Exemption from Lockdown Roster Duty to underlying condition (co-morbidities) Govt. Servant, PwD & Pregnant Women: DoPTโ€™s Instructions

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Exemption from Lockdown Roster Duty to underlying condition (co-morbidities) Govt. Servant, PwD & Pregnant Women: DoPTโ€™s Instructions

Exemption from Lockdown Roster Duty to underlying condition (co-morbidities) Govt. Servant, PwD & Pregnant Women: DoPTโ€™s Instructions vide Office Memorandum dated 19.05.2020.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 19th May, 2020


Subject: Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) โ€” Attendance regarding.

In continuation of this Ministryโ€™s O.M. of even number dated the 18th May, 2020, it has been decided that the Government servants who have underlying conditions (co-morbidities) and were undergoing treatment for these ailments before lockdown, may, as far as possible, be exempted from roster duty upon production of medical prescription from treating physician under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, as applicable. Similarly, Persons with Disabilities and Pregnant Women may also not be included in the roster to be prepared.

(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF





  • Kirtikumar Ghuge 5 years ago

    Sir ji Namaste , in others Bank e.g. SBI published for this July month circular for exampsion . Or on old circular communication number you will enquiring regarding the issue I think theyโ€™re also in under process of that . Or on that letters signature authority you put your concern , I think they will understand your situation .

  • Maninder 5 years ago

    I am disabled employee working in bank,from Punjab,am I eligible for exemption for the month of June as I there was lockdown in Punjab in June also,I was exempted from duties for April and may but not for June, for June I forced to apply PL

  • Surinder kumar 5 years ago

    Sir I am Surinder kumar I am center govtc civil employees I am working army Uint Sir mer officer covid 19 me mer absent lag rah hai aur harsment kar rah hai me ky karoo

    • Maninder 5 years ago

      I am disabled employee working in bank,from Punjab,am I eligible for exemption for the month of June as I there was lockdown in Punjab in June also,I was exempted from duties for April and may but not for June, for June I forced to apply PL