National Institute of Fashion Technology Statutes, 2020: Gazette Notification dated 13.05.2020

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National Institute of Fashion Technology Statutes, 2020: Gazette Notification dated 13.05.2020

National Institute of Fashion Technology Statutes, 2020: Gazette Notification dated 13.05.2020



New Delhi, the 13th May, 2020


F. No. NIFT/HO/Act-Statutes/2007-Vol-IVโ€”In exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 read with section 24 of the National Institute of Fashion Technology Act, 2006 (28 of 2006) and in supersession of the First Statutes of National Institute of Fashion Technology, 2012 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Board of Governors of the National Institute of Fashion Technology, with the previous approval of the Visitor, hereby makes the following Statutes of the National Institute of Fashion Technology, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement.โ€“

(1) These Statues may be called the National Institute of Fashion Technology Statutes, 2020.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions.โ€“

(1) In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) โ€œActโ€ means the National Institute of Fashion Technology Act, 2006 (28 of 2006);

(b) โ€œAuthorityโ€ includes an authority declared as such under statute 3;

(c) โ€œCampus Directorโ€ means the Director of an Institute Campus;

(d) โ€œChairpersonโ€ in relation to these statutes, means Chairperson of the Board or the Senate or the Establishment Committee or the Finance and Audit Committee, as the case may be;

(e) โ€œDean (Academics) means the senior member of faculty of the Institute nominated by the Director General to function as the Head of the academic management system of the Institute;

(f) โ€œdepartmentโ€ includes any cell, unit, division of the Institute engaged in specific administrative or academic activities;

(g) โ€œemployeeโ€ means any person appointed by the Institute and includes teaching, technical and administrative staff of the Institute;

(h) โ€œEstablishment Committeeโ€ means the Establishment Committee of the Institute referred to in statute 9;

(i) โ€œestablishment mattersโ€ means matters connected with, or appurtenant to, staffing and human resources including creation, upgradation, abolition or re-designation of a post, appointment, promotion, entitlement, remuneration and other terms and conditions of service and guidelines or procedures related thereto;

(j) โ€œFinance and Audit Committeeโ€ means the Finance and Audit Committee of the Institute referred to in statute 12;

(k) โ€œHead of academic departmentโ€ means the academic head of the department dealing with a specific course or syllabus;

(l) โ€œHead of department of academic administrationโ€ means the Head of a unit or department which deals with the administrative matters relating to the academic affairs and policies;

(m) โ€œhostel and hallโ€ of an Institute Campus means the residence facility provided by such Institute Campus for its students;

(n) โ€œInstituteโ€ means the National Institute of Fashion Technology established under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act;

(o) โ€œInstitute Campusโ€ means any campus of the Institute;

(p) โ€œmemberโ€ means a member of the Board of Governors or of the Senate or of any of the authorities of the Institute declared under statute 3;

(q) โ€œOrdinancesโ€ means the Ordinances of the Institute;

(r) โ€œRegistrarโ€ means the Registrar of the Institute;

(s) โ€œresident studentโ€ means a student of the Institute Campus residing in the hostel and hall of such Institute Campus;

(t) โ€œSelection Committeeโ€ means the Selection Committee referred to in sub-statute(3) of Statute 28 constituted for the purpose of selection, confirmation or upgradation of posts by the Board or, as the case may be, Director General;

(u) โ€œstudentโ€ means a person enrolled in the Institute Campus for undergoing a course of study for obtaining a degree, diploma or other academic distinction duly instituted;

(v) โ€œStudents Development Activities Coordinatorโ€ is a member of faculty of the Institute Campus who is nominated by the Director General to coordinate student development activities in the Institute Campus;

(w) โ€œWardenโ€, in relation to a hostel and hall of an Institute Campus, means the Warden thereof, and includes an Assistant Warden of such hostel and hall;

(x) โ€œlocal guardianโ€ means any responsible local resident declared by the parents at the time of joining a course of study under the Institute Campus or changed subsequently in writing by the parents;

(y) โ€œraggingโ€ means any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written or by any act, which has the effect of teasing, tearing or handling with rudeness any junior student, indulging in any activity, which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking any student to do any act or perform something which the student will not do in an ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the psyche or do a physical harm to a fresher or a junior student, and includes any activity which is deriving a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by the senior student over their junior or fresher student.

(2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined in the Statute, but defined in the Act, shall have meanings, respectively, assigned to them in the Act.

3. Authorities of Institute.โ€“

The following shall be the authorities of the Institute within the meaning of clause (c) of section 11 of the Act, namely:-

(a) Establishment Committee; and

(b) Finance and Audit Committee.

4. Meetings of Board.-

(1) The Board shall meet as often as necessary but not less than four times during a financial year.

(2) The interval between two meetings of the Board shall not be more than four months in any case.

(3) The meetings of the Board shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Board or on the recommendation of the Director General.

(4) One-third of the total members of the Board shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Board:

Provided that, if a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, it shall be held on such other day, at such other time and place, as the Chairperson may determine; and if at such a meeting, a quorum is not present within half-an-hour from the time appointed for holding a meeting, the members present shall form the quorum.

(5) All questions considered at the meeting shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present, and if the votes be equally divided, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

(6) A written notice of every meeting alongwith agenda shall be circulated by the Registrar to the members of the Board, seven days prior to the meeting:

Provided that the Chairperson of the Board may permit inclusion of any item for which due notice was not given, except in the case of approval of the annual budget estimates including revised estimates of the Institute, annual accounts of the Institute, internal audit reports, revision of fees of the Institute, setting up of new Institute Campus, or modification or framing of Statutes and Ordinances of the Institute.

(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-statute (6), the Chairperson may call an emergency meeting of the Board at a short notice to consider urgent issues.

(8) Emergency meeting of the Board may also be called if the Chairperson is so requisitioned in writing by eight members to discuss only those items of agenda for which the requisition is made.

(9) An agenda item may be sent by circulation to all members of the Board in cases when it is not possible to convene meeting of the Board, and shall be deemed to be approved, if concurred by the quorum of members as mentioned in sub-statute (4).

(10) The notice, agenda and minutes of meetings may be delivered by hand or sent by registered post or speed post or e-mail or fax, to the address of each member as recorded in the office of the Board; and if so sent, shall be deemed to be duly delivered.

(11) The Chairperson may decide any question of procedure, which shall be binding.

(12) A member, who is directly or indirectly interested in any matter coming up for consideration at a meeting of the Board, in which he has conflict of interest, shall not take part in such deliberation or discussion of the Board.

(13) The minutes shall contain names of the members present in the meeting and names of members, if any, dissenting from, or not concurring with the resolutions with the grounds of such dissent.

(14) The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting shall be drawn up by the Registrar with the approval of the Chairperson, and circulated to all members of the Board within a period of seven working days, seeking comments on the minutes and if no comments are received within seven days of receipt of minutes, the same shall be treated as final.

(15) The minutes, alongwith any modification suggested, shall be placed for confirmation at the next meeting of the Board and after the minutes are confirmed and signed by the Chairperson, they shall be recorded in the minute book by the Registrar within fifteen days of conclusion of every such meeting.

(16) The minute book shall be kept open for inspection of the members at all times during office hours.

5. Authentication of orders and decisions of Board.โ€“

All orders and decisions of the Board shall be authenticated by the signature of the Registrar or any other person authorised by the Board in this behalf by a resolution of the Board.

6. Senate.-

(1) In addition to the persons mentioned in clause (a) to (d) of section 12 of the Act, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of section 12 of the Act, the following persons shall be members of the Senate, namely:-

(a) Director (Head Office);

(b) Director (Finance and Accounts);

(c) Controller of Examinations (Head Office);

(d) Dean (Academics);

(e) Head of department of academic administration dealing with student affairs;

(f) Heads of academic departments;

(g) Director of National Resource Centre;

(h) Director of Information Technology; and

(i) Registrar.

(2) The Chairperson of the Senate may invite other Heads of departments of academic administration of the Institute and other experts to participate in a meeting of the Senate whenever he considers it necessary.

7. Functions of Senate.โ€“

(1) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Senate shall have the power to-

(a) make, review and approve academic policy, curricula and syllabi for the courses of studies and co- curricular activities of various departments;

(b) appoint advisory committee or other expert committees from amongst the members of the Senate, faculty members of the Institute and experts from outside to advise on such academic and curricular matters as may be referred to such Committee by the Senate;

(c) approve evaluation policy, including for the conduct of examinations, appointment of examiners, moderators, tabulators, declaration of results;

(d) approve the grant of degrees and diplomas;

(e) conduct periodical review of the activities of the departments and resource centres;

(f) promote research and academic development or activity within the Institute and seek report on such research and academic development or activity from the persons engaged thereon;

(g) make recommendations to the Board for specifying the guidelines for conferring of awards, stipends, scholarships, fellowships, medals and prizes;

(h) make recommendations to the Board for restriction or creation of departments and Institute Campuses and the abolition and merging of existing departments or Institute Campuses thereof;

(i) approve the creation, modification, merger or abolition of courses and programmes of the Institute;

(j) oversee the policy and review of all matters related to the affairs of students; and

(k) frame and review from time to time, policy for training and capacity building of faculty members of the Institute.

(2) All decisions of the Senate shall be placed before the Board for information:

Provided that any decision of the Senate having financial implication shall be placed before the Board for approval.

8. Meetings of Senate.โ€“

(1) The Senate shall meet as often as necessary but not less than four times during a financial year.

(2) The interval between two meetings of the Senate shall not be more than four months in any case.

(3) All matters concerned with academics requiring the approval of the Board shall be placed before the Senate for giving its recommendations, before placing it for approval by the Board.

(4) The meetings of the Senate shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Senate or on a requisition signed by not less than one-fifth of the members of the Senate.

(5) The requisitioned meeting shall be a special meeting to discuss only those items of agenda for which the requisition is made and it shall be convened on the date and time convenient to the Chairperson of the Senate within fifteen days of the receipt of requisition for such meeting.

(6) One- third of the total members of the Senate shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Senate:

Provided that if a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, it shall be held on such other day at such time and place as the Chairperson of the Senate may determine; and if at such meeting, the quorum is not present within half-an- hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members present shall form the quorum.

(7) All questions considered at the meeting shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and in case of equality of the votes, the Chairperson of the Senate shall have the casting vote.

(8) The Chairperson of the Senate may decide any question of procedure which shall be binding.

(9) In the absence of the Chairperson of the Senate, the Dean (Academics) shall preside over the meeting.

(10) A written notice of every meeting alongwith agenda shall be circulated by the Registrar to the members of the Senate, seven days prior to the meeting:

Provided that the Chairperson of the Senate may permit inclusion of any item for which due notice was not given, except creation, modification, merger or abolition of courses and programmes of the Institute, or restriction or creation of departments and Institute Campuses or the abolition or merging of existing departments or Institute Campuses thereof.

(11) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-statute (10), the Chairperson of the Senate may call an emergency meeting of the Senate on short notice to consider any urgent issue.

(12) An agenda item may be sent by circulation to all members of the Senate in cases when it is not possible to convene meeting of the Senate, and shall be deemed to be approved, if concurred by the quorum of members as mentioned in sub-statutes(6).

(13) The notice, agenda and minutes of the meetings may be delivered by hand or sent by registered post or speed post or e-mail or fax, to the address of each member as recorded in the office of the Board within seven working days and if so sent, shall be deemed to be duly delivered.

(14) The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting shall be drawn up by the Registrar with the approval of the Chairperson of the Senate and circulated within seven working days to the all members of the Senate, requesting for comments within seven days of receipt of minutes and if no comments are received within the said period, the minutes shall be deemed to be final.

(15) The minutes shall contain names of the members present in the meeting and names of members, if any, dissenting from, or not concurring with the decisions indicating the grounds of dissent.

(16) The minutes, alongwith any modification suggested, shall be placed for confirmation at the next meeting of the Senate and after the minutes are confirmed and signed by the Chairperson of the Senate, they shall be recorded in the minute book by the Registrar within thirty days of conclusion of every meeting.

(17) The minute book shall be kept open for inspection of the members at all times during office hours.

(18) A copy of the minutes of every meeting of the Senate shall be tabled in the subsequent meeting of the Board.

9. Establishment Committee.โ€“

(1) There shall be an Establishment Committee consisting of the following members, namely:-

(a) Chairperson of the Institute, ex officio who shall be the Chairperson of the Committee;

(b) Director General of the Institute โ€“ member ex officio;

(c) Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Textiles in the Government of India dealing with the Institute- member ex officio;

(d) two other members of the Board, to be nominated by the Board.

(2) The Chairperson may invite any other functionary of the Institute or any other experts to participate in a meeting of the Committee, whenever he considers it necessary.

10. Functions of Establishment Committee.โ€“

(1) The Establishment Committee shall perform the following functions, namely:-

(a) recommend to the Board on matters pertaining to the creation of posts of all categories of staff including faculty and abolition thereof and the emoluments and duties attached to such posts;

(b) recommend revision of rules relating to recruitment of persons and other matters relating to promotions and matters arising therefrom;

(c) shall function as the Appellate Authority and Reviewing Authority for the purposes of Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965.

(2) All the recommendations of the Establishment Committee shall be placed before the Board for approval.

11. Meetings of Establishment Committee.-

(1) The Establishment Committee shall meet as often as is necessary, but not less than two times in a financial year.

(2) Three members of the total members of the Establishment Committee shall form the quorum for a meeting of the said Committee.

(3) The Chairperson may decide any question of procedure, which shall be binding.

(4) All questions considered at the meeting shall be decided by majority of the votes of the members present and in case of equality of the votes, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

(5) A written notice of every meeting alongwith the agenda shall be circulated by the Registrar to the members of the Committee, seven days prior to the meeting:

(6) The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting shall be drawn up by the Registrar with the approval of the Chairperson of the Establishment Committee and circulated within seven working days to the all members, requesting for comments within seven days of receipt of minutes and if no comments are received within the said period, the minutes shall be deemed to be final.

(7) The minutes shall contain names of the members present in the meeting and names of members, if any, dissenting from, or not concurring with the decisions, indicating the grounds of dissent.

(8) The minutes, alongwith any modification suggested, shall be placed for confirmation at the next meeting of the Establishment Committee.

(9) A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Establishment Committee shall be tabled before the Board.

12. Finance and Audit Committee.โ€“

(1) There shall be a Finance and Audit Committee consisting of the following members, namely:-

(a) Financial Advisor of the Ministry of Textiles in the Government of India dealing with the Institute, who shall be the Chairperson of the Committee-ex officio;

(b) Director General of the Institute โ€“member ex officio;

(c) Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Textiles in the Government of India dealing with the Institute- member- ex officio;

(d) two other members of the Board to be nominated by the Board.

(2) The Director (Finance and Accounts) shall be a permanent invitee to the meetings of the Committee.

(3) The Chairperson may invite any other functionary of the Institute or any other expert to participate in a meeting of the Committee, whenever he considers it necessary.

13. Functions of Finance and Audit Committee.-

(1) The Finance and Audit Committee shall perform the following functions, namely:-

(a) examine the annual budget of the Institute and make recommendations to the Board;

(b) examine the annual accounts and all audit reports and make suitable recommendations to the Board;

(c) give its views and make its recommendations to the Board on the motion of the Board or of the Director General, or on its own initiative of any financial question affecting the Institute or any on any matter referred to it that has financial implications.

14. Meetings of the Finance and Audit Committee.-

(1) The Finance and Audit Committee shall meet as often as is necessary but not less than twice in a financial year.

(2) Three members of the total members of the Finance and Audit Committee shall form a quorum for a meeting of the said Committee.

(3) The Chairperson may decide any question of procedure, which shall be binding.

(4) All questions considered at the meeting shall be decided by majority of the votes of the members present and in case of equality of the votes, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

(5) A written notice of every meeting alongwith the agenda shall be circulated by the Registrar to the members of the Finance and Audit Committee, seven days prior to the meeting.

(6) The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting shall be drawn up by the Registrar with the approval of the Chairperson of the Finance & Audit Committee and circulated within seven working days to the all members, requesting for comments within seven days of receipt of minutes and if no comments are received within the said period, the minutes shall be deemed to be final.

(7) The minutes shall contain names of the members present in the meeting and names of members, if any, dissenting from, or not concurring with the decisions, indicating the grounds of dissent.

(8) The minutes, alongwith any modification suggested, shall be placed for confirmation at the next meeting of the Committee.

(9) All the recommendations of the Finance and Audit Committee shall be placed before the Board for approval.

15. Powers of Chairperson of Board.-

(1) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Chairperson of the Board shall also have the following powers, namely:-

(a) to depute a member of the Board to any Institute Campus for inspection;

(b) to call for any information or report in connection with the administration and working of the Institute

16. Powers of Director General.-

(1) Subject to the provisions of section 15 of the Act, the Director General shall โ€“

(a) supervise and review academic, administrative and project related activities of the Institute Campuses, execute decisions in consonance with the approved policy and undertake activities in pursuit of the improvement of the educational and academic stature of the Institute;

(b) function in accordance with delegation of administrative and financial powers as laid down by the Board, from time to time;

(c) approve appointments on short term contract against sanctioned posts;

(d) approve regular appointments and appointments on long term contract for the positions classified as Group โ€—Bโ€˜ and Group โ€—Cโ€˜ (Level 9 of the pay matrix and below) or equivalent positions on the recommendations of the Selection Committee constituted for this purpose as per these statutes.

(e) in exceptional cases, subject to availability of funds from own sources of the Institute, create temporary posts with the prior approval of the Chairperson of the Institute, of not more than one year duration on consolidated pay under report to the Board.

(2) During the absence of the Director General from the headquarters, a senior Director authorised by him in writing shall discharge any or all of the day-to-day functions of the Institute.

(3) The Director General may nominate persons to the post of Dean (Academics), Associate Dean, Campus Academic Coordinator, and to the posts of Heads of academic departments and Heads of Departments of academic administration as specified in Statutes 19, 24 and 26.

(4) The Director General may, with the prior approval of the Board, delegate any of the powers, responsibilities and authorities vested in him by the Act or these Statutes, to the Campus Directors or one or more members of academic or administrative staff of the Institute.

17. Terms and conditions of appointment of Registrar.-

The Registrar shall be appointed by the Board from amongst the officers of the Institute or on deputation, in a pay scale equivalent to a Director to the Government of India, for a period not exceeding three years:

Provided that the said term of the Registrar may be extended by the Board for a further period not exceeding two years.

18. Functions of Registrar.-

Subject to the provisions of section 16 of the Act and in addition to the provisions contained in these Statutes or Ordinances, the Registrar shall-

(a) function as Secretary of the Board, Senate, Establishment Committee and Finance and Audit Committee;

(b) coordinate the implementation of the decisions of the Board;

(c) conduct the official correspondence of the Board;

(d) inform the Central Government about the occurrence of vacancies among the members of the Board within a period of not less than six weeks prior to the date on which the vacancy is due to occur, and occurrence of a casual vacancy as soon as it comes to his notice;

(e) bring to the notice of the Chairperson of the Board a likely vacancy of the post of the Director General at least six months in advance and report the same to the Central Government for selection of a Director General;

(f) assist the Director General and the Board on all matters pertaining to staffing and human resources including recruitment, career progression, creation or upgradation or abolition or re-designation of posts, remunerations, other terms and conditions of service and framing of norms or guidelines or procedures connected therewith;

(g) report to the Director General and the Board at the beginning of every calendar year a schedule of existing vacancies and vacancies likely to arise during the year and the timelines for timely filling up of such vacancies.

19. Dean (Academics).-

(1)The Director General shall nominate the Dean (Academics) from amongst the senior faculty for a period of three years.

(2) The Dean (Academics) shall assist the Director General in discharging his duties and responsibilities, and shall be responsible for supervision and coordination of all academic activities of the Institute.

(3) The Dean (Academics) shall be deemed to be an officer of the Institute and shall enjoy such powers and perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the Director General.

20. Director (Finance and Accounts).-

(1) The Director (Finance and Accounts) shall be appointed by the Board in a pay scale equivalent to a Director to the Government of India on deputation or contract for a period not exceeding three years:

Provided that the said period of three years may be extended by the Board for period not exceeding two years.

(2) The Director (Finance and Accounts) shall be the finance officer of the Institute, working under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director General and shall-

(a) advise the Director General as regards financial policy, manage the investments and accounts of the Institute including funds listed under sub-section (1) of 19 of the Act;

(b) be responsible for the timely preparation of proper and transparent annual accounts and the budget of the Institute and monitor utilisation as authorised in the approved budget;

(c) ensure regular audit of accounts and processes of the Institute and submission of quarterly audit reports to the Finance and Audit Committee and the Board;

(d) monitor the progress of the collection of revenue and advise on the methods of collection employed;.

(e) bring to the notice of the Director General unauthorised expenditure and other financial irregularities and suggest remedial action;

(f) be responsible for management of endowment fund and submit periodic report of revenue generated and expenditure out of endowment fund incurred, to the Finance and Audit Committee;

(g) supervise the work of the Chief Accounts Officer, Deputy Directors (Finance and Accounts), Accounts Officer in head office and Institute Campuses;

(h) perform all functions for implementation of provisions of sections 21 and 22 of the Act and such other duties as may be specified in these Statutes, the Ordinances or as may be required for efficient and smooth functioning of the Institute.

21. Director (Head Office).-

(1) The Director (Head Office) shall be appointed by the Board in a pay scale equivalent to the Director to the Government of India on deputation or contract for a period not exceeding three years:

Provided that the said period of three years may be extended by the Board for a period not exceeding two years.

(2) Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director General, the Director (Head Office) shall-

(a) be responsible for the general administration of the head office of the Institute;

(b) assist the Director General in supervision of overall functioning of the Institute Campuses;

(c) project management of setting up of new Institute Campuses as per decision of the Board and upgradation of existing Institute campuses;

(d) admission process of the Institute in all courses;

(e) coordination with all Institute Campuses, other institutions or organisations and the Ministry of Textiles;

(f) grievance redressal, protocol and public relations;

(g) any other work assigned to him by the Director General.

22. Campus Directors.-

(1) The Campus Director of an Institute Campus shall be appointed by the Board in a pay scale equivalent to the Director to the Government of India on deputation or contract for a period not exceeding three years:

Provided that the said period of three years may be extended by the Board for a period not exceeding two years.

(2) The Campus Director shall, under the overall supervision of the Director General-

(a) function as the administrative head of the Institute Campus including supervision and review of academic, administrative and project related activities of the Institute Campus, promotion and protection of the interests of the Institute Campus among stakeholders including alumni and furtherance of activities in pursuit of improvement of educational and academic stature of such Institute Campus;

(b) function in accordance with delegation of administrative and financial powers as laid down by the Board from time to time;

(c) approve short term contractual appointments for the positions classified as Group โ€—Cโ€˜ or equivalent positions on the recommendations of the Campus Selection Committee constituted for this purpose as per the provisions of the Statute 28 and the same shall be reported to the Director General;

(d) send the members of the staff and faculty for training or for a course of instruction inside India subject to such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Board from time to time;

(e) make recommendations regarding participation of the members of the staff or faculty in training, course of instruction, workshop, conference and the like outside India subject to such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Board from time to time

23. Academic departments.-

The Institute shall have the following Academic departments, namely:-

(a) Fashion Design;

(b) Leather Design;

(c) Textiles Design;

(d) Knitwear Design;

(e) Fashion Communication;

(f) Fashion and Life Style Accessories;

(g) Fashion Management Studies;

(h) Fashion Technology; and

(i) Design Space.

24. Head of academic department.-

(1) There shall be a Head for each academic department of the Institute, who shall be selected from amongst the Professors and Associate Professors by the Director General in consultation with the Dean (Academics).

(2) The Head of an academic department shall be responsible for the supervision of all academic activities of the concerned Department under the overall supervision of the Dean (Academics).

(3) The Head of the academic department shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Director General.

25. Departments of academic administration.-

(1) The Institute shall have the following Departments of academic administration, namely:-

(a) Student Affairs;

(b) Projects;

(c) Research;

(d) International and Domestic Linkages;

(e) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP);

(f) Corporate Communications;

(g) Industry and Alumni Affairs;

(h) Faculty Orientation, Training and Development;

(i) Craft Cluster;

(j) Continuing Education and Diploma Programme;

(k) Publication;

(l) Examination and Evaluation;

(m) Admission;

(n) National Resource Centre;

(o) Information Technology; and

(p) Design and Innovation.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-statute (1), the Board may create, or modify departments of academic administration in accordance with administrative exigencies.

26. Head of Department of academic administration.-

(1) There shall be a Head for each department of academic administration of the Institute, who shall be selected from amongst the Professors and Associate Professors by the Director General in consultation with the Dean (Academics).

(2) The Head of the concerned department of academic administration shall be responsible for the overall functioning of the concerned department.

(3) The Head of the department of academic administration shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Director General.

27. Classification and number posts of officers, faculty and other staff of Institute.-

The employees of the Institute, except in the case of employees paid from contingencies, shall be classified as follows, namely:-

(a) Academic staff:

The academic staff of the Institute shall include, following, namely:-

(i) faculty members as under โ€“

S No.

Name of post

Level in the pay matrix

Number of posts






Senior Professor







Associate Professor




Assistant Professor



Academic support staff as under โ€“

S No.

Name of post

Level in the pay matrix

Number of posts






Director (National Resource Centre)




Deputy Director (National Resource Centre)




Head (Resource Centre)




Assistant Librarian




Library Assistant




Library Attendant



(a) Technical staff:

The technical staff of the Institute shall include the following, namely:-



Name of post

Level in the pay matrix

Number of posts






Director (Information Technology)




Project Engineer




Executive Engineer




Assistant Database Administrator




Senior Management Information System Coordinator




Assistant Database




Executive Level

40,000 on consolidated



Management Information System Coordinator




Software Engineer




Estate Engineer




Computer Engineer




Technical Officer




Junior Engineer (Civil)




Junior Engineer (Electrical)




Computer Application Assistant




Senior Machine Mechanic




Junior Software Engineer




Machine Mechanic




Air Conditioner Technician




Lab Assistant







(c) Administrative and ministerial staff:

The administrative and ministerial staff of the Institute shall include the following, namely:-

S No.

Name of post

Level in the pay matrix

Number of regular posts






Director General




Chief Vigilance Officer








Director (Head Office)




Director(Finance and Accounts)




Campus Director




Joint Director




Chief Accounts Officer




Deputy Director (Administration)




Deputy Director (Finance and Accounts)




Assistant Board Secretary and Legal Officer




Vigilance Officer




Accounts Officer




Hindi Officer




Private Secretary




Assistant Director




Stenographer (Grade โ€“ I)








Senior Assistant (Accounts)




Senior Assistant




Stenographer (Grade โ€“II)




Research Assistant




Junior Translation Officer




Stenographer (Grade โ€“III)








Assistant (Accounts)




Assistant Warden




Junior Assistant












Multi Tasking Staff



Note: Number of posts shall vary dependent on work load. Board can upgrade or abolish or re-designate any of these posts or create new posts subject to the provisions of section 7 of the Act.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Statute, the expression โ€œpay matrixโ€ and โ€œlevelโ€ shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in clauses (vi) and (vii) of rule 3 of the Central Civil Service(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

28. Appointments:

(1) All posts at the Institute except the post of Director โ€“General and Chief Vigilance Officer, shall be filled either by direct recruitment, promotion or deputation.

(2) The Institute shall reserve posts for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward classes and other categories of persons, persons with disabilities and Economically Weaker Section as may be determined by the Central Government from time to time.

(3) The Selection Committees for filling up of posts under the Institute (other than the posts on short term contract basis) by direct recruitment or by promotion or deputation shall be constituted in the manner as provided in the Schedule.

(4) The Selection Committee for appointments to the posts reserved for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes category candidates shall include one Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe member.

(5) The Chairman and half of the total number of members of the Selection Committee shall form the quorum for meeting of the Selection Committee.

(6) No act or proceeding of any Selection Committee shall be called in question on the ground merely of the absence of any member or members of the Selection Committee.

(7) The recommendations of the Selection Committee shall be placed before the Board or, as case may be the Director General for approval.

(8) All appointments made at the Institute shall be reported to the Board at its next meeting.

29. Conduct rules. โ€“

The employees of the Institute shall be governed by the Central Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964 as amended from time to time.

30. Discipline and appeal rules.-

(1)The employees of the Institute shall be governed by the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 as amended from time to time.

(2) The authorities for the purposes of the Central Civil Services (Classification Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 in respect of employees of the Institute shall be the following, namely:-

Group of posts

Disciplinary authority


Minor Penalty

Disciplinary authority


Major Penalty

Appellate authority

Reviewing authority

Group โ€—Aโ€˜

Director General

Director General

Establishment Committee

Board of Governors

Group โ€—Bโ€˜

Director General

Director General

Establishment Committee

Board of Governors

Group โ€—Cโ€˜



Director General

Establishment Committee

Note: Whenever it is decided to impose the punishment of dismissal, removal from service, compulsory retirement or reduction in rank, in the cases of Group โ€—Aโ€˜ employees, the same shall be imposed with the prior approval of the Board. In such cases, Central Government, Ministry of Textiles shall be the Appellate and Reviewing Authority.

31. Terms and conditions of service of regular employees.-

(1) The regular employees of the Institute shall be governed by the following terms and conditions, namely:-

(a) every appointment shall be subject to the condition that the appointee is certified to be of sound health and physically fit for service in India by a medical authority specified by the Institute;

(b) subject to the provisions of the Act and these Statutes, all appointments to such posts under the Institute shall ordinarily be made on probation for a period of one or two years, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government:

Provided that the appointing authority shall have the power to extend the period of probation of any appointee for a period not exceeding one year beyond the period stipulated above;

(c) if, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, as the case may be, the appointing authority is of the opinion that the member of the staff is not fit for regular appointment, the appointing authority may discharge him from the service;

(d) the confirmation shall be done on the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted by the Board;

(e) an employee of the Institute shall devote his whole time to the service of the Institute and shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in any trade or business or any other work which may interfere with the proper discharge of his duties;

(f) the appointing authority shall have the power to terminate the services of any member of the staff by three monthโ€™s notice or on payment of three monthโ€˜s salary in lieu thereof, if his continuation in service is considered undesirable by appointing authority on the certificate of the medical authority appointed by the Board;

(g) the Board shall have the power to terminate the services of any member of the staff on grounds of retrenchment or economy by giving to the persons concerned three months notice in writing or on payment of three monthsโ€˜ salary in lieu thereof;

(h) an employee of the Institute may resign by giving to the appointing authority three monthsโ€˜ notice:

Provided that the appointing authority may for sufficient reasons, either reduce or waive off this period of three months or call upon the employee concerned to continue till the end of the academic session in which the notice is received.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in these Statutes, every employee of the Institute shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years:

Provided that an employee of the Institute whose date of birth is the first of a month shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of sixty years.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, the appointing authority shall, if it is of the opinion that it is in the interest of the Institute so to do, have the absolute right to retire any employee of the institute by giving him notice of not less than three months in writing or three monthsโ€˜ pay and allowances in lieu of such notice,-

(i) if he is a regular employee holding a post in Level 6 in the pay matrix (Rs. 35400-112400/-) or equivalent and above and had entered service before attaining the age of thirty-five years, after he has attained the age of fifty years;

(ii) in any other case after he has attained the age fifty-five years.

(4) For the purpose of ascertaining the suitability or otherwise of such employees to be retained in service, the guidelines regarding โ€œPeriodic review of Central Government Employees under Fundamental Rules 56(j)/(l)โ€ issued by the Government of India from time to time shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to all the employees of the Institute.

(5) Where any rule or benefit has not been expressly included herein, all rules and benefits applicable or admissible to the employees of the Central Government shall, mutatis mutandis be applicable to the employees of the Institute, as approved by the Board of Governors.

32. Terms and conditions of service of employees on long term contracts.-

(1) The initial appointment on direct recruitment shall be on long term contract basis, initially for a period three years, which shall be extendable for another three years on the basis of performance.

(2) If the performance during the initial contract period of three years is not found satisfactory, the contract shall be terminated.

(3) The service of a long term contract employee may be terminated any time by one monthโ€˜s notice or one monthโ€˜s salary in lieu of that, either by the employee to the appointing authority or by the appointing authority to the employee.

(4) Such long term contract employees, except those holding the posts of Director (Head Office), Campus Director, Director(Finance and Accounts), Director(National Resource Centre), Director(Information Technology) and Project Engineer, shall be considered for regular appointment after satisfactory completion of five years of service.

(5) The Service rendered in a post, except the posts of Director (Head Office), Campus Director, Director(Finance and Accounts), Director(National Resource Centre), Director(Information Technology), Project Engineer and Registrar, on long term contract including such service rendered in the same post prior to the commencement of these Statutes, followed by regularisation in the same post, shall be counted as qualifying service for all purposes such as promotions and up-gradations but not for the purpose of seniority, which shall be based on the date of regular appointment to the post and the merit decided thereof.

(6) The other terms and conditions of service of such employees shall be such as may be specified by the appointing authority in the letter of appointment.

33. Short term contract employees.-

(1) The appointing authority may appoint any person on short term contract basis for a period not exceeding six months.

(2) The other terms and conditions of service of such employees shall be such as may be specified by the appointing authority in his letter of appointment.

(3) The service of a short term contract employee may be terminated any time by one monthโ€˜s notice or one monthโ€˜s salary in lieu thereof, either by the employee to the appointing authority or by the appointing authority to the employee.

34. Leave.-

The employees of the Institute shall be governed by provisions contained in the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 and the decision, instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard, in such form as approved or modified by the Board.

35. Travelling allowance.-

The employees of the Institute shall be governed by the Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance instructions applicable to the Central Government employees on official tour or transfers, in such form as approved or modified by the Board.

36. Leave travel concession.-

The employees of the Institute shall be governed by the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concessions) Rules, 1988 and the decision, instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard, in such form as approved or modified by the Board.

37. Medical facility.-

The employees of the Institute shall be eligible for treatment at all Central Government Health Scheme empanelled hospitals or diagnostic centres or exclusive eye centres or exclusive dental clinics under Central Government Health Scheme , on the same terms and conditions as per Central Government Health Scheme approved rates provided that the Institute shall make the payment of the expenditure on medical expenses to be incurred at approved rates of Central Government Health Scheme or actual cost, whichever is less, on beneficiaries of the Institute to the hospitals concerned from own budget of the Institute.

38. Hostel and hall.-

The hostel and hall in the Institute Campus shall be governed by the following, namely:-

(i) the hostel facility is for the bonafide full time under-graduate or post-graduate registered students of the Institute Campus, subject to availability of residence in the hostel;

(ii) the priority for admission to hostel in the Institute Campuses shall be decided on the Common Merit Rank of the applicant in the following order, namely :-

(a) under-graduate students newly admitted to full time programmes in the current academic year who have passed their qualifying examinations from a station other than that of the allotted Institute Campus, subject to the condition that their family does not reside at the station;

(b) under-graduate students who apply after the commencement of the academic year, subject to availability of seats and production of documentary evidence that their family does not reside at the station;

(c) any other under-graduate student in full time programme in the current academic year, subject to availability of residence in the hostel;

(d) post-graduate students admitted to full time programmes in the current academic year, subject to the condition that their family does not reside at the station and to the availability of residence.

Explanation:- For the purpose of this sub-clause, the expression โ€œstationโ€,-

(a) means the area within the municipal limits of the Institute Campus excepting Delhi;

(b) in respect of Delhi, means the area within the National Capital Territory of Delhi;

(iii) the resident students are expected to furnish the name of the local guardian, their address, telephone numbers and business card, if any, which shall be duly attested by their legal guardian at the time of joining the hostel;

(iv) the hostel dues shall be paid as per the directives of the Institute;

(v) full hostel charges shall be refunded, except non-refundable security deposit, if admission is withdrawn before joining the hostel; and in case of withdrawal within one month of joining the hostel, only fifty per cent of the hostel charges excepting non-refundable security shall be refunded and in case of withdrawal after one month of joining the hostel, only refundable security deposit shall be refunded;

(vi) the resident students shall abide by the timing for attendance in the hostel;

(vii) in case of any grievance, the students are advised to register it in the complaint book provided in the hostel or report it to the hostel Warden in writing or bring it to the notice of the Campus Director or Students Development Activities Coordinator of the Institute Campus;

(viii) the Campus Director or any committee authorised by the Campus Director may inspect the hostel at any time to ensure the proper compliance of the terms and conditions of hostel accommodation;

(ix) use of narcotics, smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages and gambling are strictly prohibited;

(x) any student found hosting or harboring an unauthorised person in the hostel premises, shall be liable to disciplinary action;

(xi) any act of intimidation or violence, willful damage to property or drunken and riotous behavior constitutes an offence;

(xii) any resident student who has committed an offence or defaulted on the payment of hostel dues or has committed any act that is in violation of the terms and conditions herein or disrupts the congenial atmosphere of the hostel shall be liable to have the hostel accommodation cancelled after being giving an opportunity of being heard;

(xiii) submission of false information in the hostel application form or any other document for admission shall make the student liable for expulsion at any time during the course of study;

(xiv) ragging shall be treated as a major disciplinary violation and the offenders (direct or indirect) shall be dealt in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Institute from time to time and any complaints of ragging shall be made to the Campus Director or Students Development Activities Coordinator of the Institute Campus;

(xv) the student shall be liable for such action as deemed fit by the Campus Director for any non-compliance of the terms and conditions of the hostel accommodation.

39. Awards.-

The following awards shall be Instituted in each Institute Campus in accordance with the following criteria namely:-

(a) Award for Best Academic Performance: This award shall be decided on the basis of best academic performance in each discipline, and carries a citation, gold medal and a cash prize;

(b) Award for Academic Excellence with Community Service Performance: This award shall be on the basis of academic performance with contribution to community service and carries a citation, gold medal and a cash prize;

(c) Award for Best All Round Performance: This award shall be on the basis of academic performance with notable contribution in student development activities and carries a citation, gold medal and a cash prize;

(d) Graduation Awards: This award shall be in various categories for respective disciplines to be decided by the external jury constituted by the Institute for the purpose and given to the students getting highest marks in the corresponding categories of evaluation criteria.

40. Provident Fund.-

(1) The Contributory Provident Fund Rules, 1962 and Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 of Employee Provident Fund Organization, as amended from time to time, shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to all employees of the Institute.

41. Employees Group Insurance Scheme.-

The employees of the Institute shall be eligible to the insurance cover under the Group Saving Linked Insurance of Life Insurance Corporation and General Insurance.

12. Gratuity.-

The employees of the Institute shall be governed by the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (39 of 1972) as amended from time to time.

[See Statute 28(3)]


Composition of Selection Committee for

Composition of Selection Committee for Direct Recruitment

Composition of Selection Committee for Promotion/ Absorption

Composition of Selection Committee for Deputation

Composition of Selection Committee for Confirmation






Group โ€—Aโ€˜

Posts in Level 13 and above in the corresponding pay matrix

(i) Chairperson Board-


(ii) Director General

(iii) Two Members of the Board

(iv) Two Experts

(i) Chairperson, Board-


(ii) Director General

(iii) Two Members of the Board

(iv) Two Experts

(i) Chairperson Board-


(ii) Director General

(iii) Two Members of the Board

(iv) Two Experts

(i) Chairperson Board-


(ii) Director General

(iii)Two Members of the Board.

(iv) Two Experts

Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Posts in Level 11 and 12 in the corresponding pay matrix

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) Two Members of the Board

(iii) Two Experts

(iv) One Director to be nominated by Director General

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) Two Members of the Board

(iii) Two Experts

(iv) One Director to be nominated by Director General

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) One Member of the Board

(iii) Two Experts

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) One Member of the Board

(iii)One Director to be nominated by Director General

Group โ€—Aโ€˜

Posts in Level 10 in the pay

matrix (Rs. 56100-


(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) One Member of the Board

(iii) Two Experts

(iv) One Director to be nominated by Director General

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) One Member of the Board

(iii) One Director to be nominated by Director General

(iv) One Expert

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) One Member of the Board

(iii) One Director to be nominated by Director General

(iv) One Expert

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) Two Directors to be nominated by Director General.

All Group โ€—Bโ€˜


(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) Two Directors to be nominated by Director General

(iii) One Expert

(i) Director General โ€“


(ii) Two Directors to be nominated by Director General

(iii) One Expert

(i) Director โ€“ Chairman

(ii) Two Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Officers to be nominated by Director General

(iii) One Expert

(i) Director โ€“ Chairman

(ii) Two Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Officers to be nominated by Director General

All Group โ€—Cโ€˜


(i) Director โ€“Chairman

(ii) Two Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Officers to be nominated by Director General from

other Centres/Head Office

(iii) Two Experts to be nominated with Director Generalโ€˜s approval from State/Central Government/Academics

(i) Director โ€“Chairman

(ii) Two Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Officers to be nominated by Director General from

other Centres/Head Office

(iii) Two Experts to be nominated with Director Generalโ€˜s approval from State/Central Government/Academics

(i) Director โ€“Chairman

(ii) Two Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Officers to be nominated by Director General from other Centres/Head Office

(iii) Two Experts to be nominated with Director Generalโ€˜s approval from State/Central Government/Academics.

(i) Director โ€“Chairman

(ii) Two Group โ€—Aโ€˜ Officers to be nominated by Director General from other Centres


Director General

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