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Payment of Compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to all Departmental employees and all categories of GDS to cover death due to COVID-19 – Deptt of Post

Payment of compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to all Departmental employees of Department of Posts and all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) to cover death due to COVID-19 while discharging official duties — appointment of ‘Designated Officer’


Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Pension Section

Dak Bhawan,/Sansad Marg
New Delhi — 110 001
21st May, 2020


l. Heads of all Postal Circles
2. Chief General Manager (BD)/Prcel/PLI Directorate
3. Director, Rafi Ahmad Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad
4. Chief Engineer (HQ), Dak Bhawan

Subject: Provision to extend benefit of payment of compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to all Departmental employees of Department of Posts and all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) to cover death due to COVID-19 while discharging official duties — appointment of ‘Designated Officer’ — reg.

Madam/ Sir,

I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of No.100-4/2020-Pen. dated 17.04.2020 extending the benefit of payment of compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to all Departmental employees of Department of Posts and all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) to cover death due to COVID-19 while discharging official duties.

2. In terms Section 4(e) of the Guidelines, there is a provision for appointment of ‘Designated Officer’ by the Competent Authority for receiving, processing and disposal of claims. The extension of the Guidelines for the purpose of COVID-19 cases was only for specific purpose and for the time being only. Therefore, to keep a close watch on the total number of cases and expenditure involved, it has been decided that all such cases may be approved at Directorate level.

3. To ensure expeditious and prompt settlement of claims, the Competent Authority has appointed Director(Welfare), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-01 as “Designated Officer’.

4. In view of above, all Circles are requested to submit all claims of compensation for death due to COVID-19 cases ensuring that the requisite certificate of cause of death issued by the District Administration and the Death Certificate issued by the concerned Municipal Authority are attached with each proposal. Each proposal should be forwarded to Director(Welfare) with the recommendation of Head of the of Circle.

Yours faithfully

( Tarun Mittal )
Asstt. Director General (Pension)
Tel.No.011-2304 4768

Copy for information to:
l. PPS to Secretary(Posts)/DG(Posts)
2. PPS to Member(Banking& DBT)/Plg.& HRD/Tech./Pers./Ops./PLI/Addl.
3. AS&FA/ Sr. DDG(PAF)
4. Secretary(PSB)/All DDsG
5. All Regional Postmasters General/GM(F)/DA(P)/DDA(P)
6. All Postal Training Centres |
7. Director, CEPT Mysore-for uploading on the official website of the Deptt. of
8. Guard File


Source: Click Here to view pdf