Precautionary Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Railway Board’s Office in view of Officials are testing COVID Positive
Office Order No. 45 of 2020
Sub: Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
The number of Officials testing COVID positive, is on the rise. Therefore, there is a need for utmost precaution in safeguarding officials from getting infected while working in Office. Attention in this connection is invited to instructions contained in Office Order Nos. 44, 40, 39, 38 & 33 of 2020 to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Board’s Office. Relevant important aspects of these instructions have been consolidated and indicated at Annexure-I for information/guidance along with copy of DOP&T’s OM dated 29.4.2020, 18.5.2020, 19.5.2020 & 05.06.2020.
2. In addition to above, further following instructions may also be kept in view by the Controlling Officers while preparing roster/calling officials to office:
a) In sections/cells where due to space constraint it is not feasible to ensure minimum distance of at least one meter between two officials, the controlling officer may take this aspect into account while approving/preparing roster for officials. Maximum number of staff to be called shall be determined by the space available to ensure social distancing;
b) Only minimum essential category of officials/staff be called to office to ensure smooth working. Wherever feasible, officials may be asked lo work from home;
c) MTS and other supporting staff may be called only where it is absolutely essential;
d) Officials travelling in public transport be discouraged from attending office, as such while preparing roster this aspect may be kept in view;
e) Wherever, officers are sharing room or cabin, they may come, every alternate day to enforce social distancing ( in case cabin is small and physical distancing of at east one meter is not possible).
2.1 Further, use of physical movement of receipt/file be discouraged to the maximum. Instead use of e-office and other electronics means of communication be resorted to.
3. Subordinate officials may suitably be advised for ensuring strict compliance of above instructions. Strict cooperation of all of1icials is solicited in this regard.
(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Precautionary Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Board’s Office
1. Detail Guidelines on preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in work place is available at hittps:// ventivemeasurestocontainspreadofCOVID19inworkplacesettings.pdf and at The same is to be noted and adhered to by all Officials.
2. Maximum use of e-file be made. Physical receipt/issue of document be avoided and be discouraged so as to avoid infection through touching of papers which has passed through multiple hands. Instead, maximum use of electronic means of communication ( e-receipt/email etc) be made.
3. All discussions/consultation in office be made to the extent possible through telephone or other electronic gadgets instead of physical interaction in officer’s chamber or in the cell/branch. While working in Office, one should confine himself to his own room/cell. If requirement arises for physical meeting, proper physical distancing of at least one meter be maintained. Face to face discussion/query be discouraged to the maximum.
4. Gossiping, loitering and crowding in corridors should be avoided and physical distance of one meter be strictly maintained at all times. Avoid unnecessary meeting with colleagues/Officials. MTS/other staff attached with Senior Officials who sit in corridors are also to adhere strictly to these guidelines of physical distancing.
5. Lunch be taken individually. Group lunch with colleagues/friends be discouraged.
6. Hands be washed frequently with soap and water (atleast every half an hour even if not dirty or touched anything) or be sanitized with sanitizers immediately on touching any physical surface or physical document or any common area.
7. As much as possible, one should avoid using other official’s phones, desktop, key board, or other office equipment. If required, they should themselves first sanitize their hands before and after using such equipments. Such equipment should also be disinfected ( surface or common area being touched) before and after use. Officers/staff may also clean such equipment themselves to avoid getting infection.
8, Face masks/cover be worn at all times. Used mask or gloves be discarded carefully and not in open dustbin.
9. Spitting & smoking is strictly prohibited.
10. AC be operated at 25-30 degree with exhaust open. Wherever there is no exhaust fan, entry door may be opened so that intake of fresh air is maintained.
11, In ease, any Official is having symptoms of COVID-19 or has come in direct or indirect contact with COVID-19 positive patient during last 14 days or has any COVID-19 positive patient/relative in self quarantine at his residence, then such official may invariably opt out from reporting to office and self quarantine for 14 days duly informing the controlling officer with details/supporting document of the case. Such officials should work from home.
12. For “home quarantine, SOP of M/o. HE&W. available at may be complied with.
13. Status of Aarogya Setu App may be checked at regular intervals and particularly before starting for Office. If it indicates Yellow/Orange/Red, they should not come to Office and self isolate for 14 days duly informing their controlling officer with necessary details (Ref:-DOP&T OM No.11013/9/2014/-Estt(A3) dated 29.04.2020 at Annexure-I/1).
14. Only asymptomatic officials are to report to office. Any official with flue like illness ( mild cold/cough or fever) /COVID related symptoms are not to attend office. Such Official should seek medical advice. In case the symptoms prolongs, for a longer period than medically prescribed, they should get themselves tested.
15. Officials who are residing in containment zones shall not come to office. Such Officials are to submit a ‘self declaration’ to this effect to their reporting Officers concerned and G/Acc branch. All Controlling Officers are to ensure and closely monitor the status of Officials working in their respective Directorates on daily basis as precautionary measures to prevent the spread of Corona virus in Board’s Office. Further, the Controlling Officers may also inform the administration immediately upon coming to know about any of their Officials suffering from COVID related symptoms or are reporting to office from containment zones. Suitable directive may be issued to subordinate officials in this regard.
16. Those residing in areas adjacent to/very close to containment zone or sharing common area in a block or tower ( like entrance, staircase, lift) leading to a particular flat wherein one or more COVID positive patient is residing may also work from home and monitor their health for atleast seven days.
17. Officials residing in Containment Zone/ adjacent to Containment Zone/not being called for duty as per roster or sent on quarantine are to work from home and are to be available at all times on phone and other electronic means of communication.
18 Though 50% of the official below Deputy Secretary level are to report office on every alternate day. However, while preparing roster, only minimum essential category of officials/staff be called to office to ensure smooth working. Wherever feasible, officials may be asked to work from home, MTS or such other category of helping hands be called only where it is essentially required. Officials travelling in public transport be discouraged as such while preparing roster this aspect may also be kept in view in respect of officials who are using public transport to report tooffice.
19 While preparing roster, such officials be exempted who are undergoing treatment for co-morbidities (Diabetics, Renal disease, Respiratory problem or any other life threatening illness). and employees with disabilities/ any female employee in family way.
20. Despite precaution, in case any official is reported as COVID positive as per test report, the list of officials who had come in contact with the said official tested as COVID positive may be sent on email ( in prescribed proforma as per Annexure-II duly indicating the complete Official/Residential address of the COVID positive official as early as possible.
21. While preparing list of officials who had come in contact with COVID positive official, M/o Health & Family Welfare guideline circulated vide DOP&T’s OM dated 5.6.2020 at Annexure-I & II regarding risk profiling (High Risk Contact & Low Risk contact) may be adhered to. As per extant instructions High Risk Contacts are to quarantine for 14 days while Low Risk Contacts are to monitor their health closely and incase any COVID related symptoms is observed Doctor at CGHS or at any Government hospital be consulted for further advice and action.
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Source: Railway Board