For uploading of this circular on CGDA’s website.

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)



Subject: Celebration of Constitution Day on 26.11.2019-CDAP-Virtual activities-reg.

Reference is invited towards captioned subject and find enclosed a copy of the D.O letter No. A2J/Events/02/2014, dated 20.05.2020 from Ministry of Law & Justice, Department of Justice, which is self explanatory.

Also check: Provisional release of retirement benefits as per Rule 64 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 during Covid Pandemic time

2. Vide aforesaid D.O, it has been conveyed that a year — long programme is being undertaken by various Departments/Ministries and counterpart State Government Departments for Citizens’ Duties Awareness Programme (CDAP) throughout the country. The idea behind the campaign is to popularize and make Indian citizens’ at large, especially young people and students, aware of the Fundamental Duties as enshrined in Part-IV-(A) of the Indian Constitution and has suggested following indicative/virtual activities which may be undertaken during this period and thereafter till 26th November, 2020.

(1) Visit the Campaign page of CDAP on My Gov’s portal and participate in activities such as:

(a) Read the Preamble to the Constitution and obtain an e-certificate.

(b) Self-administer/Sign Pledge on Fundamental Duties in the time of Covid-19 pandemic.

(ii) Listen to special podcast from Hon’ble PM urging all to perform our duties towards the nation and collectively fight the Corona menace.

(iii) Sign up as a volunteer

(iv) Promote the hashtag#ItsmyDuty through Emails, Messages, Banners.

(v) D/o D’s social media platform and tag MyGov and DoJ

(vi) Participate in monthly essay writing competition on the theme of Constitution and e Fundamental Duties.

(vii) Conduct online Quizzes on Constitution and Fundamental Duties/Citizens’ Duties.

3. Further, list of other activities have also been suggested to be undertaken at Department level: –

Also check: JEE Advanced 2020: No Need of 75% marks in Class 12 for admissions in IIT for this year -आसानी से दाखिला, JEE में नहीं जरूरी होंगे 12वीं के मार्क्स

(i) A ‘Preamble Wall’ of flexi-sheet with the Preamble and Fundamental Duties printed on it of size approx. 8ft. X 6ft. may be made and installed so that people can come and sign to show their commitment. This could be kept at a prominent place in your Department and subordinate offices. Open file of the designed Preamble Wall is available on

(ii) Install a preamble reading kiosk in all offices, (Module for the application/platform to be taken from MyGov)

(iii) Conduct online course on Constitution (Content of the course to be taken from DOLA and module/application for running it from MyGov)

(iv) Leveraging existing Brand Ambassadors of D/o D (If any): Encourage eminent personalities from different arms of services to disseminate the message of Fundamental Duties

(v) Display and share short films made on Constitution (Through Department’s portal or Intranet):

a. 11 short films on each of the Fundamental Duty + 1 consolidated film on all FDs in local languages. (Commissioned by M/o Rural Development)

b. Short film titled ‘Mooknayak: Leader of the Silent’, available on the You Tube Channel of Indian Diplomacy. (Commissioned by MEA)

c. Short film on linking Citizens’ Duties to the containment of Covid-19 (Commissioned by MyGov)

d. 21 Short Films on ‘Constitution of India-A Journey’ available on the You Tube channel on Prasar Bharti Archives
Also check: Small Savings Schemes: No change in Interest Rates for second quarter starting from 01.07.2020 to 30.09.2020.

e. A mini-series on ‘Samvidhaan’ directed by Shyam Benegal available on the You Tube channel of Rajya Sabha TV.

(vi) Duties to be the theme of all activities planned for 15th August 2020

(vii) Identify Fundamental Duties which are relevant to the D/o Defence and promote the same as a departmental endeavor.

(viii) Explore Constitutional provisions relevant to the work of D/o Defence which cap be highlighted and disseminated.

4. In view of above, it is, therefore. requested that steps may please be initiated urgently and details may be shared with D(Welfare) and also to instruct the organizing institutions to upload videos, photographs and text material on the website of DoJ as well as email a report on the activities conducted to Shri Shailesh Shrivastava, Director(A2J) at [email protected].

Encl: As above.

(Arvind Kumar)
Under Secretary (Welfare)
Tele: 23012560

JS(AF), JS(Lands) & CVO, JS(Estt.), JS(BRO/Cer/Trg.),
JS(Coord/Plg) & CAO, JS(IC)
Addl. FA(AN) & JS : in r/o Defence Finance
JS(Estt. & Coord) : in r/o DMA .
MoD I.D.No.11011/21/2019/D(Welfare), dated 8.6.2020



Source: CGDA
