Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Signal & Telecommunication Department of Indian Railway


Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Signal & Telecommunication Department of Indian Railway

Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Signal & Telecommunication Department of Indian Railway: Railway Board Order RBE No. 42/2020

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

RBE No. 42/ 2020


NewDelhi,Dated 05.06.2020

The General Managers, All ndian Railways/ PUs, Metro Railway /Kolkata
Railway Electrification/Allahabad DGIROSOI Lucknow
CAO/ DMW/ Patiala CAO/COFMOW /New Delhi ED/CAMTECH/Gwal ior
DG/ NAIR/Vadodara The Directors,
IRITM/ Lucknow IRIEEN/Nasik

Sub: Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Signal & Telecommunication Department.

Ref: Chairman/Railway Board’s letter No. E(MPP)/ 2016/ 3/ 20 dated 28.11.2018 and Board’s letter dated 06.12.2018

Vide Board (CRB) letter No. E(MPP)/2016/3/20 dated 28 .11.2018, DG/NAIR had been authorized as the Head of the Academic Council of all CTIs to develop Training Modules of all categories of Non-Gazetted staff. Accordingly, training modules of Signal & Telecommunication Department were finalized and sent to this office.

2. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) has reviewed the above Training Modules proposed and submitted by DG/NAIR. Board (Member/S&T & MS) has approved the revised training modules.

3. The revised modules prepared have been scanned and uploaded under E(MPP) Training Circulars and can be viewed or downloaded from railnet.

4. Kindly acknowledge receipt.

(Ajay Jha)
Jt Director/MPP Railway Board.





Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering &





SN Module Prepared for Name Signature Date
1 JE/SSE –Signal Sri K.V.Reddy,

Sr Prof/Sig/IRISET

2 JE/SSE –Telecom Sri C.Chandrasekhara Sastry

Sr Prof/Tele/IRISET

3 Technicians & Group D staff Sri U.Sampath Kumar Principal S&T Training Centre / Moulali/ Secunderabad
4 Compilation Sri C. Neelakanta Reddy Sr Prof/Trg/IRISET


Sri Vivek Chakraverty Asst.Professor/Trg/IRISET

5 Scrutiny (Sri Ch.Mohan) Director/IRISET
6 Recommended (Sri S.P.S.Chauhan) DG /NAIR
7 Approved (Sri Pradeep Kumar) MST/Railway Board



Sl.No Description Code Page No
1 Preamble
2 Summary Sheet
3 Signalling Courses
A. For JE/SSE (Signal)
1. Initial Course For App SSE (Signal) ISSE 1
2. Initial Course For App JE (Signal) ISJE 8
3. Initial Course For App JE/SSE (Design) IDSJE 15
4. Initial Course For Promoted JE/Signal (Intermediate) ISPE 21
5. Refresher Course For SSE/JE (Signal & Design) RSSJE 28
B. For Technician and Helper (Signal)
1. Initial Course For Apprentice Technician (Signal) Grade-I SNT2A 32
2. Initial Course For Apprentice Technician (Signal) Grade-III SNT2B 38
3. Foundation Course For Promote Technician Signal Gr-III SNT9 44
4. Refresher Course For Technician (Signal) SNT4 48
5. Refresher Course For Helpers – Signal SNT6A 51
6. Induction To Unskilled Helpers – Signal & Telecom SNT1 54
4 Telecom Courses
A. For JE/SSE (Telecom)
1. Initial Course For App SSE (Telecom) ITSE 59
2. Initial Course For App.JE (Telecom) ITJE 65
3. Initial Course For Promoted JE/Telecom (Intermediate) ITPE 72
4. Refresher Course For SSE/JE (Telecom) RTSJE 78
B. For Technician and Helper (Telecom)
1. Initial Course For Apprentice Technician (Telecom) Grade-III SNT3 82
2. Refresher Course For Technician (Telecom) SNT5 88
3. Foundation Course For Promotee Technician (Telecom)Gr-III SNT10 91
4. Refresher Course For Helpers-Telecom SNT6B 94
5 Annexures-1, 2, 3
Subjects & Codes of Signalling,Telecom of IRISET (Annexure-1) 99-101
Course Content for Modules of Gr C (Technicians) and Erstwhile Gr D staff of S&T Department (Annexure-2) 103-153
Proforma for Evaluation of each Trainee – Class Room, Hostels , Extra Curricular activities (Annexure-3) 154



This booklet is for mandatory courses (Initial, Refresher, Foundation) for Supervisors, Technicians and erstwhile Gr D staff of S&T Department. Key features are as under.

  1. Both Institutional & Zonal Railways Training Periods & Marks have been Approx. 1/3rd of Total marks have been allocated for Zonal training. Training Managers of Zonal Railway may decide contents for field training and evaluate as per specific requirements of each Railway.
  2. The CD (Course Director) spare hours have been catered (@1.5 hrs/week) to cater for holidays/extra classes/Local visits/ etc for all categories.
  3. Trainees shall be engaged in Shramdaan/Rain Water Harvesting/ Gardening /Swatch Bharat/any other social service for at least 2 hrs/week to inculcate service to society, to bring awareness about cleanliness.
  4. In accordance with the prevalent practices in reputed academic institutions to reward good behaviour of Trainees both in Class Room & Hostels and to encourage them to participate actively in Swatch Bharat/Socio-Cultural /Shramdaan/Library/Garden activities, marks have been allocated (approx @ 10% of Total marks). Though these marks will not have any bearing on result as pass or fail, these marks shall be considered for merit list. Course Director (CD) will assess each Trainee as per Details given in Annexure-3.
  5. Theory Exams of all Initial Courses will be of subjective (60%) and objective (40%). Refresher courses will have subjective (30%) and objective (70%) as per extent Subjects may be grouped for examination. Pass mark is required for each subject in a group.
  6. Initial course for Promotee JE (Intermediate) will be conducted at IRISET for trainees selected through 20% LDCE Same content may be followed for the trainees selected through 40% quota at respective STTC of Zonal Railway.
  7. Refresher Courses for signal & telecom Supervisors and Technicians shall be at 4 year Refresher course for Helpers shall be at an interval of 5 years.
  8. In case where few SSE‟s are reporting for training, their course will be merged with that of JE/Signal.
  9. The marks for Project Presentation are only for supervisors and not for Technicians & Helpers (Erstwhile Group D).
  10. There is no direct recruitment to Technician (Tele) Gr Hence, no module has been specified for the same.
  11. Working Days for IRISET are five days a week while STTC are six days a week and both have 6 hrs per day.
  12. Yoga, Personality Development programs, ethics, healthy food habits, meditation program shall be organised for stress management either during working hours or extra hrs beyond class timings on weekends as When such courses are organised through outside organisation the cost to be paid to such organisation shall be paid by trainee, where it cannot be funded by Institute.
  13. An oath shall be administered to all trainees before passing out of course that they shall not allow/support short cut methods, shall work ethically, amicably with all others.
  14. Subject wise hours are specified as a general The training Institutes may specify detailed syllabus/Content as per the technology/equipment/best practices /Evolving needs. Trade off between one subject to another is at the discretion of Institute. (viz: For obsolete subjects to Latest Subjects) without changing duration of course. When there are less number of trainees in a particular course, they may be merged with another similar course at the discretion of Institute.
  15. A list of subject codes of IRISET & STTC are given in Annexure-1.
  16. Course Content for Training Modules of Group “C” Technicians & Erstwhile Group “D” Staff of S&T Department is given as Annexure-2.
  17. Topics on Establishment, Stores, Signal Engineering Manual, Telecom Manual, G&SR is included as ST65 at page no 153 for inclusion in other courses where the STTC deems fit.
Course Codes used Course Name Institutional Training at
ISSE Initial Course For App SSE (Signal) IRISET
ISJE Initial Course For App JE (Signal) IRISET
IDSJE Initial Course For App SSE/JE (Design) IRISET
ISPJE Initial Course For Promoted JE/Signal- (Intermediate) 20% LDCE IRISET
RSSJE Refresher Course For SSE/JE (Signal & IRISET
ITSE Initial Course For App SSE (Telecom) IRISET
ITJE Initial Course For App.JE (Telecom) IRISET
ITPJE Initial Course For Promoted JE/Telecom IRISET
RTSJE Refresher Course For SSE/JE (Telecom) IRISET


In the above table, the nomenclature of Course Code is defined as

  1. First letter indicates Initial/Refresher
  2. Second letter indicates Signal/Telecom Course
  3. Third/Fourth letter indicates level of
  4. Last letter indicates “Engineer”

For eg. “ISSE/01/012020”

  1. ISSE means that this is an Initial Signal SSE course
  2. 01 means that this the Phase-I of the ISSE course
  3. 012020 means that this is the first ISSE course of the year 2020


Course Code used for Maintainers (being dealt at Zonal Railway S&T Training Centre)

Course Code Course Name Place of Training
SNT2A Initial Course For Apprentice Technician (Signal) Grade-I STTC
SNT2B Initial Course For Apprentice Technician (Signal) Grade-III STTC
SNT9 Foundation Course For Promote Technician (Signal) Gr-III STTC
SNT4 Refresher Course For Technician (Signal) STTC
SNT6A Refresher Course For Helpers – Signal STTC
SNT1 Induction To Unskilled Helpers – Signal & Telecom STTC
SNT3 Initial Course For Apprentice Technician (Telecom) Grade-III STTC
SNT5 Refresher Course For Technician (Telecom) STTC
SNT10 Foundation Course For Promotee Technician (Telecom)Gr-III STTC
SNT6B Refresher Course For Helpers-Telecom STTC

These courses, including “Initial Course For Promoted JE/Signal-(Intermediate)” for trainees through 40 % quota, shall be organized at Zonal Railways S&T Training centre.

  1. Mobile Phones/Tabs shall not be allowed in class Rooms & Labs by Trainees. Smoking/Drinking/Pan/Gutkha etc shall not be allowed in the premises. Strict discipline to be maintained in the campus. An undertaking to be taken from trainees at the beginning of course.
  2. E-Learning shall be encouraged. Technical notes may be given on DVD to Trainees. Hard copy may be given to trainees from PSU/Pvt on demand.
  3. At the end of the each course, a group Feedback may be taken for improvements (if any) for courses having duration more than 2 For other courses, it is optional at the discretion of Head of Institute.
  4. Mark list to be communicated to controlling authority for each trainee to plan for their


Source: Railway Board RBE No 42 of 2020 dt 05-06-2020