No rotational transfers be carried out till 30th April 2021 in view of COVID-19 Pandemic: MoHUA


No rotational transfers be carried out till 30th April 2021 in view of COVID-19 Pandemic: MoHUA

No rotational transfers of officers/officials in different grades (Group A. B, & C) be carried out till 30th April 2021 in view of COVID-19 Pandemic: MoHUA

F. No. 18/1/2020-EC-III(A) (P-9085789)
Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate General
Central Public Works Department

Nirman Bhawana, New Delhi.
Dated the 15th June, 2020.

Office Memorandum

Subject: Rotational Transfer of Officers/Staff in view of COVID-19 Pandemic.

The under signed is directed to forward an O.M. No.28/05/2019-EC-I(A)/EW.I dated 11th May, 2020 on the subject cited above.

2. MOHUA vide their above mentioned OM has stated that in view of the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country due to COVID-19 Pandemic Causing serious disruptions, it has been decided that no rotational transfers of officers/officials in different grades (Group A. B, & C) be carried out till 30th April, 2021 except on following grounds:

i. Administrative reasons i.e. to fill vacancies due to promotion/ retirement/ resignation/ death of incumbent, closure of units due to less workload, creation of new units, punishment and vigilance angle.

ii. Compassionate grounds i.e. medical emergency for self or family members.

iii. Any other ground with specific approval of the Ministryโ€.

3. Therefore, it is request to take necessary action as per the above mentioned guideline/instructions of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

Encl.: As stated above.

(Ashok Bawal)
Deputy Director(Admn.-V)

No. 28/05/2019-EC. I(A)/EW. I
Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
(Works Division)

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 11th May, 2020


Sub: Rotational Transfers of Officers/Staff in view of COVID-19 Pandemic situation โ€“ reg.

In view of the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country due to COVID-19 Pandemic causing serious disruptions, it has been decided that no rotational transfers of officers/officials in different grades (Group A, B & C) be carried out till 30th April, 2021 except on following grounds:

i. Administrative reasons i.e. to fill vacancies due to promotion/retirement/ resignation/death of incumbent, closure of units due to less workload, creation ofโ€˜new units, punishment and vigilance angle.

ii. Compassionate grounds i.e. medical emergency for self or family members.

ii. Any other ground with specific approval of the Ministry.

2. This has the approval of competent authority.

(J. Roy Chowdhury)
Deputy Secretary to the Government Of India


Source: CPWD
