Rules for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II) 2020 : Download Gazette Notification Hindi & English


Rules for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II) 2020 : Download Gazette Notification Hindi & English

Rules for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II) 2020 : Download Gazette Notification Hindi & English PDF available at end of the post.

Rules for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II) 2020



New Delhi, the 16th June, 2020


No. B/59501/Rtg/NDA Entry/16(1)-2020/DMA(AG).โ€”The rules for a Competitive Examination National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II), 2020 to be held by Union Public Service Commission on 06th September, 2020, for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 146th Course, and for the 108th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from 2nd July, 2021 are published.

The date of holding the examination as mentioned above is liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission.

The approximate number of vacancies to be filled on the results of this examination will be as under:โ€”

National Defence Academy : 370 to include 208 for Army, 42 for Navy and 120 for Air Force (including 28 for Ground Duties)
Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) : 43
Total : 413

The number of vacancies given in the Commissionโ€™s Examination Notice is provisional and may be changed depending on the availability of training capacity of National Defence Academy and Indian Naval Academy.


(a) Nationality : A candidate must be unmarried male and must be :

(i) a citizen of India, or

(ii) a subject of Nepal, or

(ii) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or

(iv) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii) and (iv) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

Certificate of eligibility will not, however, be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

(b) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status:

Only unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 02nd January, 2002 and not later than 01st January, 2005 are eligible.

The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognised by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University which must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Secondary School Examination or an equivalent examination certificates. These certificates are required to be submitted only after the declaration of the result of the written part of the examination. No other document relating to age like horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporation, service records and the like will be accepted. The expression Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate in this part of the instruction includes the alternative certificates mentioned above.

NOTE 1: Candidates should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate available or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of applications will be accepted by the Commission and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

NOTE 2: Candidates should also note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records of the Commission for the purpose of admission to an Examination, no change will be allowed subsequently or at any subsequent examination on any ground whatsoever.

NOTE 3: The candidates should exercise due care while entering their date of birth in the respective column of the Online Application Form for the Examination. If on verification at any subsequent stage any variation is found in their date of birth from the one entered in their Matriculation or equivalent Examination certificate, disciplinary action will be taken against them by the Commission under the Rules.

NOTE 4: The candidates should also note that no addition/deletion/any changes are allowed in online application form in the NDA & NA Examination in any circumstances once it is submitted.

NOTE 5: Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at this or any subsequent Examination will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the Government.

(c) Educational Qualifications:

(i) For Army Wing of National Defence Academy :โ€”12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

(ii) For Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defence Academy and for the 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme at the Indian Naval Academy :โ€”12th Class pass with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

Candidates who are appearing in the 12th Class under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination.

Such candidates who qualify the SSB interview but could not produce Matriculation/10+2 or equivalent certificate in original at the time of SSB interview should forward duly self attested Photocopies to โ€˜Directorate General of Recruiting, Army HQ, West Block.III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066โ€™ and for Naval Academy candidates to โ€˜Naval Headquarters, DMPR, OI&R Section, Room No. 204, โ€˜Cโ€™ Wing, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi-110011โ€™ by 24th June, 2021 failing which their candidature will be cancelled. All other candidates who have produced their Matriculation and 10+2 pass or equivalent certificates in original at the time of attending the SSB interview and have got the same verified by the SSB authorities are not required to submit the same to Army HQ or Naval HQ as the case may be. Certificates in original issued by the Principals of the Institutions are also acceptable in cases where Boards/Universities have not yet issued certificates. Certified true copies/photostat copies of such certificates will not be accepted.

In exceptional cases the Commission may treat a candidate, who does not possess any of the qualifications prescribed in this rule as educationally qualified provided that he possesses qualifications, the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission, justifies his admission to the examination.

NOTE 1: Candidates appearing in the 11th class exam are not eligible for this examination.

NOTE 2: Those candidates who have yet to qualify in the 12th class or equivalent examination and are allowed to appear in the UPSC Examination should note that this is only a special concession given to them. They are required to submit proof of passing the 12th class or equivalent examination by the prescribed date (i.e. 24th June, 2021) and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of late conduct of Board/University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any other ground whatsoever.

NOTE 3 : Candidates who are debarred by the Ministry of Defence from holding any type of Commission in the Defence Services shall not be eligible for admission to the examination and if admitted, their candidature will be cancelled.

NOTE 4 : Those candidates, who have failed CPSS/PABT earlier, are now eligible for Air Force in Ground Duty branches if they fill their willingness in the Online Application Form available at the Commissionโ€™s website.

(d) Physical Standards:

Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2020 as per guidelines given in the Appendix-II.
(e) A candidate who has resigned or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any of the training academies of Armed Forces is not eligible to apply.

3. FEE

Candidates (excepting SC/ST candidates/Sons of JCOs/NCOs/ORs specified in the Commissionโ€™s Notice) must pay the fee as prescribed in the Commissionโ€™s Examination Notice.

The sons of serving/ex-Junior Commissioned Officers/Non-Commissioned Officers/Other Ranks of Army and equivalent ranks in the Indian Navy/Indian Air Force are also not required to pay the prescribed fee if they are studying in Military School (formerly known as King Georgeโ€™s School)/Sainik School run by Sainik Schools Society.

A certificate of eligibility for fee exemption is required to be obtained by all such candidates from the Principals concerned individually and produced for verification at the time of SSB Test/Interview by the candidates who are declared qualified for the SSB Test/Interview.

4. All candidates whether already in Government Service including candidates serving in the Armed Forces, Sailors (including boys and artificers apprentices) of the Indian Navy, Cadets of Rashtriya Indian Military College (previously known as Sainik School, Dehradun), Students of Rashtriya Military Schools (formerly known as Military Schools) and Sainik Schools run by Sainik Schools Society, Government owned industrial undertakings or other similar organizations or in private employment should apply online direct to the Commission.

5. Persons already in Government Service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity or as work charged employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under the Public Enterprises; (b) Candidates serving in the Armed Forces, Sailors (including boys and artificers apprentices) of the Indian Navy; and (c) Cadets of Rashtriya Indian Military College (previously known as Sainik School, Dehra Dun), Students of Military Schools formerly known as King Georgeโ€™s Schools and Sainik Schools run by Sainik Schools Society are required to inform their Head of Office/Department, Commanding Officer, Principals of College/School concerned, as the case may be, in writing that they have applied for this examination.

Note : Candidates should note that in case a communication is received by the Commission from their employer/authority concerned withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the examination, their applications will be liable to be rejected/candidature will be liable to be cancelled.

6. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.

The candidate applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission to the all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after any stage of the examination, it is found that they do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions their candidature will be cancelled by the Commission.

7. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he holds a certificate of admission for the examination.

8. All the candidates who have successfully qualified in the written examination are required to register themselves online on Directorate General of Recruiting website with the same E-mail ID as provided to UPSC while filling UPSC online application Candidates must ensure that their e-mail Ids given in their online applications are valid and active. These candidates would then be allotted Selection Centres through the aforesaid website. In case of any problems/queries, candidates should contact Directorate General of Recruiting on the telephone numbers given on their website or through feedback / query module after logging on to their profile.




9. A candidate who is or has been declared by the Commission to be guilty of :-

(i) Obtaining support for his candidature by the following means, namely :โ€”

(a) offering illegal gratification to; or
(b) applying pressure on; or
(c) blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail any person connected with the conduct of the examination; or

(ii) impersonation; or

(iii) procuring impersonation by any person; or

(iv) submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with; or

(v) uploading irrelevant photos in the application form in place of actual photo/signature.

(vi) making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information; or

(vii) resorting to the following means in connection with his candidature for the examination, namely :โ€”

(a) obtaining copy of question paper through improper means;
(b) finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work relating to the examination;
(c) influencing the examiners; or

(viii) being in possession of or using unfair means during the examination; or

(ix) writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches or irrelevant matter in the scripts; or

(x) misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees to boycott examination, creating a disorderly scene and the like; or

(xi) harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of their examination; or

(xii) being in possession of or using any mobile phone, (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device during the examination; or

(xiii) violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificates permitting them to take the examination; or

(xiv) attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses;

may in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable :โ€”

(a) to be disqualified by the Commission from the Examination for which he is a candidate; and/or

(b) to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period :โ€”

(i) by the Commission, from any examination or selection held by them;

(ii) by the Central Government from any employment under them; and

(c) if he is already in service under Government to disciplinary action under the appropriate rules : Provided that no penalty under this rule shall be imposed except after :โ€”

(i) giving the candidate an opportunity of making such representation in writing as he may wish to make in that behalf; and
(ii) taking the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate within the period allowed to him into consideration.

9.1 Any person who is found by the Commission to be guilty of colluding with a candidate
(s) in committing or abetting the commission of any of the misdeeds listed at Clauses (i) to (xiii) above render himself liable to action in terms of the Clause (xiv).


Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of Commission i.e. Permanent or Short Service, shall be entitled for AC III Tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of Commission will not be entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion.


All Communications to the ARMY/NAVY/AIR HEADQUARTERS should invariably contain the following particulars.

1. Name and year of the examination.
2. Registration ID (RID).
3. Roll Number (if received).
4. Name of candidate (in full and in block letters).
5. Postal Address as given in the application.

N.B. (i) : Communications not containing the above particulars may not be attended to.
N.B. (ii) : If a letter/communication is received from a candidate after an examination has been held and it does not give his full name and roll number, it will be ignored and no action will be taken thereon. Candidates recommended by the Commission for interview by the Services Selection Board who have changed their addresses subsequent to the submission of their applications for the examination should immediately after announcement of the result of the written part of the examination notify the changed address also to :โ€”

For candidates with Army as first choiceโ€”Army Headquarters, A.Gโ€™s Branch, RTG (NDA Entry), West Block-III, Wing-1, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-110066, Phone No. 26175473.

For candidates with Navy/Naval Academy as first choiceโ€” Naval Headquarters, Directorate of Manpower & Recruitment, OI&R Section, R. No. 204, โ€˜Cโ€™ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011, Phone No. 23010097/23011282.

For candidates with Air Force as first choiceโ€”Air Headquarters, Directorate of Personnel (Officers), PO 3 (A), Room No. 17, โ€˜Jโ€™ Block, Opp. Vayu Bhawan, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi- 110106, Phone No. 23010231 Extn. 7645/7646/7610.



Candidates whose names have been recommended for interview by the Services Selection Board should address enquiries or requests, if any, relating to their interview or visit website of respective service headquarters after 20 days from the announcement of written results as follows :โ€”

For candidates with Army as first choiceโ€”Army Headquarters, AGโ€™s Branch, RTG (NDA Entry), West Block-III, Wing-1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi โ€“ 110 066, Phone No. 26175473 or

For candidates with Navy/Naval Academy as first choiceโ€”Naval Headquarters, Directorate of Manpower & Recruitment, O.I. & R. Section, Room No. 204, โ€˜Cโ€™ Wing, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi-110011, Phone No. 23010097/Email : or

For candidates with Air Force as first choiceโ€”Air Headquarters, Directorate of Personnel (Officers), PO 3 (A), Room No. 17, โ€˜Jโ€™ Block, Opp. Vayu Bhawan, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi- 110106, Phone No. 23010231 Extn. 7645/7646/7610 or

Candidates are required to report for SSB interview on the date intimated to them in the call up letter for interview. Requests for postponing interview will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and that too if it is administratively convenient for which Army Headquarters will be the sole deciding authority. Such requests should be addressed to the Administrative Officer of the Selection Centre from where the call letter for interview has been received. No action will be taken on letters received by Army/Navy/Air HQs. SSB interview for the candidates qualified in the written examination will be held during the months of January 2021 to April 2021 or as suitable to Recruiting Directorate. For all queries regarding Merit list, joining instructions and any other relevant information regarding selection process, please visit our website


The Union Public Service Commission shall prepare a list of candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as fixed by the Commission at their discretion. Such candidates shall appear before a Services Selection Board for Intelligence and Personality Test where candidates for the Army/Navy wings of the NDA and 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme of Indian Naval Academy will be assessed on Officers Potentiality and those for the Air Force inaddition to the above will have to qualify Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS). Candidates with Air Force as one of the choice would also undergo CPSS if they qualify SSB and are willing.


Two-stage selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test has been introduced at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. All the candidates will be put to stage-one test on first day of reporting at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Only those candidates who qualify at stage one will be admitted to the second stage/remaining tests. Those candidates who qualify stage II will be required to submit the Original Certificates along with one photocopy each of : (i) Original Matriculation pass certificate or equivalent in support of date of birth, (ii) Original 10+2 pass certificate or equivalent in support of educational qualification.
Candidates who appear before the Services Selection Board and undergo the test there, will do so at their own risk and will not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from Government in respect of any injury which they may sustain in the course of or as a result of any of the tests given to them at the Services Selection Board whether due to the negligence of any person or otherwise. Parents or guardians of the candidates will be required to sign a certificate to this effect.
To be acceptable, candidates for the Army/Navy/Naval Academy and Air Force should secure the minimum qualifying marks separately in (i) Written examination as fixed by the Commission at their discretion and (ii) Officer Potentiality Test as fixed by the Services Selection Board at their discretion. Over and above candidates for the Air Force, and all the SSB qualified candidates as per their willingness, eligibility and preference for flying branch of Air Force, should separately qualify the CPSS.

Subject to these conditions the qualified candidates will then be placed in a single combined list on the basis of total marks secured by them in the Written Examination and the Services Selection Board Tests. The final allocation/selection for admission to the Army, Navy, Air Force of the National Defence Academy and 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme of Indian Naval Academy will be made upto the number of vacancies available subject to eligibility, medical fitness and merit-cum-preference of the candidates. The candidates who are eligible to be admitted to multiple Services/Courses will be considered for allocation/selection with reference to their order or preferences and in the event of their final allocation/ selection to one Service/Course, they will not be considered for admission to other remaining Services/Courses.


Candidates who have been given the Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) for any previous N.D.A. course should submit their application for this examination for the Air Force Wing only if they have been notified as having qualified in CPSS. In case a candidate has failed in CPSS/not tested for CPSS for being HWG, the candidate would be considered for Ground Duty branch of IAF, Navy, Army and NAVAC as per his choices.

The form and manner of communication of the result of the examination to individual candidates shall be decided by the Commission at their discretion and the Commission will not enter into correspondence with them regarding the result.

Success in the examination confers no right of admission to the Academy. A candidate must satisfy the appointing authority that he is suitable in all respects for admission to the Academy.


Candidates who were admitted to an earlier course at the National Defence Academy, or to the 10 + 2 Cadet Entry Scheme of Indian Naval Academy but were removed therefrom for lack of officer-like qualities or on disciplinary grounds will not be admitted to the Academy.

Candidates who were previously withdrawn from the National Defence Academy or Indian Naval Academy on medical grounds or left the above Academy voluntarily are however, eligible for admission to the Academy provided they satisfy the medical and other prescribed conditions.

15. The details regarding (a) the scheme and syllabus of the examination, (b) Physical standards for admission to the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy and (c) Brief particulars of the service etc., for candidates joining the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy are given in Appendices I, II and III respectively.

A K TEWARI, Deputy Secretary


(The Scheme and Syllabus of Examination)


1. The subjects of the written examination, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject will be as follows :โ€”

Subject Code Duration Maximum Marks
Mathematics 01 2ยฝ Hours 300
General Ability Test 02 2ยฝ Hours 600
Total 900
SSB Test/Interview : 900


3. In the question papers, wherever necessary, questions involving the metric system of Weights and Measures only will be set.

4. Candidates must write the papers in their own hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed the help of a scribe to write answers for them.
5. The Commission have discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects at the examination.
6. The candidates are not permitted to use calculator or Mathematical or logarithmic table for answering objective type papers (Test Booklets). They should not therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Hall.



(Code No. 01)

(Maximum Marks-300)


Concept of set, operations on sets, Venn diagrams. De Morgan laws, Cartesian product, relation, equivalence relation.

Representation of real numbers on a line. Complex numbersโ€”basic properties, modulus, argument, cube roots of unity. Binary system of numbers. Conversion of a number in decimal system to binary system and vice-versa. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions. Quadratic equations with real coefficients. Solution of linear inequations of two variables by graphs. Permutation and Combination. Binomial theorem and its applications. Logarithms and their applications.


Types of matrices, operations on matrices. Determinant of a matrix, basic properties of determinants. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Applications-Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three unknowns by Cramerโ€™s rule and by Matrix Method.


Angles and their measures in degrees and in radians. Trigonometrical ratios. Trigonometric identities Sum and difference formulae. Multiple and Sub-multiple angles. Inverse trigonometric functions. Applications-Height and distance, properties of triangles.


Rectangular Cartesian Coordinate system. Distance formula. Equation of a line in various forms. Angle between two lines. Distance of a point from a line. Equation of a circle in standard and in general form. Standard forms of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Eccentricity and axis of a conic. Point in a three dimensional space, distance between two points. Direction Cosines and direction ratios. Equation two points. Direction Cosines and direction ratios. Equation of a plane and a line in various forms. Angle between two lines and angle between two planes. Equation of a sphere.


Concept of a real valued functionโ€“domain, range and graph of a function. Composite functions, one to one, onto and inverse functions. Notion of limit, Standard limitsโ€”examples. Continuity of functionsโ€”examples, algebraic operations on continuous functions. Derivative of function at a point, geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivativeโ€”applications. Derivatives of sum, product and quotient of functions, derivative of a function with respect to another function, derivative of a composite function. Second order derivatives. Increasing and decreasing functions. Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima.


Integration as inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions. Evaluation of definite integralsโ€”determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curvesโ€”applications.

Definition of order and degree of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation by examples. General and particular solution of a differential equations, solution of first order and first degree differential equations of various typesโ€”examples. Application in problems of growth and decay.


Vectors in two and three dimensions, magnitude and direction of a vector. Unit and null vectors, addition of vectors, scalar multiplication of a vector, scalar product or dot product of two vectors. Vector product or cross product of two vectors. Applicationsโ€”work done by a force and moment of a force and in geometrical problems.


Statistics : Classification of data, Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distributionโ€” examples. Graphical representationโ€”Histogram, Pie Chart, frequency polygonโ€”examples. Measures of Central tendencyโ€”Mean, median and mode. Variance and standard deviationโ€”determination and comparison. Correlation and regression.

Probability : Random experiment, outcomes and associated sample space, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, impossible and certain events. Union and Intersection of events. Complementary, elementary and composite events. Definition of probabilityโ€”classical and statisticalโ€”examples. Elementary theorems on probabilityโ€”simple problems. Conditional probability, Bayesโ€™ theoremโ€”simple problems. Random variable as function on a sample space. Binomial distribution, examples of random experiments giving rise to Binominal distribution.


(Code No. 02)

(Maximum Marksโ€”600)

Part โ€˜Aโ€™โ€”ENGLISH

(Maximum Marksโ€”200)

The question paper in English will be designed to test the candidateโ€™s understanding of English and workman like use of words. The syllabus covers various aspects like : Grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension and cohesion in extended text to test the candidateโ€™s proficiency in English.


(Maximum Marksโ€”400)

The question paper on General Knowledge will broadly cover the subjects : Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events. โ€“ The syllabus given below is designed to indicate the scope of these subjects included in this paper. The topics mentioned are not to be regarded as exhaustive and questions on topics of similar nature not specifically mentioned in the syllabus may also be asked. Candidateโ€™s answers are expected to show their knowledge and intelligent understanding of the subject.

Section โ€˜Aโ€™ (Physics)

Physical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, Principle of Archimedes, Pressure Barometer.

Motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newtonโ€™s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy.

Effects of Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat.

Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments.

Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Human Eye.

Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet.

Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Non-conductors, Ohmโ€™s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays.

General Principles in the working of the following:
Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Marinerโ€™s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses.

Section โ€˜Bโ€™ (Chemistry)
Physical and Chemical changes. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems). Properties of Air and Water.

Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbondioxide, Oxidation and Reduction.

Acids, bases and salts. Carbonโ€”different forms. Fertilizersโ€”Natural and Artificial.
Material used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches and Gun-Powder

Elementary ideas about the structure of Atom, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency.

Section โ€˜Cโ€™ (General Science)

Difference between the living and non-living. Basis of Lifeโ€”Cells, Protoplasms and Tissues. Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals.

Elementary knowledge of Human Body and its important organs. Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention.

Foodโ€”Source of Energy for man. Constituents of food, Balanced Diet. The Solar Systemโ€”Meteors and Comets, Eclipses.

Achievements of Eminent Scientists.

Section โ€˜Dโ€™ (History, Freedom Movement etc.)

A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation. Freedom Movement in India.

Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration. Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India.

Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development.

Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.

Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. Impact of Science and Technology on Society. Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism and Communism. Role of India in the present world.

Section โ€˜Eโ€™ (Geography)

The Earth, its shape and size. Latitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time. International Date Line.

Movements of Earth and their effects.

Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification; Weatheringโ€”Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and Volcanoes.

Ocean Currents and Tides.

Atmosphere and its composition; Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, Cyclones and Anti-cyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation; Types of Climate, Major Natural regions of the World.

Regional Geography of Indiaโ€”Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities.

Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India.

Section โ€˜Fโ€™ (Current Events)

Knowledge of Important events that have happened in India in the recent years. Current important world events.

Prominent personalitiesโ€”both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports.

Out of maximum marks assigned to part โ€˜Bโ€™ of this paper, questions on Sections โ€˜Aโ€™, โ€˜Bโ€™, โ€˜Cโ€™, โ€˜Dโ€™, โ€˜Eโ€™ and โ€˜Fโ€™ will carry approximately 25%, 15%, 10%, 20%, 20% and 10% weightages respectively.

Intelligence and Personality Test

The SSB procedure consists of two stage Selection process โ€“ stage I and stage II. Only those candidates who clear the stage I are permitted to appear for stage II. The details are :

(a) Stage I comprises of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests are Picture Perception and Description Test (PP&DT). The candidates will be shortlisted based on combination of performance in OIR Test and PP&DT.

(b) Stage II Comprises of Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests and the Conference. These tests are conducted over 4 days. The details of these tests are given on the website

The personality of a candidate is assessed by three different assessors viz. The Interviewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) and the Psychologist. There are no separate weightage for each test. The marks are allotted by assessors only after taking into consideration the performance of the candidate holistically in all the tests. In addition, marks for Conference are also allotted based on the initial performance of the Candidate in the three techniques and decision of the Board. All these have equal weightage.

The various tests of IO, GTO and Psych are designed to bring out the presence/absence of Officer Like Qualities and their trainability in a candidate. Accordingly candidates are Recommended or Not Recommended at the SSB.






1. Candidates are also advised to rectify minor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalisation of medical examination conducted at the Military Hospital after being recommended at the SSB.

2. Few of such commonly found defects/ailments are listed below:

(a) Wax (Ears)
(b) Deviated Nasal Septum
(c) Hydrocele/Phimosis
(d) Overweight/Underweight
(e) Under Sized Chest
(f) Piles
(g) Gynaecomastia
(h) Tonsillitis
(i) Varicocele

NOTE: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand/Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis. Comdt Selection Centre will be competent auth for clearing such cases.

3. Civilian candidates appearing for all types of commission in the Armed Forces will be entitled to out-patients treatment from service sources at public expense for injuries sustained or diseases contracted during the course of their examination by the Selection Board. They will also be entitled to in-patient treatment at public expense in the Officerโ€™s ward of a hospital providedโ€”

(a) the injury is sustained during the tests or,

(b) the disease is contracted during the course of the examination by selection board and there is no suitable accommodation in local civil hospital or it is impracticable to remove the patient to the civil hospital; or,

(c) the medical board requires the candidateโ€™s admission for observation.

NOTE: They are not entitled to special nursing.

4. Medical Procedure

A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However, the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the President of the Medical Board and the procedure for request for an Appeal Medical Board will also be intimated to the candidate.

5. Candidates declared unfit during Appeal Medical Board will be intimated about the provision of Review Medical Board.

6. For Medical Standards for Army, Navy and Air Force (Flying Branch and Ground Duty Branch) Annexure โ€˜Aโ€™. Annexure โ€˜Bโ€™ and Annexure โ€˜Cโ€™ respectively.:-

Note : The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential will not be divulged to anyone. Directorate General of Recruiting has no role to play in any Medical Boards and procedure advised by the Competent medical authorities will be strictly adhered.

Annexure -A


1. Introduction:

(a) The primary responsibility of the Armed Forces is defending territorial integrity of the nation. For this purpose Armed Forces should always be prepared for war. Armed Forces personnel undergo rigorous training in preparation for war. Armed Forces also assist civil authorities if required whenever the need arises like in the case of disasters. To carry out such tasks Armed Forces requires candidates with robust mental and physical health. Such candidates should also be capable of withstanding rigorous stress and strain of service conditions to perform their military duties in adverse terrain and uncongenial climate incl sea and air, in remote areas, in austere conditions with no medical facilities. A medically unfit individual due to disease/disability can not only drain precious resources but can also jeopardize lives of other members of the team during operations. Therefore only medically fit candidates are selected who emerge fit to be trained for war.

(b) The Armed Forces Medical Services are responsible for ensuring selection of โ€˜Medically Fitโ€™ individuals into the Armed Forces.

(c) All Armed Forces personnel regardless of occupational specialty, unit assignment, age or gender should have a basic level of general โ€˜Medical fitnessโ€™ when inducted into service. This basic level of fitness can then be used as a benchmark to train personnel for further physically demanding occupational specialties or unit assignments. This will enhance deployable combat readiness.

(d) Medical examinations are carried out meticulously by Armed Forces Medical Services Medical Officers. These Medical Officers are well oriented to specific working conditions of Armed Forces after undergoing basic military training. Medical examinations are finalized by the Board of Medical Officers. The decision of the Medical Board is final. In case of any doubt about any disease/disability/injury/genetic disorder etc noticed during enrolment/ commissioning, the benefit of doubt will be given to State.

Medical Standards.

2. Medical standards described in the following paragraphs are general guidelines. They are not exhaustive in view of the vast knowledge of disease. These standards are subject to change with advancement in the scientific knowledge and change in working conditions of Armed Forces due to introduction of new eqpt/trades. Such changes will be promulgated from time to time by policy letters by competent authorities. Medical Officers, Spl Medical Officers and Medical Boards will take appropriate decisions based on following guidelines and principles.

3. To be deemed โ€˜Medically fitโ€™, a candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/syndrome/disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of military duties in any terrain, climate, season incl sea and air, in remote areas, in austere conditions with no medical aid. Candidate also should be free of medical conditions which require frequent visit to medical facilities and use of any aid / drugs.

(a) It will, however, be ensured that candidate is in good health. There should be no evidence of weak constitution, imperfect development of any system, any congenital deformities/ diseases/syndrome or malformation.

(b) No swelling/s including tumours/cyst/swollen lymph node/s anywhere on the body. No sinus/es or fistula/e anywhere on the body.

(c) No hyper or hypo pigmentation or any other disease/syndrome/disability of the skin.

(d) No hernia anywhere on the body.

(e) No scars which can impair the functioning and cause significant disfigurement.

(f) No arterio-venous malformation anywhere in/on the body.

(g) No malformation of the head and face including asymmetry, deformity from fracture or depression of the bones of the skull; or scars indicating old operative interference and malformation like sinuses and fistulae etc.

(h) No impairment of vision including colour perception and field of vision.

(j) No hearing impairment, deformities/disabilities in ears vestibule-cochlear system.

(k) No impediment of speech due to any aetiology.

(l) No disease/disability/ congenital anomaly/syndrome of the bones or cartilages of the nose, or palate, nasal polyps or disease of the naso-Pharynx, uvula and accessory sinuses. There should be no nasal deformity and no features of chronic tonsillitis.

(m) No disease /syndrome/disability of the throat, palate tonsils or gums or any disease or injury affecting the normal function of either mandibular joint.

(n) No disease /syndrome/disability of the heart and blood vessels incl congenital, genetic, organic incl hypertension, and conduction disorders.

(o) No evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any other disease/syndrome/disability chronic disease of the lungs and chest including allergies/immunological conditions, connective tissue disorders, musculoskeletal deformities of chest.

(p) No disease of the digestive system including any abnormality of the liver, pancreas incl endocrinal, congenital, hereditary or genetic diseases /syndromes and disabilities.

(q) No diseases/syndrome/disability of any endocrinal system, reticuloendothelial system.

(r) No diseases/ syndrome/ disability of genito-urinary system including malformations, atrophy/hypertrophy of any organ or gland.

(s) No active, latent or congenital venereal disease.

(t) No history or evidence of mental disease, epilepsy, incontinence of urine or enuresis.

(u) No disease/deformity/syndrome of musculo-skeletal system and joints incl skull, spine and limbs.

(v) There is no congenital or hereditary disease/ syndrome/disability.

4. Psychological examinations will be carried out during SSB selection procedure. However, any abnormal traits noticed during medical examination will be a cause for rejection.

5. Based on the above mentioned guidelines usual medical conditions which lead to rejection are:-

(a) Musculo-skeletal deformities of spine, chest and pelvis, limbs e.g. scoliosis, torticollis, kyphosis, deformities of vertebrae, ribs, sternum, clavicle, other bones of skeleton, mal-united fractures, deformed limbs, fingers, toes and congenital deformities of spine.

(b) Deformities of Limbs: Deformed limbs, toes and fingers, deformed joints like cubitus valgus, cubitus varus, knock knees, bow legs, hyper mobile joints, amputated toes or fingers and shortened limbs.

(c) Vision and eye: Myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, lesions of cornea, lens, retina, squint and ptosis.

(d) Hearing, ears, nose and throat: Sub standard hearing capability, lesions of pinna, tympanic membranes, middle ear, deviated nasal septum, and congenital abnormalities of lips, palate, peri- auricular sinuses and lymphadenitis/ adenopathy of neck. Hearing capacity should be 610 cm for Conversational Voice and Forced Whispering for each ear.

(e) Dental conditions:-

(i) Incipient pathological conditions of the jaws, which are known to be progressive or recurrent.

(ii) Significant jaw discrepancies between upper and lower jaw which may hamper efficient mastication and/or speech will be a cause for rejection.

(iii) Symptomatic Temporo-Mandibular Joint clicking and tenderness. A mouth opening of less than 30 mm measured at the incisal edges, Dislocation of the TMJ on wide opening.

(iv) All potentially cancerous conditions.

(v) Clinical diagnosis for sub mucous fibrosis with or without restriction of mouth opening.

(vi) Poor oral health status in the form of gross visible calculus, periodontal pockets and/or bleeding from gums.

(vii) Loose teeth: More than two mobile teeth will render the candidate unfit.

(viii) Cosmetic or post-traumatic maxillofacial surgery/trauma will be UNFIT for at least 24 weeks from the date of surgery/injury whichever is later.

(ix) If malocclusion of teeth is hampering efficient mastication, maintenance of oral hygiene or general nutrition or performance of duties efficiently.

(f) Chest: Tuberculosis, or evidence of tuberculosis, lesions of lungs, heart, musculo skeletal lesions of chest wall.

(g) Abdomen and genitor-urinary system: Hernia, un-descended testis, varicocele, organomegaly, solitary kidney, horseshoe kidney & cysts in the kidney/liver, Gall bladder stones, renal and ureteric stones, lesions/deformities of urogenital organs, piles, sinuses and lymphadenitis/pathy.

(h) Nervous system: Tremors, speech impediment and imbalance.

(j) Skin: Vitiligo, haemangiomas, warts, corns, dermatitis, skin infections growths and hyperhydrosis.

6. Height and Weight: Height requirement varies as per the stream of entry. Weight should be proportionate to height as per the chart given below:-

Age (yrs) Minimum weight for all ages Age: 17 to 20 yrs Age: 20+01day โ€“ 30 yrs Age: 30 +01 day โ€“ 40 yrs Age: Above 40 yrs
Height (cm) Weight (Kg) Weight (Kg) Weight (Kg) Weight (Kg) Weight (Kg)
140 35.3 43.1 45.1 47.0 49.0
141 35.8 43.7 45.7 47.7 49.7
142 36.3 44.4 46.4 48.4 50.4
143 36.8 45.0 47.0 49.1 51.1
144 37.3 45.6 47.7 49.8 51.8
145 37.8 46.3 48.4 50.5 52.6
146 38.4 46.9 49.0 51.2 53.3
147 38.9 47.5 49.7 51.9 54.0
148 39.4 48.2 50.4 52.6 54.8
149 40.0 48.8 51.1 53.3 55.5
150 40.5 49.5 51.8 54.0 56.3
151 41.0 50.2 52.4 54.7 57.0
152 41.6 50.8 53.1 55.4 57.8
153 42.1 51.5 53.8 56.2 58.5
154 42.7 52.2 54.5 56.9 59.3
155 43.2 52.9 55.3 57.7 60.1
156 43.8 53.5 56.0 58.4 60.8
157 44.4 54.2 56.7 59.2 61.6
158 44.9 54.9 57.4 59.9 62.4
159 45.5 55.6 58.1 60.7 63.2
160 46.1 56.3 58.9 61.4 64.0
161 46.7 57.0 59.6 62.2 64.8
162 47.2 57.7 60.4 63.0 65.6
163 47.8 58.5 61.1 63.8 66.4
164 48.4 59.2 61.9 64.6 67.2
165 49.0 59.9 62.6 65.3 68.1
166 49.6 60.6 63.4 66.1 68.9
167 50.2 61.4 64.1 66.9 69.7
168 50.8 62.1 64.9 67.7 70.6
169 51.4 62.8 65.7 68.5 71.4
170 52.0 63.6 66.5 69.4 72.3
171 52.6 64.3 67.3 70.2 73.1
172 53.3 65.1 68.0 71.0 74.0
173 53.9 65.8 68.8 71.8 74.8
174 54.5 66.6 69.6 72.7 75.7
175 55.1 67.4 70.4 73.5 76.6
176 55.8 68.1 71.2 74.3 77.4
177 56.4 68.9 72.1 75.2 78.3
178 57.0 69.7 72.9 76.0 79.2
179 57.7 70.5 73.7 76.9 80.1
180 58.3 71.3 74.5 77.8 81.0
181 59.0 72.1 75.4 78.6 81.9
182 59.6 72.9 76.2 79.5 82.8
183 60.3 73.7 77.0 80.4 83.7
184 60.9 74.5 77.9 81.3 84.6
185 61.6 75.3 78.7 82.1 85.6
186 62.3 76.1 79.6 83.0 86.5
187 62.9 76.9 80.4 83.9 87.4
188 63.6 77.8 81.3 84.8 88.4
189 64.3 78.6 82.2 85.7 89.3
190 65.0 79.4 83.0 86.6 90.3
191 65.7 80.3 83.9 87.6 91.2
192 66.4 81.1 84.8 88.5 92.2
193 67.0 81.9 85.7 89.4 93.1
194 67.7 82.8 86.6 90.3 94.1
195 68.4 83.7 87.5 91.3 95.1
196 69.1 84.5 88.4 92.2 96.0
197 69.9 85.4 89.3 93.1 97.0
198 70.6 86.2 90.2 94.1 98.0
199 71.3 87.1 91.1 95.0 99.0
200 72.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0
201 72.7 88.9 92.9 97.0 101.0
202 73.4 89.8 93.8 97.9 102.0
203 74.2 90.7 94.8 98.9 103.0
204 74.9 91.6 95.7 99.9 104.0
205 75.6 92.5 96.7 100.9 105.1
206 76.4 93.4 97.6 101.8 106.1
207 77.1 94.3 98.6 102.8 107.1
208 77.9 95.2 99.5 103.8 108.2
209 78.6 96.1 100.5 104.8 109.2
210 79.4 97.0 101.4 105.8 110.3

(a) Weight for height charts given above is for all categories of personnel. This chart is prepared based on the BMI. The chart specifies the minimum acceptable weight that candidates of a particular height must have. Weights below the minimum specified will not be acceptable in any case. The maximum acceptable weight of height has been specified in age wise categories. Weights higher than the acceptable limit will be acceptable only in the case of candidates with documented evidence of body building, wrestling, and boxing at the National level. In such cases the following criteria will have to be met.

(i) Body Mass Index should be below 25.

(ii) Waist Hip ratio should be below 0.9 for males and 0.8 for females.

(iii) Waist Circumference should be less than 90 cm for males and 80 cm for females.

(vi) All biochemical metabolic parameters should be within normal limits.

Note: The height and weight for candidates below 17 yrs will be followed as per guidelines by โ€˜Indian Academy of Paediatrics growth charts for height, weight and BMI for 05 yrs to 16 yrs old childrenโ€™.

7. Following investigations will be carried out for all officer entries and for pre-commission training academies. However examining medical officer/ medical board may ask for any other investigation deemed fit.

(a) Complete haemogram
(b) Urine RE
(c) Chest X-ray
(d) USG abdomen and Pelvis.

8. Certain standards vary depending on age and type entry viz stds for vision as follows:-

Parameter Standards : 10+2 entries, NDA(Army), TES and equivalent Graduate & equivalent entries: CDSE, IMA, OTA, UES, NCC,TGC & equivalent Post graduate & equivalent entries: JAG, AEC , APS, RVC,TA, AMC, ADC, SL & equivalent
Uncorrected vision(max allowed) 6/36 & 6/36 6/60 &6/60 3/60 & 3/60
BCVA Rt 6/6 & Lt 6/6 Rt 6/6 & Lt 6/6 Rt 6/6 & Lt 6/6
Myopia < -2.5 D Sph

( including max astigmatism

โ‰ค +/- 2.0 D Cyl)

< -3.50 D Sph

( including max astigmatism โ‰ค +/- 2.0 D Cyl)

< -5.50 D Sph

(including max astigmatism โ‰ค +/- 2.0 D Cyl)

Hypermetropia <+2.5 D Sph,

( including max astigmatism

โ‰ค +/- 2.0 D Cyl)

<+3.50 DSph

( including max astigmatism โ‰ค +/- 2.0 D Cyl)

<+3.50 D Sph

(including max astigmatism โ‰ค +/- 2.0 D Cyl)

Lasik/equivalent surgery Not permitted Permitted * Permitted*
Colour perception CP-II CP-II CP-II

*LASIK or Equivalent kerato-refractive procedure

(a) Any candidate who has undergone any kerato-refractive procedure will have a certificate/operative notes from the medical centre where he/she has undergone the procedure, specifying the date and type of surgery.

Note: Absence of such a certificate will necessitate the Ophthalmologist to make a decision to reject the candidate with specific endorsement of โ€œUnfit due to undocumented Visual Acuity corrective procedureโ€.

(b) In order to be made FIT, the following criteria will have to be met:

(i) Age more than 20 yrs at the time of surgery
(ii) Minimum 12 months post LASIK
(iii) Central corneal thickness equal to or more than 450 ยต
(iv) Axial length by IOL Master equal to or less than 26 mm
(v) Residual refraction of less than or equal to +/- 1.0 D incl cylinder, (provided acceptable in the category applied for).
(vi) Normal healthy retina.
(vii) Corneal topography and ectasia markers can also be included as addl criteria.

Candidates who have undergone radial keratotomy are permanently unfit

9. Form to be used for med board proceedings is AFMSF-2A.

10. Procedure of Medical Examination Board: Medical Examination Board for selection for officers and pre- commissioning training academies are convened at designated Armed Forces Medical Services Hospitals near Service Selection Boards (SSB). These Medical Boards are termed as โ€˜Special Medical Boardโ€™ (SMB). Candidates who clear SSB interview are referred to Armed Forces Medical Services Hospital with identification documents. Staff Surgeon of Hospital will identify the candidate, guide the candidate to fill the relevant portions of the AFMSF- 2, organize investigations and examination by Medical, Surgical, Eye, ENT, Dental specialists. Female candidates are examined by Gynaecology Specialist also. After examination by Specialists, the candidate is brought before Medical Board. Medical Board once satisfied with findings of Specialists will declare fitness of candidate. If any candidate is declared โ€˜Unfitโ€™ by SMB, such candidates can request for โ€˜Appeal Medical Boardโ€™ (AMB). Detailed procedure for AMB will be provided by President SMB.

11. Miscellaneous aspects:

(a) Clinical methods of examinations are laid down by O/O DGAFMS.

(b) Female candidates will be examined by female medical officers and specialists. In case of non availability they will be examined by Medical Officer in the presence of female attendant.

(c) Fitness following surgery: Candidates may be declared fit after surgery. However, there should not be any complication; scar should be healthy, well healed and attained required tensile strength. The candidate shall be considered fit after 01 year of open/laproscopic surgeries for hernia and twelve weeks of laparoscopic abdominal surgery for cholesystectomy. For any other surgery, fitness shall be considered only after 12 weeks of the laparoscopic surgery and 12 months after an open surgery. Candidate shall be unfit for any surgeries for injuries, ligament tear, and meniscus tear of any joint, irrespective of duration of surgery.

Annexure B




1. Candidates are also advised to rectify minor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalization of medical examination conducted at the Military Hospital after being recommended at the SSB.

2. Few of such commonly found defects/ailments are listed below:

(a) Wax (Ears)
(b) Deviated Nasal Septum
(c) Hydrocele/Varicocele/Phimosis
(d) Overweight/Underweight
(e) Piles
(f) Gynaecomastia

NOTE: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidate will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis. Commandant Selection Centre (President Naval Selection Boards NSB Coimbatore, NSB Visakhapatnam & SSB Kolkata) will be competent authority for clearing such cases.

3. The following are the minimum medical standards:-

(a) The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of Military duties.

(b) There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or underweight. The candidate should not be overweight or obese.

(c) The minimum acceptable height is 157 cms. However, relaxation in height is permissible to candidates holding domicile of areas as mentioned below:

Srl No. Category Minimum Height for Male Candidates
(i) Tribals from Ladhakh Region 155 Cm
(ii) Aandaman & Nicobar, Lakshdweep and Minicoy Islands 155 Cm
(iii) Gorkhas, Nepali, Assamese, Garhwali, Kumaoni and Uttarakhand 152 Cm
(iv) Bhutan, Sikkim & North East Region 152 Cm

(d) Height and weight standards are given below:


TABLE โ€“ 1

Height in Centimeters (Without Shoes) Weight in Kgs
16 Years 18 Years 20 Years
1 2 3 4
152 44 45 46
155 45 46 47
157 46 47 49
160 47 48 50
162 48 50 52
165 50 52 53
168 52 53 55
170 53 55 57
173 55 57 59
175 57 59 61
178 59 61 62
180 61 63 64
183 63 65 67
185 66 67 69
188 68 70 71
190 70 72 73

NOTE: โ€œIndividualโ€™s weight is considered normal if it is within+10 % departure from average weight given in the table Iโ€. However, in individuals with heavy bones and broad build as well as individuals with thin build but otherwise healthy this may be relaxed to some extent on merit.

(e) Chest should be well developed. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cms. The measurement will be taken with a tape so adjusted that its lower edge should touch the nipple in front and the upper part of the tape should touch the lower angle of the shoulder blades behind. X-Ray of the chest is compulsory and will be taken to rule out any disease of the chest.

(f) There should be no mal-development or impairment of function of the bones or joint.

(g) Routine X-ray Spine is not carried out for Navy candidates. However, if the same is done for any other purpose, the candidates with the following conditions will be disqualified for entry to Navy:-

(i) Granulomatous disease of spine.
(ii) Arthritis โ€“ Rheumatoid arthritis & allied disorders and ankylosing spondylitis
(iii) Scoliosis more than 10 degree as measured as Cobbโ€™s Method.
(iv) More than mild Kyphosis / Lordosis
(v) Spondylolisthesis / Spondylosis / Spondylolysis
(vi) Herniated nucleus pulposes
(vii) Compression fracture of Vertebra.
(viii) Sacralisation Disease
(ix) Cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or circulatory deficit
(x) Presence of Schmorlโ€™s node at more than one level.
(xi) Atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial anomalies
(xii) Incomplete Sacralisation- Unilateral or Bilateral
(xiii) Spina Bifida other than SV 1 and LV 5 if completely Sacralised
(xiv) Any other abnormality, if so considered by specialist.

(h) A candidate should have no past history of mental breakdown or fits.

(j) The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cms in a quiet room. There should be no evidence of present or past disease of the ear, nose and throat. There is no impediment of speech.

(k) There should be no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. Blood pressure should be normal.

(l) There should be no enlargement of liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen will be a cause for rejection.

(m) Un-operated hernias will make a candidate unfit. In case of Hernia which has been operated, a minimum of six months must have passed prior to final medical examination

(n) There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles.

(p) Urine examination will be done and any abnormality if detected will be a cause for rejection.

(q) Any disease of skin which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection.

(r) Vision Standards

(i) Uncorrected without glass 6/6, 6/9
(ii) Corrected with glass 6/6, 6/6
(iii) Limits of Myopia -0.75 D
(iv) Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5 D
(v) Binocular Vision III
(vi) Limits of Colour Perception I

(s) USG abdomen examination will be carried out and any congenital structural anomaly or disease of the abdominal organs will be a cause for rejection.

(t) The candidates should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22. A candidate should not be suffering from severe pyorrhea.

4. The following investigations are carried out mandatorily during Special Medical Board. However, Medical Officer / Medical Board examining a candidate may ask for any other investigation as required or indicated:-

(a) Complete Haemogram

(b) Urine RE/ME

(c) X Ray chest PA view

(d) USG abdomen & pelvis

5. Physical Conditioning. Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition, by following the undermentioned routine:-

(a) Running : 2.4 km in 15 minutes

(b) Skipping

(c) Pushups & Sit-ups : Minimum 20 each

(d) Chin ups : Minimum 08

(e) Rope Climbing : 3.4 mtrs

Annexure C


General Instructions

1. In this section the assessment of candidates for commissioning through NDA into flying and ground duty branches in the IAF is considered.

2. The basic requirements of medical fitness are essentially the same for all branches, except for aircrew in whom the parameters for visual acuity, anthropometry and certain other physical standards are more stringent. A candidate will not be assessed physically fit unless the examination as a whole shows that he is physically and mentally capable of withstanding severe physical and mental strain for prolonged periods in any climate in any part of the world.

3. The medical standards spelt out pertain to initial entry medical standards. Continuation of medical fitness during training will be assessed during the periodic medical examinations held at NDA prior to commissioning. If, however, any disease or disability is detected during the training phase, which will have a bearing on the flight cadets subsequent physical fitness and medical category; such cases will be referred expeditiously to IAM (for aircrew)/ specialists of MH (for non-aircrew) under intimation to the office of DGMS (Air)-Med-7. At IAM, if the disease or disability is considered of a permanent nature, an early decision for the cadet to continue in the service/ branch/ stream is to be taken. Specific waivers of DGMS (Air), if asked for, must carry full justification in accordance with relevant Para of IAP 4303 4th edition (revised).

General Medical and Surgical Assessment

4. Every candidate to be fit for the Air Force must conform to the minimum standards laid down in the succeeding paragraphs. The general build should be well developed and proportionate.

5. The residual effects of fractures/ old injuries are to be assessed for any functional limitation. If there is no effect on function, the candidate can be assessed fit. Cases of old fractures of spine are unfit. Any residual deformity of spine or compression of a vertebra will be cause for rejection. Injuries involving the trunks of the larger nerves, resulting in loss of function, or scarring, which cause pain or cramps, indicate unsuitability for employment in flying duties. The presence of large or multiple keloids will be a cause for rejection.

6. Minor scars and Birth Marks for e.g. as resulting from the removal of tuberculous glands do not, per se, indicate unsuitability for employment on flying duties. Extensive scarring of a limb or torso that may cause functional limitation or unsightly appearance should be considered unfit.

7. Cervical rib without any neurovascular compromise will be accepted. This will be recorded in the medical board proceedings.

8. Asymmetry of the face and head, which will interfere with proper fitting of oxygen mask and helmet, will be a cause for rejection for flying duties.

9. A candidate who has undergone an abdominal operation, other than a simple appendicectomy, involving extensive surgical intervention or partial or total excision of any organ isunsuitable for flying duties. Operation involving the cranial vault (e.g. trephining), or extensive thoracic operations make the candidate unfit for flying.

10. The chest should be well proportioned and well developed with the minimum range of expansion of 5cm.

11. Height, Sitting Height, Leg Length and Thigh Length

(a) The minimum height for entry into ground duty branches will be 157.5 cm.Gorkhas and individuals belonging to North Eastern regions of India and hilly regions of Uttarakhand, the minimum acceptable height will be 5 cm less (152.5 cm). In case of candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cm (155.5 cm).

(b) Minimum height for Flying Branch will be 162.5 cm. Acceptable measurements of leg length, thigh length and sitting height for such aircrew will be as under: โ€“

(i) Sitting height: Minimum- 81.5 cm Maximum- 96.0 cm
(ii) Leg Length: Minimum- 99.0 cm Maximum- 120.0 cm
(iii) Thigh Length: Maximum- 64.0 cm

12. The weight chart prescribed is placed at Appendix A to the draft rules will be applicable. The maximum permissible variation from the ideal body weight is 10%. Fraction of less than half a kg will not be noted. If a candidate is underweight by more than 10% below the ideal, a detailed history and careful examination to rule out possible cause like tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes etc. will be carried out. If no cause is detected the candidate will be declared fit. If any cause is detected the fitness of the candidate will be decided accordingly.

13. Cardiovascular System

(a) History of chest pain, breathlessness, palpitation, fainting attacks, giddiness, rheumatic fever, chorea, frequent sore throats and tonsillitis will be given due consideration in assessment of the cardiovascular system.

(b) The normal pulse rate varies from 60-100 bpm. Persistent sinus tachycardia (> 100 bpm), after emotional factors and fever are excluded as causes, as well as persistent sinus bradycardia (< 60 bpm), will be referred for specialist opinion to exclude organic causes. Sinus arrhythmia and vagotoniawill also be excluded.

(c) Candidates are quite prone to develop White Coat Hypertension, which is a transient rise of BP, due to the stress of medical examination. Every effort must be made to eliminate the White Coat effect by repeated recordings under basal conditions. When indicated, ambulatory BP recording must be carried out or the candidate be admitted to hospital for observation before final fitness is certified. An individual with BP consistently greater than or equal to 140/90 mm of Hg will be rejected.

(d) Evidence of organic cardiovascular disease will be cause for rejection. Diastolic murmurs are invariably organic. Short systolic murmurs of ejection systolic nature and not associated with thrill and which diminish on standing, especially if associated with a normal ECG and chest radiograph, are most often functional. However, an echocardiogram will be done to exclude organic heart disease. In case of any doubt the case will be referred to cardiologist for opinion.

(e) Electrocardiogram. Assessment of a properly recorded ECG (resting โ€“ 14 lead) will be carried out by a medical specialist. Note will be taken of wave patterns, the amplitude, duration and time relationship. At initial entry no abnormalities are acceptable except incomplete RBBB in the absence of structural heart disease, which must be excluded. In such cases, opinion of Senior Adviser (Medicine) or Cardiologist will be obtained.

14. Respiratory System

(a) Any residual scarring in pulmonary parenchyma or pleura, as evidenced by a demonstrable opacity on chest radiogram will be a ground for rejection. Old treated cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with no significant residual abnormality can be accepted if the diagnosis and treatment was completed more than two year earlier. In these cases, a CT scan chest and fibreoptic bronchoscopy with bronchial lavage will be done alongwith USG, ESR, PCR, Immunological tests and Mantoux test as decided by the Physician. If all the tests are normal the candidate may be considered fit. However, in such cases fitness will only be decided at Appeal/ Review Medical Board.

(b) Pleurisy with Effusion. Any evidence of significant residual pleural thickening will be a cause for rejection.

(c) History of repeated attacks of cough/ wheezing/ bronchitis may be manifestations of chronic bronchitis or other chronic pathology of the respiratory tract. Such cases will be assessed unfit. Pulmonary Function Tests will be carried out, if available.

(d) History of repeated attacks of bronchial asthma/ wheezing/ allergic rhinitis will be a cause for rejection.

(e) Radiographs of the Chest. Definite radiological evidence of disease of the lungs, mediastinum and pleurae indicates unsuitability for employment in Air Force. If required, investigations as outlined in Para 13 (a) above will be carried out under the advice of a Chest Physician.

15. Gastrointestinal System

(a) Any past history of ulceration or infection of the mouth, tongue, gums or throat will be taken note of including any major dental alteration.

(b) The following dental standards will be followed:-

(i) Candidate must have 14 dental points and the following teeth must be present in the upper jaw in good functional opposition with the corresponding teeth in the lower jaw, and these must be sound or repairable:-

(aa) Any four of the six anteriors

(ab) Any six of the ten posteriors

(ac) They should be balancing on both sides. Unilateral mastication is not allowed.

(ad) Any removable or wired prosthesis are not permitted.

(ii) Candidate whose dental standard does not conform to the laid down standard will be rejected.

(iii) Candidate with dental arches affected by advanced stage of generalised active lesions of pyorrhoea, acute ulcerative gingivitis, and gross abnormality of the teeth or jaws or with numerous caries or septic teeth will be rejected.

(c) Gastro-Duodenal Disabilities. Candidates who are suffering or have suffered, during the previous two years, from symptoms suggestive of chronic indigestion, including proven peptic ulceration, are not to be accepted, in view of the exceedingly high risk of recurrence of symptoms and potential for incapacitation. Any past surgical procedure involving partial or total loss of an organ (other than vestigial organs/gall bladder) will entail rejection.

(d) If past history of jaundice is noted or any abnormality of the liver function is suspected, full investigation is required for assessment. Candidates suffering from viral hepatitis or any other form of jaundice will be rejected. Such candidates can be declared fit after a minimum period of 6 months has elapsed provided there is full clinical recovery; HBV and HCV status are both negative and liver functions are within normal limits.

(e) Candidates who have undergone splenectomy are unfit, irrespective of the cause for operation. Splenomegaly of any degree is a cause for rejection.

(f) A candidate with a well-healed hernia scar, after successful surgery, will be considered fit six months after surgery, provided there is no potential for any recurrence and the abdominal wall musculature is good.

(g) Abdominal Surgery

(i) A candidate with well-healed scar after conventional abdominal surgery will be considered fit after one year of successful surgery provided there is no potential for any recurrence of the underlying pathology and the abdominal wall musculature is good.

(ii) A candidate after laparoscopic cholecystectomy will be considered fit if 08 weeks have passed since surgery provided they are free from signs and symptoms and their evaluation including LFT and USG abdomen are normal and there is total absence of gall bladder with no intra-abdominal collection. Other abdominal laproscopic procedures can also be considered fit after 08 weeks of surgery provided the individual is asymptomatic, recovery is complete and there is no residual complication or evidence of recurrence.

(h) Disposal of cases with incidental ultrasonographic (USG) findings like fatty liver, small cysts, haemangiomas, septate gall bladder etc., will be based on clinical significance and functional limitation. A methodically conducted USG examination should look for the following areas during the examination. The findings as listed in the succeeding paragraphs and other incidental USG findings reported will be evaluated on clinical significance and functional capacity by the concerned specialist.

(j) Liver


(i) Fit

 (aa) Normal echoanatomy of the liver, CBD, IHBR, portal and hepatic veins with liver span not exceeding 15 cm in the mid- clavicular line.
(ab) Solitary simple cyst (thin wall, anechoic) upto 2.5 cm diameter.

(ii) Unfit

(aa) Hepatomegaly more than 15 cm in mid-clavicular line.
(ab) Fatty liver
(ac) Solitary cyst > 2.5 cm
(ad) Solitary cyst of any size with thick walls, septations and debris
(ae) Any calcifications more than 03 mm in size.
(af) More than three calcifications even if each is less than 03 mm in size.
(ag) Multiple hepatic cysts of any size.
(ah) Hemangioma> 02cm.
(aj) Portal vein thrombosis.
(ak) Evidence of portal hypertension (PV >13 mm, collaterals, ascites).

(iii) During Appeal Medical Board/Review Medical Board unfit candidates will be subjected to specific investigations and detailed clinical examination. Fitness for specific conditions will be decided as given below:-

(aa) Fatty Liver may be considered fit in non-obese individual with normal LFT, no metabolic abnormality and negative HBsAg and Anti-HCV serology.
(ab) Solitary simple cyst 2.5 โ€“ 05 cm will be further evaluated with LFT, CECT abdomen, and hydatid serology. Will be considered fit if LFT is normal, hydatid serology is negative and CECT confirms USG findings.
(ac) Any liver calcifications, irrespective of size and number be considered fit provided after due investigations it is revealed that there is no evidence of active disease like tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, hydatid disease, metastatic tumour or liver abscess based onrelevant clinical examination and investigations (LFT, hydatid serology, etc.).

(k) Gall Bladder

(i) Fit

(aa) Normal echoanatomy of the gall bladder.
(ab) Post laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Candiates having undergone lap- cholecystectomy may be considered fit if 08 weeks have passed since surgery and there is total absence of gall bladder with no intra- abdominal collection. Wound should have healed well without incisional hernia.
(ac) Open Cholecystectomy. Candidates having undergone open Cholecystectomy may be considered fit if one year has passed since surgery, the scar is healthy with no incisional hernia and there is total absence of gall bladder with no intra- abdominal collection.

(ii) Unfit.

(aa) Cholelithiasis or biliary sludge.
(ab) Choledocolithiasis.
(ac) Polyp of any size and number.
(ad) Choledochal cyst.
(ae) Gall bladder mass.
(af) Gall bladder wall thickness > 05 mm.
(ag) Septate gall bladder.
(ah) Persistently contracted gall bladder on repeat USG.
(aj) Incomplete Cholecystectomy.

(l) Spleen more than 13 cm in longitudinal axis (or if clinically palpable), any Space Occupying Lesion and Asplenia will be considered Unfit.

(m) Any structural abnormality of the Pancreas, Space Occupying Lesion/Mass Lesion, Features of chronic pancreatitis (calcification,ductular abnormality, atrophy) will be considered Unfit.

(n) Peritoneal Cavity. Ascites, Solitary mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymph node >1 cm and Two or more lymph nodes of any size will be considered Unfit.

(o) Urogenital System.

(i) A simple non obstructive renal cyst of less than 2.5 cm size in one kidney will be considered fit.

(ii) The following congenital structural abnormalities of kidneys will be declared unfit. (aa) Unilateral renal agenesis.

(ab) Unilateral or bilateral hypoplastic/contracted kidney of size less than 08 cm.
(ac) Malrotation.
(ad) Horseshoe kidney. (ae) Ptosed kidney.
(af) Crossed fused/ ectopic kidney.

(iii) Simple single renal cyst of more than 2.5 cm size in one kidney.

(iv) Single cyst of any size in both kidneys or multiple cysts in one kidney.

(v) Renal/ ureteric/vesical mass.

(vi) Hydronephrosis, Hydroureteronephrosis.

(vii) Calculi โ€“ Renal/Ureteric/Vesical.

(viii) During Appeal Medical Board/Review Medical Board, unfit candidates will be subjected to specific investigations and detailed clinical examination. Fitness for specific conditions will be decided as given below:-

(aa) Candidates having isolated abnormality of echo texture of Kidney may be considered fit if Renal Function, DTPA scan and CECT kidney is normal.

(p) Major Abdominal Vasculature (Aorta/ IVC). Any structural abnormality, focal ectasia, aneurysm and calcification will be considered Unfit.

(q) Scrotum and Testis

(i) Unlilateralintrabdominal testes, provided the other testes is completely descended will be declared fit.
(ii) Bilateral undescended testes or bilateral atrophied testis will be declared unfit.
(iii) Unilateral undescended testis if it lies in the inguinal canal, at the external ring or in the abdominal wall will be declared unfit.
(iv) Varicocele will be unfit.

16. Urogenital System

(a) Any alteration in micturition, e.g. dysuria or frequency will be noted. Recurrent attacks of cystitis; pyelonephritis and haematuria must be excluded. Any history of renal colic, attacks of acute nephritis, any operation on the renal tract including loss of a kidney, passing of stones or urethral discharges will be enquired in detail. If there is any history of enuresis, past or present, full details must be obtained.

(b) Urine Examination

(i) Proteinuria will be a cause for rejection, unless it proves to be orthostatic.

(ii) When glycosuria is detected, a blood sugar examination (fasting and after 75 g glucose) and glycosylated Hb is to be carried out, and fitness decided as per results. Renal glycosuria is not a cause for rejection.

(iii) When the candidate has history or evidence of urinary infection it will entail full renal investigation. Persistent evidence of urinary infection will entail rejection.

(iv) Candidates with history of haematuria will be subjected to full renal investigation.

(c) Glomerulonephritis

(i) There is a high rate of recovery in the acute phase, particularly in childhood. A candidate who has made a complete recovery and has no proteinuria may be assessed fit, after a minimum period of one year after full recovery.

(ii) Candidate with chronic glomerulonephritis will be rejected.

(d) Renal Colic and Renal Calculi.Complete renal and metabolic evaluation is required. Candidates with renal calculi will be rejected.

(e) All candidates found to have congenital absence of one kidney or who have undergone unilateral nephrectomy will be rejected. Presence of horseshoe kidney will entail rejection. Solitary functioning kidney with diseased, non-functional contralateral kidney will entail rejection. Crossed ectopia, unascended or malrotated kidney(s), unilateral congenital hypoplasia will be a cause for rejection.

(f) Bilateral undescended testis /atrophied testis will be a cause for rejection. Unilateral undescended testis, if entirely retained in the abdomen, is acceptable. If it lies in the inguinal canal, at the external ring or in the abdominal wall, such cases may be accepted after either orchidectomy or orchipexy operation. In all doubtful cases, surgical opinion must be obtained regarding fitness.

(g) Hydrocele or Varicocele should be properly treated before fitness is considered. Minor degree of varicocele will not entail rejection.

(h) Sexual Transmitted Diseases and Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV). Seropositive HIV status and/ or evidence of STD will entail rejection.

17. Endocrine System

(a) Generally any history suggestive of endocrine disorders will be a cause for rejection.
(b) All cases of thyroid swelling having abnormal iodine uptake and abnormal thyroid hormone levels will be rejected. Cases of simple goitre with minimal thyroid swelling, who are clinically euthyroid and have normal iodine uptake and normal thyroid functions may be accepted.

(c) Candidates detected to have diabetes mellitus will be rejected. A candidate with a family history of diabetes mellitus will be subjected to blood sugar (fasting and after glucose load) and Glycosylated Hb/ HbA1c evaluation, which will be recorded.

18. Dermatological System

(a) Borderline skin conditions will be referred to a dermatologist. Candidates who give history of sexual exposure to a Commercial Sex Worker (CSW), or have evidence of healed penile sore in the form of a scar will be declared permanently unfit, even in absence of an overt STD, as these candidates are likely โ€˜repeatersโ€™ with similar indulgent promiscuous behavior.

(b) Acute non-exanthematous and non-communicable diseases, which ordinarily run a temporary course, need not be a cause of rejection. Diseases of a trivial nature, and those, which do not interfere with general health or cause incapacity, do not entail rejection.

(c) Certain skin conditions are apt to become active and incapacitating under tropical conditions. An individual is unsuitable for service if he has a definite history or signs of chronic or recurrent skin disease. Some such conditions are described below:-

(i) Some amount of Palmoplantar Hyperhydrosis is physiological, considering the situation that recruits face during medical examination. However, candidates with significant Palmoplantar Hyperhydrosis will be considered unfit.

(ii) Mild (Grade I) Acne Vulgaris consisting of few comedones or papules, localized only to the face may be acceptable. However, moderate to severe degree of acne (nodulocystic type with or without keloidal scarring) or involving the back will be considered unfit.

(iii) Any degree of Palmoplantar Keratoderma manifesting with hyperkeratotic and fissured skin over the palms, soles and heels will be considered unfit.

(iv) Ichthyosis Vulgaris involving the upper and lower limbs, with evident dry, scaly, fissured skin will be considered unfit. Mild xerosis (dry skin) may be considered fit.

(v) Candidates having any keloidswill be considered unfit.

(vi) Clinically evident onychomycosis of finger and toe-nails should be declared unfit, especially if associated with nail dystrophy. Mild degree of distal discolouration involving single nail without any dystrophy may be acceptable.

(vii) Giant congenital melanocytic naevi, greater than 10 cm will be considered unfit, as there is a malignant potential in such large sized naevi.

(viii) Small sized callosities, corns and warts may be considered acceptable after treatment. However candidates with multiple common warts or diffuse palmoplantar mosaic warts, large callosities on pressure areas of palms and soles and multiple corns will be rejected.

(ix) Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition known to relapse and/or recur and hence will be considered unfit.

(x) Candidates suffering from minor degree of Leukoderma affecting the covered parts may be accepted. Vitiligo limited only to glans and prepuce may be considered fit. Those having extensive degree of skin involvement and especially, when the exposed parts are affected, even to a minor degree, will not be accepted.

(d) A history of chronic or recurrent attacks of skin infections will be cause for rejection. A simple attack of boils or sycosis from which there has been complete recovery may be considered for acceptance.

(e) Individuals who have chronic or frequently recurring attacks of a skin disease of a serious or incapacitating nature e.g. eczema will be assessed as permanently unfit and rejected.

(f) Any sign of Leprosy will be a cause for rejection.

(g) Naevusdepigmentosus and Beckersnaevus may be considered fit. Intradermal naevus, vascular naevi may be considered unfit.

(h) Mild Pityriasis Versicolor may be considered fit after treatment. Extensive Pityriasis Versicolor may be considered unfit.

(j) Tinea Cruris and Tinea Corporis may be considered fit on recovery.

(k) Scrotal Eczema may be considered fit on recovery.

(l) Canities (premature graying stain) may be considered fit if mild in nature and no systemic association is seen.

(m) Intertrigo may be considered fit on recovery.

(n) Sexually Transmitted Diseases including Genital Ulcers will be considered unfit.

(o) Scabies may be considered fit only on recovery.

19. Musculoskeletal System and Physical Capacity

(a) Assessment of the candidateโ€˜s physique is to be based upon careful observation of such general parameters as apparent muscular development, age, height, weight and the correlation of this i.e. potential ability to acquire physical stamina with training. The candidateโ€˜s physical capacity is affected by general physical development or by any constitutional or pathological condition.

(b) Past medical history of disease or injury of the spine or sacroiliac joints, either with or without objective signs, which has prevented the candidate from successfully following a physically active life, is a cause for rejection for commissioning. History of spinal fracture/prolapsed intervertebral disc and surgical treatment for these conditions will entail rejection.

(c) Mild kyphosis or lordosis where deformity is barely noticeable and not associated with pain or restriction of movement may be accepted. When scoliosis is noticeable or any pathological condition of the spine is suspected, radiographic examination of the appropriate part of the spine needs to be carried out.

(d) For flying duties, radiograph (AP and lateral views) of cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine is to be carried out. For ground duties, radiographic examination of spine may be carried out, if deemed necessary.

(e) The following conditions detected radiologically will disqualify a candidate for Air Force Service:-

(i) Granulomatous disease of spine

(ii) Arthritis/Spondylosis

(aa) Rheumatoid arthritis and allied disorders.
(ab) Ankylosing Spondylitis.
(ac) Osteoarthrosis, spondylosis and degenerative joint disease.
(ad) Non-articular rheumatism (e.g. lesions of the rotator cuff, tennis elbow, recurrent lumbago etc.).
(ae) Misc disorders including SLE, Polymyositis, and Vasculitis.
(af) Spondylolisthesis/ Spondylolysis.
(ag) Compression fracture of vertebra.
(ah) Scheuermanโ€˜s Disease (Adolescent Kyphosis).
(aj) Loss of cervical lordosis when associated with clinically restricted movements of cervical spine.
(ak) Unilateral/Bilateral cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or circulatory deficit.

(iii) Any other abnormality as so considered by the specialist.

(f) The deformities/diseases contained in the above para will be cause for rejection for all branches in IAF. In addition for candidates for flying branches, the under mentioned rules will also apply:-

(i) Spinal Anomalies acceptable for Flying Duties.

(aa) Bilateral complete sacralisation of LV5 and bilateral complete lumbarisation of SV1.
(ab) Spina bifida in sacrum and in LV5, if completely sacralised.
(ac) Complete block (fused) vertebrae in cervical and/or dorsal spine at a single level.

(ii) Spinal Conditions not acceptable for Flying Duties.

(aa) Scoliosis more than 15 degree as measured by Cobbโ€˜s method.
(ab) Degenerative Disc Disease.
(ac) Atlanto โ€“ occipital and atlanto-axial anomalies
(ad) Hemi vertebra and/or incomplete block (fused) vertebra at any level in cervical, dorsal or lumbar spine and complete block (fused)vertebra at more than one level in cervical or dorsal spine.
(ae) Unilateral sacralisation or lumbarisation (complete or incomplete) at all levels and bilateral incomplete sacralisation or lumbarisation.

(g) Conditions Affecting the Assessment of Upper Limbs

(i) Candidate with an amputation of a limb will not be accepted for entry. Amputation of terminal phalanx of little finger on both sides is, however, acceptable.

(ii) Deformities of the upper limbs or their parts will be cause for rejection. Syndactyly and polydactyly will be assessed as unfit except when polydactyly is excised.

(iii) Painless limitation of movement of the wrist will be graded according to the degree of stiffness. Loss of dorsiflexion is more serious than loss of palmar flexion.

(iv) Slight limitation of movement of the elbow does not bar acceptance provided functional capacity is adequate. Ankylosis will entail rejection. Cubitus Valgus is said to be present when the carrying angle (angle between arm and forearm in anatomical posture) is exaggerated. In absence of functional disability and obvious cause like a fracture mal-union, fibrosis or the like, a carrying angle of upto 15ยบ will be acceptable.

(v) History of recurrent dislocation of shoulder will entail rejection.

(vi) Malunion/non-union of an old fracture clavicle will entail rejection.

(h) Conditions affecting the Assessment of Lower Limbs

(i) Mild cases of Hallux Valgus (less than 20 degrees), asymptomatic, without any associated corn/callosities/bunionare acceptable. Other cases will entail rejection. Shortening of first metatarsal is also considered unfit.

(ii) Hallux Rigidusis not acceptable.

(iii) Isolated single flexible mild hammer toe without symptoms may be accepted. Fixed (rigid) deformity or hammer toe associated with corns, callosities, mallet toes or hyperextension at metatarsophalangeal joint (claw toe deformity) will be rejected.

(iv) Loss of any digit of the toes entails rejection.

(v) Extra digits will entail rejection if there is bony continuity with adjacent digits. Cases of syndactyly or loss of toes/fingers will be rejected.

(vi) Feet may look apparent flat. If the arches of the feet reappear on standing on toes, if the candidate can skip and run well on the toes and if the feet are supple, mobile and painless, the candidate is acceptable. Restriction of the movements of the foot will also be a cause for rejection. Rigidity of the foot, whatever may be the shape of the foot, is a cause for rejection.

(vii) Mild degree of idiopathic pes cavus is acceptable. Moderate and severe pes cavus and pes cavus due to organic disease will entail rejection. All cases of Talipes (Club Foot) will be rejected.

(viii) Any significant limitation of movement of the ankle joints following previous injuries will not be accepted. However, cases with no history of recurrent trouble and having plantar and dorsiflexion movement of at least 20 degree may be assessed fit for ground duties. Fitness for aircrew duties will be based on functional evaluation.

(ix) History or clinical signs suggestive of internal derangement of knee joint will need careful consideration. Fitness in such cases will be based on functional evaluation and possibility/progression/recurrence of the treated pathology.

(x) If the distance between the internal malleoli is less than 5 cm, without any other deformity, the candidate will be considered fit for Genu Valgum (Knock Knee). If the distance between the two internal malleoli is more than 5 cm, candidatewill be declared unfit.

(xi) If the distance between the femoral condyles is within 10 cm the candidate will be considered fit for Genu Varum (Bow Legs).

(xii) If the hyperextension of the knee is within 10 degrees and is unaccompanied by any other deformity, the candidate will be accepted as fit for Genu Recurvatum.

(xiii) True lesions of the hip joint will entail rejection.

20. Central Nervous System

(a) A candidate giving a history of mental illness/ psychological afflictions requires detailed investigation and psychiatric referral. Such cases will be rejected. Family history and prior history of using medication is also relevant.

(b) History of insomnia, nightmares or frequent sleepwalking or bed-wetting, when recurrent or persistent, will be a cause for rejection.

(c) Severe or โ€˜throbbingโ€™ Headache and Migraine. Common types of recurrent headaches are those due to former head injury or migraine. Other forms of occasional headache must be considered in relation to their probable cause. A candidate with migraine, which was severe enough to make him consult a doctor, will be a cause for rejection. Even a single attack of migraine with visual disturbance or โ€˜Migrainous epilepsyโ€™ is a bar to acceptance.

(d) History of epilepsy in a candidate is a cause for rejection. Convulsions/fits after the age of five are also a cause for rejection. Convulsions in infancy may not be of ominous nature provided it appears that the convulsions were febrile convulsions and were not associated with any overt neurological deficit. Causes of epilepsy include genetic factors, traumatic brain injury, stroke,infection, demyelinating and degenerative disorders, birth defects, substance abuse and withdrawal seizures. Seizures may masquerade as โ€œfaintsโ€ and therefore the frequency and the conditions under which โ€œfaintsโ€ took place must be elicited. Seizure attacks indicate unsuitability for flying, whatever their apparent nature.

(e) History of repeated attacks of heat stroke, hyperpyrexia or heat exhaustion bars employment for Air Force duties, as it is an evidence of a faulty heat regulating mechanism. A single severe attack of heat effects, provided the history of exposure was severe, and no permanent sequelae were evident is, by itself, not a reason for rejecting the candidate.

(f) A history of severe head injury or Concussion is a cause for rejection.The degree of severity may be gauged from the history of duration of Post Traumatic Amnesia (PTA). Other sequelae of head injury are post concussion syndrome which has subjective symptoms of headache, giddiness, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, poor concentration and attention deficits; focal neurological deficit, and post traumatic epilepsy. Post traumatic neuropsychological impairment can also occur which includes deficits in attention concentration, information processing speeds, mental flexibility and frontal lobe executive functions and psychosocial functioning. Fracture of the skull will not be a cause for rejection unless there is a history of associated intracranial damage or of depressed fracture or loss of bone. When there is a history of severe injury or an associated convulsive attack, an electroencephalogram will be carried out which must be normal. Presence of burr holes will be cause for rejection for flying duties, but not for ground duties. Each case is to be judged on individual merits. Opinion of Neurosurgeon and Psychiatrist must be obtained before acceptance.

(g) When a family history of Psychological Disorders like nervous breakdown, mental disease, or suicide of a near relative is obtained, a careful investigation of the personal past history from a psychological point of view is to be obtained. While such a history per se is not a bar to Air Force duties, any evidence of even the slightest psychological instability in the personal history or present condition, will entail rejection.

(h) If a family history of epilepsy is admitted an attempt should be made to determine its type. When the condition has occurred in a near (first degree) relative, the candidate may be accepted, if he has no history of associated disturbance of consciousness, neurological deficit or higher mentalfunctions and his electroencephalogram is completely normal.

(j) The assessment of emotional stability must include family and personal history, any indication of emotional instability under stress as evidenced by the occurrence of undue emotionalism as a child or of any previous nervous illness or breakdown. The presence of stammering, tic, nail biting, excessive hyperhydrosis or restlessness during examination is indicative of emotional instability.

(k) Candidates who are suffering from psychosis will be rejected. Drug dependence in any form will also be a cause for rejection.

(l) Mentally unstable and neurotic individuals are unfit for commissioning. Juvenile and adult delinquency, history of nervous breakdown or chronic ill health will be causes for rejection. Particular attention will be paid to such factors as unhappy childhood, poor family background, truancy, juvenile and adult delinquency, poor employment and social maladjustment records, history of nervous breakdown or chronic ill-health, particularly if these have interfered with employment in the past.

(m) Any evident neurological deficit (Organic Nervous Conditions) will call for rejection.

(m) Tremors are rhythmic oscillatory movements of reciprocally innervated muscle groups. Tremors occur in cases of excessive fright, anger, anxiety, intense physical exertion, metabolic disturbances including hyperthyroidism, alcohol withdrawl and toxic effects of lithium, smoking (nicotine) and excessive tea, coffee. Other causes of coarse tremor are Parkinsonism, cerebellar (intention) tremor, essential (familial) tremor, tremors of neuropathy and postural or action tremors.

(o) Candidates with stammering will not be accepted for Air Force duties. Careful assessment by ENT Specialist, Speech therapist, psychologist/ psychiatrist may be obtained in doubtful cases.

(p) Only those candidates for aircrew duties will be subjected to Basal Electroencephalogram EEG examination. Those with following EEG abnormalities in resting EEG or EEG under provocative techniques will be rejected for aircrew duties:-

(i) Background Activity. Focal, excessive and high amplitude beta activity/hemispherical asymmetry of more than 2.3 Hz/generalized and focal runs of slow waves approaching background activity in amplitude.

(ii) Hyperventilation. Paroxysmal spikes and slow waves/spikes/focal spike pattern.

(iii) Photo Stimulation. Bilaterally synchronous or focal paroxysmal spikes and slow waves persisting in post-photic stimulation period/suppression or driving response over one hemisphere.

(q) Non specific EEG abnormality will be acceptable provided opinion of Neuropsychiatrist/Neurophysician is obtained.In case an EEG is reported as abnormal, the candidate would be referred to CHAF (B) for a comprehensive evaluation by neurophysician followed by review by a Board at IAM IAF.

21. Ear, Nose and Throat

(a) Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

(i) Obstruction to free breathing as a result of a marked septal deviation is a cause for rejection. Post correction surgery with residual mild deviation with adequate airway will be acceptable.

(ii) Any septal perforation will entail rejection.

(iii) Atrophic rhinitis will entail rejection.

(iv) Cases of allergic rhinitis will entail rejection for flying duties.

(v) Any infection of paranasal sinuses will be declared unfit. Such cases will be accepted following successful treatment during Appeal Medical Board.
(vi) Multiple polyposis will be a cause for rejection.

(b) Oral Cavity and Throat

(i) Candidates where tonsillectomy is indicated will be rejected. Such candidates will be accepted after successful surgery during Appeal Medical Board.

(ii) The presence of a cleft palate will be a cause for rejection.

(iii) Any disabling condition of the pharynx or larynx including persistent hoarseness of voice will entail rejection.

(c) Obstruction or insufficiency of eustachian tube function will be a cause for rejection.

(d) The presence of tinnitus necessitates investigation of its duration, localization, severity and possible causation. Persistent tinnitus is a cause forrejection, as it is liable to become worse through exposure to noise and may be a precursor to Otosclerosis and Meniereโ€™s disease.

(e) Specific enquiry will be made for any susceptibility to motion sickness. Such cases will be fully evaluated and, if found susceptible to motion sickness, they will be rejected for flying duties.

(f) A candidate with a history of dizziness needs to be investigated thoroughly.

(g) Hearing loss

(i) Free field hearing loss is a cause for rejection.

(ii) Audiometric loss should not be greater than 20 db, in frequencies between 250 and 8000 Hz. On the recommendation of an ENT Specialist, an isolated unilateral hearing loss up to 30 db may be condoned provided ENT examination is otherwise normal.

(h) A radical/modified radical mastoidectomy entails rejection even if completely epithelialised and good hearing is preserved. Cases of cortical mastoidectomy in the past with the tympanic membrane intact, normal hearing and presenting no evidence of disease may be accepted.

(j) Cases of chronic otitis externa accompanied by exostoses or unduly narrow meatiiwill be rejected. Exaggerated tortuosity of the canal, obliterating the anterior view of the tympanic membrane will be a cause for rejection.

(k) Tympanoplasty Type I is acceptable twelve weeks after surgery, provided ear clearance test in altitude chamber is normal. The following middle ear conditions will entail rejection:-

(i) Attic, central or marginal perforation.

(ii) Tympanic membrane scar with marked retraction.

(iii) Tympanoplasty Type II onward but not Type I.

(iv) Calcareous plaques (tympanosclerosis) if occupying more than 1/3 of pars tensa.

(v) Middle ear infections.

(vi) Granulation or polyp in external auditory canal.

(vii) Stapedectomy operation.

(l) Miscellaneous Ear Conditions. The following ear conditions will entail rejection:-

(i) Otosclerosis.

(ii) Meniereโ€˜s disease.

(iii) Vestibular dysfunction including nystagmus of vestibular origin.

(iv) Bellโ€˜s palsy following ear infection.

22. Ophthalmic System

(a) Visual defects and medical ophthalmic conditions are amongst the major causes of rejection for flying duties.

(b) Personal and Family History and External Examination.

(i) Squint and the need for spectacles for other reasons are frequently hereditary and a family history may give valuable information on the degree of deterioration to be anticipated. Candidates, who are wearing spectacles or found to have defective vision, will be properly assessed.

(ii) Ptosis interfering with vision or visual field is a cause for rejection till surgical correction remains successful for a period of six months. Candidates with uncontrollable blepharitis, particularly with loss of eyelashes, are generally unsuitable and will be rejected. Severe cases of blepharitis and chronic conjunctivitis will be assessed as temporarily unfit until the response to treatment can be assessed.

(iii) Naso-lacrymal occlusion producing epiphora or a mucocele entails rejection, unless surgery produces relief lasting for a minimum of six months.

(iv) Uveitis (iritis, cyclitis, and choroiditis) is frequently recurrent, and candidates giving a history of or exhibiting this condition will be carefully assessed. When there is evidence of permanent lesions such candidates will be rejected.

(v) Corneal scars, opacities will be cause for rejection unless it does not interfere with vision. Such cases will be carefully assessed before acceptance, as many conditions are recurrent.

(vi) Cases with Lenticular opacities will be assessed carefully. As a guideline any opacity causing visual deterioration, or is in the visual axis oris present in an area of 7 mm around the pupil, which may cause glare phenomena, will not be considered fit. The propensity of the opacities not to increase in number or size will also be a consideration when deciding fitness.

(vii) Visual disturbances associated with headaches of a migrainous typeare not a strictly ocular problem, and will be assessed accordingly. Presence of diplopia or detection of nystagmus requires proper examination, as they can be due to physiological reasons.

(viii) Night blindness is largely congenital but certain diseases of the eye exhibit night blindness as an early symptom and hence, proper investigations are necessary before final assessment. As tests for night blindness are not routinely performed, a certificate to this effect that the individual does not suffer from night blindness will be obtained in every case. Certificate will be as per Appendix- B to the draft rules.

(ix) Restriction of movements of the eyeball in any direction and undue depression/ prominence of the eyeball requires proper assessment.

(c) The visual acuity and colour vision requirements are detailed in Appendix- C to this rule. Those who do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

(d) If there is a strong family history of Myopia, particularly if it is established that the visual defect is recent, if physical growth is still expected, or if the fundus appearance is suggestive of progressive myopia, even if the visual acuity is within the limit prescribed, the candidate will be declared unfit.

(e) Refractive Surgeries. Candidates who have undergone PRK (Photo Refractive Keratotomy)/ LASIK (LASER In Situ Keratomileusis) may be considered fit for commissioning in the Air Force all branches.

(f) The following criteria must be satisfied prior to selecting post PRK/ LASIK candidates:-

(i) PRK/ LASIK surgery should not have been carried out before the age of 20 years.

(ii) The axial length of the eye should not be more than 25.5 mm asmeasured by IOL master.

(iii) Atleast 12 months should have elapsed post uncomplicated stable PRK/ LASIK with no history or evidence of any complication.

(iv) The post PRK/ LASIK corneal thickness as measured by a corneal pachymeter should not be less than 450 microns.

(v) Individuals with high refractive errors (>6D) prior to PRK/ LASIK are to be excluded.

(g) Radial Keratotomy (RK) surgery for correction of refractive errors is not permitted for any Air Force duties. Candidates having undergone cataract surgery with or without IOL implants will also be declared unfit.

(h) Ocular Muscle Balance

(i) Individuals with manifest squint are not acceptable for commissioning.

(ii) The assessment of latent squint or heterophoria in the case of aircrew will be mainly based on the assessment of the fusion capacity. A strong fusion sense ensures the maintenance of binocular vision in the face of stress and fatigue. Hence, it is the main criterion for acceptability.

(aa) Convergence.

(aaa) Objective Convergence. Average is from 6.5 to 8 cm. It is poor at 10 cm and above.
(aab) Subjective Convergence (SC). This indicates the end point of binocular vision under the stress of convergence. If the subjective convergence is more than 10 cm beyond the limit of objective convergence, the fusion capacity is poor. This is specially so when the objective convergence is 10 cm and above.

(ab) Accommodation. In the case of myopes, accommodation should be assessed with corrective glasses in position. The acceptable values for accommodation in various age groups are given in table below:-

Age in Yrs 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45
Accommodation (in cm) 10-11 11-12 12.5-13.5 14-16 16-18.5 18.5-27

(j) Ocular muscle balance is dynamic and varies with concentration, anxiety, fatigue, hypoxia, drugs and alcohol. The above tests will be considered together for the final assessment. For example, cases just beyond the maximum limits of the Maddox Rod test, but who show a good binocular response, a good objective convergence with little difference from subjective convergence, and full and rapid recovery on the cover tests may be accepted. On the other hand, cases well within Maddox Rod test limits, but who show little or no fusion capacity, incomplete or no recovery on the cover tests, and poor subjective convergence will be rejected. Standards for assessment of Ocular Muscle Balance are mentioned in Appendix- C to the draft rules.

(k) Any clinical findings in the media (cornea, lens, vitreous) or fundus, which is of pathological nature and likely to progress will be a cause for rejection. This examination will be done by slit lamp and ophthalmoscopy under mydriasis.

23. Haemopoietic System

(a) All candidates will be examined for clinical evidence of pallor (anaemia), malnutrition, icterus, peripheral lymphadenopathy, purpura, petechiae/ ecchymoses and hepatosplenomegaly.

(b) In the event of laboratory confirmation of anaemia (<13g/dl in males), further evaluation to ascertain type of anaemia and aetiology will be carried out. This will include a complete haemogram (to include the PCV MCV, MCH, MCHC, TRBC, TWBC, DLC, Platelet count, reticulocyte count and ESR) and a peripheral blood smear. All the other tests to establish the aetiology will be carried out, as required. Ultrasonography of abdomen for gallstones, upper GI Endoscopy/ proctoscopy and hemoglobin electrophoresis etc. will be done, as indicated, and the fitness of the candidate, decided on the merit of each case.

(c) Candidates with mild microcytic hypochromic (Iron deficiency anaemia) or dimorphic anaemia (Hb< 11.5g/dl in males), in the first instance, will be made temporarily unfit for a period of 04 to 06 weeks followed by review thereafter. These candidates can be accepted, if the complete haemogram and PCV, peripheral smear results are within the normal range. Candidates with macrocytic/megaloblastic anaemia will be assessed unfit.

(d) All candidates with evidence of hereditary haemolytic anaemias (due to red cell membrane defect or due to red cell enzyme deficiencies) and haemoglobinopathies (Sickle cell disease, Beta Thalassaemia: Major, Intermedia, Minor, Trait and Alpha Thalassaemia etc.) will be considered unfit for service.

(e) In the presence of history of haemorrhage into the skin like ecchymosis/ petechiae, epistaxis, bleeding from gums and alimentary tract, persistent bleeding after minor trauma or lacerations / tooth extraction and any family history of haemophilia or other bleeding disorders a full evaluation will be carried out. These cases will not be acceptable for entry to service. All candidates with clinical evidence of purpura or evidence of thrombocytopenia will be considered unfit for service.

(f) Candidates with history of haemophilia, von Willebrandโ€™s disease, on evaluation, will be declared unfit for service at entry level.

Appendix A

Male Ideal Nude Weights for Different Age Groups and Heights for NDA (Flying & Ground Duty) Candidates on Entry

(10% variation on higher side of average acceptable)

Height (in cm) Age Range (in Years) / Weight (in Kgs)
15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19
152 41 42.5 44 45
155 42 43.5 45.3 47
157 43 45 47 48
160 45 46.5 48 49
162 46 48 50 51
165 48 50 52 53
167 49 51 53 54
170 51 52.5 55 56
173 52.5 54.5 57 58
175 54.5 56 59 60
178 56 58 61 62
180 58.5 60 63 64.5
183 61 62.5 65 66.5

Appendix B
[Refers to para 22 (b) (viii)]

Certificate Regarding Night Blindness

Name with Initials ___________________________ Batch No. _______ Chest No _____________

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, there has not been any case of night blindness in our family, and I do not suffer from it.

Date: โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. (Signature of the candidate)

Countersigned by
(Name of Medical Officer)

Appendix C
[Refers to Para 22 (c)]

Visual Standards for NDA (Flying & Ground Duty)

Candidates on Entry

Sl No Branch Maximum Limits of Refractive Error Visual Acuity Errors Colour Vision
1 F(P)

including WSOs

Hypermetropia: + 2.0D Sph Manifest Myopia: Nil Retinoscopic myopia: โ€“ 0.5 in any meridian permitted Astigmatism: + 0.75D Cyl (within + 2.0D Max) 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other, correctable to 6/6 only for Hypermetropia CP-I
2 Aircrew other        than F(P) Hypermetropia: +3.5D Sph Myopia:               -2.0D                    Sph Astigmatism: + 0.75D Cyl 6/24 in one  eye  and 6/36 in other, correctable to 6/6 and 6/9 CP-I
3 Adm/

Adm (ATC)/ Adm (FC)

Hypermetropia: + 3.5D Sph Myopia:            -3.5D                    Sph Astigmatism: + 2.5D Cyl in any meridian Corrected   visual   acuity should be 6/9 in each eye. CP-II
4 AE(M)


Hypermetropia: + 3.5 D Sph Myopia: -3.50 D Sph Astigmatism: + 2.5D Cyl in any meridian Corrected visual acuity should be 6/9 in each eye. Wearing of glasses will be compulsory when advised CP-II
5 Met Hypermetropia:  +  3.5  D  Sph Myopia:         -3.50                D              Sph Corrected   visual   acuity should be 6/6 in the better CP-II
Astigmatism: + 2.50 D Cyl eye and 6/18 in the worse eye. Wearing of Glasses will be compulsory.
6 Accts/ Lgs/Edn Hypermetropia: + 3.5 D Sph Myopia: -3.50 D Sph Astigmatism: + 2.50 D Cyl Corrected visual acuity should be 6/6 in the better eye and 6/18 in the worse eye. Wearing of Glasses will be compulsory. CP-III

Note 1. Ocular muscle balance for personnel covered in Sl. Nos. 1 and 2 should conform to the table given below:-

Standard of Ocular Muscle Balance for Flying Duties

Sl No Test Fit Temporary Unfit Permanently Unfit
1 Maddox           Rod Test at 6 meters Exo- 6 Prism D Eso- 6 Prism D Hyper- 1 Prism D

Hypo- 1 Prism D

Exo- Greater than 6 prism D Eso- Greater than 6 prism D Hyper- Greater than 1 prism D

Hypo- Greater than 1 prism D

Uniocular suppression Hyper/Hypo more than 2 prism D
2 Maddox           Rod Test at 33 cm Exo-16 Prism D Eso- 6 Prism D Hyper- 1 Prism D Hypo- 1 Prism D Exo- Greater than 16 prism D Eso- Greater than 6 prism D Hyper- Greater than 1 prism D Hypo- Greater than 1 prism D Uniocular suppression Hyper/Hypo more than 2 prism D
3 Hand               held Stereoscope All of BSV grades Poor Fusional reserves Absence  of SMP, fusion Stereopsis
4 Convergence Up to 10 cm Up to 15 cm with effort Greater   than   15   cm with effort
5 Cover Test for Distance and Near Latent           divergence /convergence recovery   rapid   and complete Compensated  heterophoria/  trophia likely   to   improve   with   treatment /persisting even after treatment Compensated heterophoria

Note 2. Visual standards of Air Wing Cadets at NDA and Flt Cdts of F (P) at AFA should conform to A1G1 F (P) standard (S1. No. 1)

Note 3. The Sph correction factors mentioned above will be inclusive of the specified astigmatic correction factor. A minimum correction factor upto the specified visual acuity standard can be accepted.



1. Before a candidate joins the Academy, the parent or guardian will be required to sign :โ€”

(a) A certificate to the effect that he fully understands that he or his son or ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from the Government in respect of any injury which his son or ward may sustain in the course of or as a result of the training or where bodily infirmity or death results in the course of or as a result of a surgical operation performed upon or anaesthesia administered to him for the treatment of any injury received as aforesaid or otherwise.

(b) A bond to the effect that if, on account of his dismissal or discharge or withdrawal from National Defence Academy for knowingly furnishing false particulars or suppressing material information in his application for admission to the said National Defence Academy or in the event of his being dismissed or discharged or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from the said, National Defence Academy or for any reason not beyond the control of the cadet, he does not complete the prescribed period of training, or he, the cadet, does not accept a Commission if offered as conventated above, then the Guarantors and the cadet shall jointly and severally be liable to pay forthwith to Government in cash sums as the Government shall fix but not exceeding such expenses as shall have been incurred by the Government on account of the Cadet on his training and all the money received by the Cadets as pay and allowance from the Government together with interest on the said money calculated at the rate in force for Government loans.

2. The cost of training including accommodation, books, uniforms, boarding and  medical treatment will be borne by the Government. Parents or guardians of cadets, will, however, be required to meet their pocket and other private expenses. Normally these expenses are not likely to exceed Rs. 3000.00 p.m. If in any case a cadetโ€™s parents or guardian is unable to meet wholly or partly even this expenditure financial assistance of Rs. 1000.00 p.m. for the period of training may be granted by the Government whose parents income is less than Rs. 21,000/- per month. Cadet whose parentโ€™s or guardianโ€™s income exceeds Rs. 21,000/- per month will not be liable for the assistance. If more than one son/ward simultaneously undergoing training at NDA, IMA, OTA and corresponding training establishment in the Navy and Air Force, then BOTH would be eligible for the financial assistance.

The parent/guardian of a candidate desirous of having financial assistance from the Government should immediately after his son/ward having been finally selected for training at the National Defence Academy submit an application through the District Magistrate of his District who will forward the application with his recommendation to the Commandant, National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune-411023.

3. Candidates finally selected for training at the Academy will be required to deposit the following amount with the Commandant, National Defence Academy, on their arrival there :โ€”

(a) Pocket allowance for five months @ Rs. 3000.00 per month. Rs. 15000.00
(b) For items of clothing and equipment Rs. 21831.00
(c) Army Group Insurance Fund Rs.  7200.00
(d) Clothing items required at the time of joining Rs.  8681.00
(e) Incidental Expenditure during 1st Semester Rs.  7138.00
Total Rs. 59850.00

Out of the amount mentioned above the following amount is refundable to the candidates in the event of financial aid being sanctioned to them:โ€”


(a) Pocket allowance for five months @ Rs. 400.00 per month (Corresponding to Govt. Financial Assistance) Rs.  2000.00
(b) For items of clothing and equipment approximately Rs. 13935.00

4. The following Scholarships/Financial Assistance are tenable at the National Defence Academy.

(1) PARASHURAM BHAU PATWARDHAN SCHOLARSHIPโ€”This Scholarship is granted to cadets overall first in Academics of Passing out Course. One time scholarship amount is Rs. 5000/-.

(2) COLONEL KENDAL FRANK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPโ€”This scholarship is of the value of Rs. 4800.00 per annum and awarded to a MARATHA cadet who should be the son of an ex-serviceman. The scholarship is in addition to any financial assistance from the Government.

(3) KAUR SINGH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPโ€” Two scholarships are awarded to cadets who obtain the highest position amongst candidates from BIHAR. The value of each scholarship is Rs. 37.00 per mensem tenable for a maximum period of 4 years during the training at the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla and thereafter at the Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun and the Air Force Flying College; and Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala where the cadets may be sent for training on completion of their training at the National Defence Academy. The scholarship will, however, be continued subject to maintaining good progress at the above institution.

(4) ASSAM GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPโ€”Two scholarships will be awarded to the cadets from ASSAM. The value of each scholarship is Rs. 30.00 per mensem and is tenable for the duration of a cadetโ€™s stay at the National Defence Academy. The scholarships will be awarded to the two best cadets from ASSAM without any reference to the income of their parents. The cadets who are granted this scholarship will not be entitled to any other financial assistance from the Government.

(5) UTTAR PRADESH GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE SCHEMEโ€”Uttar Pradesh Sainik Punarvas Nidhi a Trust under Honโ€™ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh has started a incentive scheme for cadets joining NDA/IMA/OTA/AF Academy/Naval Academy/Women Entry who are dependents of ex servicemen upto JCO rank of Uttar Pradesh in which there is a provision of one time grant of Rs 25,000/- per candidate

(6) KERALA GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPSโ€” All male/female cadets irrespective of gender and without any pre conditions to all Kerala state cadets who are admitted to OTA,NDA, IMA, Naval Academy, Air force Academy, Armed Forces Medical College, RIMC Schools, as a consolation shall be granted Rs 2,00,000/- only and those who get admission to Military, Naval and Air force Nursing Schools shall be granted as a consolation Rs 1,00,000/- .

(7) BIHARI LAL MANDAKINI PRIZEโ€”This is cash prize of Rs. 500.00 available for the best BENGALI boy in each Course of the Academy. Application Forms are available with the Commandant, National Defence Academy.

(8) ORISSA GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPSโ€”These scholarships, one for the Army, one for the Navy and the other for the Air Force of the value of Rs. 80.00 each per month will be awarded by the Government of Orissa to the cadets who are permanent residents of the State of ORISSA. Two of these scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit-cum- means of the cadets whose parentโ€™s or guardianโ€™s income does not exceed Rs. 5,000/- per annum and the other one will be given to the best cadet irrespective of his parentโ€™s or guardianโ€™s income.

S.No. State Government Amount Eligibility
(9) West Bengal *Income  Initial Lump sum grant Scholarship           per semester Low   Middle     High 5000/-   3750/-  2500/-
1800/-   1350/-  900/-

The cadet must be Indian Citizen and the cadet and/or his of/or permanently domiciled in the State of West Bengal.

The Cadet is not in receipt of any other financial assistance/grant from the Govt. of India and/or the State Government or any other authority excepting scholarship or stipend received on merit.

Table Income group

Low   โ€“  up to Rs. 9000/-pm

Middle  โ€“              Rs. 9001/- to Rs. 18000/-pm High               โ€“                Above 18000/-pm

(10) Goa Rs. 1000/- per month during the period of training (subject to a maximum of 24 months or duration of the course whichever is less) & one time outfit allowance of Rs. 12,000/- (i) The income limit of the cadetโ€™s parent/guardian    shall     not     exceed Rs. 15,000/- pm (Rs. 1,80,000/- per annum).

(ii) The income limit of  those  belonging to SC/ST/OBC     should  not     exceed Rs. 37,500/- per month (Rs. 4,50,000/- per annum).

(iii) He should not be receiving financial assistance/ freeship from any other source.

(11) Nagaland Rs. 1,00,000/- onetime payment Should be domicile of Nagaland State.
(12) Manipur Rs. 1,00,000/- onetime payment Should be domicile of Manipur State.
(13) Arunachal Pradesh Scholarship           Rs.1,000/- pm One time outfit                Allowance Rs. 12,000/- Should be domicile of Arunachal Pradesh State.
(14) Gujarat Scholarship           Rs. 6,000/- per annum To the ward of Serving/Ex-servicemen (incl Ex/Serving Officer) of Native/ Domicile of Gujarat.
(15) Uttarakhand

Pocket Money Rs. 250/- pm for NDA Cadets of Uttarakhand domicile is paid to father/guardian of cadets (Ex-Servicemen/Widow, through respective Zilla Sainik Kalyan Officers.)

Cash Award of Rs. 50,000/- for NDA Cadets of Uttarakhand domicile is paid to father/guardian of cadets through Directorate of Higher Education, Haldwani.

(16) Punjab Rs. 1,00,000/-(one time payment) Should be domicile of Punjab State.
(17) State Govt. Sikkim Rs.1.5  lakhs  for  all  Offrs  entry schemes Award for successful candidates of Sikkim for all

Officerโ€™sentry schemes.

(18) Fg Officer Anuj Nanchal Memorial Scholarship. Rs. 1500/- (One time payment) โ€“ Second best all round Air Force cadet of VI term
(19) Pilot Officer Gurmeet Singh Bedi Memorial Scholarship. Pilot Officer Gurmeet Singh Bedi Memorial Scholarship. Rs. 1500/- (One time payment).  Best all round Air Force cadet at the time of Passing Out of VI term.
(20) HIMACHAL PRADESH GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPโ€”Four scholarships will  be awarded to cadets from HIMACHAL PRADESH. The value of each scholarship is Rs. 30.00 per month during the first two years of training and Rs. 48.00 per month during the third year of training. These scholarships will be available to those cadets whose parentโ€™s income is below Rs. 500.00 per month. No cadet in receipt of financial assistance from the Government will be eligible for this scholarship.
(21) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPโ€”he Government of Tamil Nadu has instituted at NDA one scholarship per course of the value of Rs. 30/- per month plus an outfit allowance of Rs. 400/- (one only during the entire period of cadetโ€™s training) to be awarded to a cadet belonging to the State of TAMIL NADU whose parentโ€™s/guardianโ€™s monthly income does not exceed Rs. 500/-. The application by an eligible cadet can be made to the Commandant, National Defence Academy on their arrival.
(22) KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPSโ€”The Govt. of Karnataka has awarded scholarships to cadets from Karnataka State who join the National Defence Academy. The value of the scholarship shall be Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand) per month and outfit allowance of Rs. 12000/- in first term.
(23) ALBERT EKKA SCHOLARSHIPโ€”The Government of Bihar has instituted at NDA 25 Merit Scholarships at Rs. 50/- per month for entire period of six terms at the NDA and Rs. 650/- one time towards clothing and equipment. The cadet awarded the above merit scholarship would not be eligible for any other scholarship or financial assistance from the Government. The application by an eligible cadet can be made to the Commandant, National Defence Academy on their arrival.
(24) FG OFFICER DV PINTOO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPโ€”Gp Capt. M Vashishta has instituted 3 scholarships of Rs. 125/- each per month at NDA for one term to be awarded to the first three cadets in the order of merit on completion of their first semester till end of second term. The cadets in receipt of Govt. Financial Assistance will not be eligible for the above scholarships. The application for eligible cadets can be made to the Commandant, NDA on arrival.
(25) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO WARDS OF EX-SERVICEMENโ€”MAHARASHTRA STATE The wards of Maharashtrian ex-service officers/men who are undergoing training as cadets at NDA will be given Rs. 50,000/- as one time incentive.

The parents/guardians of the wards should submit their applications to their respective Zilla Sainik Welfare Office along with the certificates obtained from the Academy. Terms and conditions governing these scholarships  are  obtainable  from  the  Commandant,   National   Defence   Academy,   Khadakwasla, Pune โ€“ 411 023.


The Haryana State Govt. has declared a cash award of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) to every individual who successfully completes the training at NDA/IMA/OTA and other Defence Academies of National Status and domicile of State of Haryana.


Chandigarh Administration has  introduced  the  scheme  for  grant  of  one  time  incentive  of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) to the cadets who are resident of UT, Chandigarh and joined NDA.


The cadets undergoing training at NDA and who are bonafide residents of NCT Delhi will get a monthly grant of Rs 2000/-. A bonafide resident would means those cadets whose peranment home address recorded in the documents at the time of joining NDA is that of National Capital Territory of Delhi ( and does not include NCR). This would be needed to be supported with a copy of the residence proof (Aadhaar Card, Voter Identity Card, Service Records of their parent etc.)

5. Immediately after the selected candidates join the Academy, a preliminary examination will be held in the following subjects:

(a) English;
(b) Mathematics;
(c) Science;
(d) Hindi.

The standard of the examination in the subjects at (a), (b) and (c) will not be higher than that of the Higher Secondary Examination of an Indian University or Board of Higher Secondary Education. The paper in the subject at (d) is intended to test the standard attained by the candidate in Hindi at the time of joining the Academy.
Candidates are, therefore, advised not to neglect their studies after the competitive examination.


6. The selected candidates for the three services viz, Army, Navy and Air Force are given preliminary training both academic and physical for a period of 3 years at the National Defence Academy which is an Inter-Service Institution. The training during the first two and half years is common to the cadets of three wings. All the cadets on passing out will be awarded degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi as under:-

(a) Army Cadets โ€“ B.Sc/ B.Sc (Computer)/ B.A
(b) Naval Cadets โ€“ B. Tech Degree*
(c) Air Force Cadets โ€“ B. Tech Degree* /B.Sc/B.Sc (Computer)

Note* : All the cadets undergoing B.Sc/B.SC(Computer)/BA Degree programme shall be awarded the degree on the successful completion of Academics, Physical and Service Training at NDA. All the cadets undergoing B Tech programme shall be awarded the B.Tech degree on the subsequent Pre Commissioning Training Academies/ Institutions/ Ships/ Air Craft.

The selected candidates of the Naval Academy will be given preliminary training both academic and physical, for a period of 04 years at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala. The cadets of 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme will be awarded a B. Tech Degree on successful completion of training.

7. On passing out from the National Defence Academy, Army Cadets go to the Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun, Naval Cadets to Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala and Air Force cadets and Ground Duty-Non Tech streams to Air Force Academy, Hyderabad and Air Force cadets of Ground Dutyโ€“Tech stream to Air Force Technical College, Bengaluru.

8. At the I.M.A, Army Cadets are known as Gentlemen Cadets and are given strenuous military training for a period of one year aimed at turning them into officer capable of leading infantry Sub-units. On successful completion of training Gentlemen Cadets are granted Permanent Commission in the rank of Lt subject to being medically fit in โ€œSHAPEโ€ one.

9. (a) The Naval cadets are selected for the Executive Branch of the Navy, on passing out from the National Defence Academy and are given further training at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala for a period of one year on successful completion of which they are promoted to the rank of Sub Lieutenants.

(b) Selected candidates for the Naval Academy under (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) will be inducted as Cadets for four year B.Tech course in Applied Electronics & Communication Engineering (for Executive Branch), Mechanical Engineering (for Engineering Branch including Naval Architect specialization) or Electronics & Communication Engineering (for Electrical Branch) as per Naval requirements. On completion of the course, B. Tech Degree will be awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).

10. (a) Air Force Cadets receive flying training for a period of 1ยฝ years. However, at the end of 1 year of training they are given provisional Commission in the rank of Flying Officer. After successful completion of further training of six months they are absorbed as permanent commissioned officers on probation for a period of one year.

(b) Air Force Ground Duties Branch Cadets receive stream wise specialist training for a period of one year. At the end of one year of training they are given provisional commission in the rank of Flying Officer. Subsequently, they are absorbed as permanent commissioned officers on probation of one year.


11. Army Officers and equivalent ranks in Air Force and Navy

(a) Fixed Stipend for Cadet Training:โ€“

Stipend to Gentlemen Cadets during the entire duration of training in Service academies i.e. during training period at IMA Rs 56,100/-p.m.*
(Starting pay in Level 10)

*On successful commissioning, the pay in the Pay matrix of the Officer commissioned shall be fixed in first Cell of Level 10 and the period of training shall not be treated as commissioned service and arrears on account of admissible allowances, as applicable, for the training period shall be paid to cadets.

(b) Pay

Rank Pay Level (in Rs.)
Lt to Maj Lt โ€“ Level 10 (56,100 โ€“ 1,77,500)/- Capt โ€“ Level 10 B (61,300-1,93,900)/- Maj โ€“ Level 11 (69,400 โ€“ 2,07,200)/-
Lt Col to Maj Gen Lt Col โ€“ Level 12A (1,21,200 โ€“ 2,12,400)/- Col โ€“ Level 13 (1,30,600 โ€“ 2,15,900)/- Brig โ€“ Level 13A (1,39,600 โ€“ 2,17,600)/-

Maj Gen โ€“ Level 14 (1,44,200 โ€“ 2,18,200)/-

Lt Gen (HAG Scale) Level 15 (1,82,200 โ€“ 2,24,100)/-
Lt Gen (HAG+Scale) Level 16 (2,05,400 โ€“ 2,24,400)/-
VCOAS/Army Cdr/ Lt Gen (NFSG) Level 17 (2,25,000/-) (fixed)
COAS Level 18 (2,50,000/-) (fixed)

(ii) MSP to the officer is as follows:-

Military Service Pay(MSP) to the officers from the rank of Lt to Brig Rs 15,500 p.m. fixed

(iii) Flying Allowance: The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in the Army Aviation Corps are entitled to flying allowance at Rs 25,000/- p.m.

(iv) Other allowance:-

Dearness Allowance Admissible at the same rates and under the same conditions as are applicable to the civilian personnel from time to time.
Para Allce Rs 10,500/- pm
Para Reserve Allce Rs 2,625/- pm
Para Jump Instructor Allce Rs 10,500/- pm
Project Allce Rs 3,400/- pm
Special Forces Allce Rs 25,000/- pm
Technical Allce (Tier-I) Rs 3,000/- pm
Technical Allce (Tier-II) Rs 4,500/- pm

(v) Depending upon rank and area of posting, officer posted to Field Areas will be eligible for the following Field Area allowances:-

Level Highly Active Field Area Allce Field Area Allce Modified Field Area Allce
Officers Rs 16,900/- pm Rs 10,500/- pm Rs 6,300/- pm

High Altitude Allowance

Level Category-I Category-II Category-III
Officers Rs 3,400/- pm Rs 5,300/- pm Rs 25,000/- pm

Counter Insurgency Allowance

Level Counter Insurgency Allce in Peace Area Counter Insurgency Allce in Field Area Counter Insurgency Allce in Modified Field Area
Officers Rs 10,500/- pm Rs 16,900/- pm Rs 13,013/- pm

(vi) Siachen Allowance Rs 42,500/- per month.

(vii) Uniform allowance. Rs 20,000/- per year.

(viii) Ration in Kind. In peace and Field areas

(ix) Transport Allowance (TPTA)

Pay Level Higher TPTA Cities (Rs. Per month) Other Places (Rs. Per month)
Officers Rs. 7200+DA thereon Rs. 3600+DA thereon

(x) Children Education Allowance. Rs. 2250/- per month per child for two eldest surviving only. CEA is admissible from Nursery to 12th Class.

(xi) Hostel Subsidy. Rs. 6,750/- per month per child for two eldest surviving only. CEA is admissible from Nursery to 12th Class.

(xii) The following monetary benefits are available to the Cadets (Direct)/NoKs in the event of invalidment on medical grounds/death of a Cadet (Direct) due to causes attributable to or aggravated by military training:


(i) Monthly Ex-gratia amount of Rs. 9,000/- per month.

(ii) Ex-gratia disability award @ Rs. 16200/- per month shall be payable in addition for 100% of disability during period of disablement subject to prorate reduction in case the degree of disablement is less than 100%. No disability award shall be payable in cases where the degree of disablement is less than 20%.

(iii) Constant Attendant Allowance (CCA) @ Rs 6750/- per month for 100% disabled on the recommendation of Invaliding Medical Board (IBM).


(i) Ex-gratia amount of Rs. 12.5 lakhs to the NoK.

(ii) The Ex-gratia amount of Rs. 9000/- per month to the NoK.

(iii) The Ex-gratia awards to Cadets (Direct) / NoK, shall be sanctioned purely on ex- gratia basis and the same shall not be treated as pension for any purpose. However, dearness relief at applicable rates shall be granted on monthly ex-gratia as well as ex-gratia disability award.

12. (a) Army Group Insurance Fund provides insurance cover of Rs. 15 lakh on payment of one time non-refundable premium of Rs. 7,200/- by cadets from the date of joining for pre-commission training i.e. for 3 years. If a cadet is relegated an additional premium of Rs. 1,355/- per relegated term will be paid. For those who are invalidated out by IMB on account of disability and not entitled to any pension will be provided Rs.15 lakhs for 100 per cent disability. This will be proportionately reduced to Rs 3 lakhs for 20 per cent disability. However, for less than 20 percent disability, only an Ex-Gratia Grant of Rs. 50,000/- for first two years of training and Rs. 1 lakh during the third year of training will be paid. Disability due to alcoholism, drug addiction and due to the diseases of pre-enrolment origin will not qualify for disability benefit and Ex-Gratia Grant. In addition, cadets withdrawn on disciplinary grounds, expelled as undesirable or leaving the Academy voluntarily will not be eligible for disability benefits and Ex-Gratia. There is no saving component under the scheme.

(b) The Gentlemen Cadets at IMA when in receipt of stipend are insured for Rs. 75 lakh as applicable to officers of regular Army. For those who are invalidated out by IMB account of disability and not entitled to any pension will be provided Rs 25 lakhs for 100 percent disability. This will be proportionately reduced to Rs 5 lakhs for 20 percent disability. However, for less than 20% disability, an Ex-Gratia Grant of Rs. 50,000/- will be paid. Disability due to alcoholism, drug addiction and due to the diseases of pre-enrolment origin will not qualify for disability benefit and Ex-Gratia Grant. In addition, Gentleman Cadets withdrawn on disciplinary grounds, expelled as an undesirable or leaving the Academy voluntarily will not be eligible for disability benefits and Ex-Gratia. Subscription at the rate of Rs. 5,000/- will have to be paid in advance on monthly basis by Gentlemen Cadets to become member under the main AGI Scheme as applicable to regular Army Officers. The subscription for the relegated period would also be recovered at the same rate.


S.No. Army Navy Air Force Minimum Reckonable Commissioned Service required for Substantive Promotion
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
(a) Lieutenant Sub Lieutenant Flying Officer On Commission
(b) Captain Lieutenant Flight Lieutenant 02 Years
(c) Major Lt. Commander Squadron Leader 06 years
(d) Lieutenant Colonel Commander Wing Commander 13 years
(e) Colonel (Selection) Captain (Selection) Group Captain (Selection) On Selection
(f) Colonel (Time Scale) Captain (Time Scale) Group Captain (Time Scale) 26 years
(g) Brigadier Commodore Air Commodore On Selection
(h) Major General Rear Admiral Air Vice Marshal On Selection
(i) Lieutenant General Vice Admiral Air Marshal On Selection
(j) General Admiral Air Chief Marshal On Selection


Pension, gratuity and casualty pensionary award will be admissible in accordance with the rules in force from time to time.


Leave will be admissible in accordance with the rules in force from time to time.


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