CGDA Order regarding Completion of APAR in SPARROW: Creation of workflow for officers posted in IFA, DRDO, PCDA/CDA


CGDA Order regarding Completion of APAR in SPARROW: Creation of workflow for officers posted in IFA, DRDO, PCDA/CDA

CGDA Order regarding Completion of APAR in SPARROW: Creation of workflow for officers posted in IFA, DRDO, PCDA/CDA

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Satar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010

No. AN/1/1058/SPARROW/Vol. II

Date: 20 April 2020


All PAR Managers/ Custodians of SPARROW (IDAS)
(Through CGDAโ€™s Website)

Subject : Completion of A.P.A.Rs in โ€œSPARROWโ€ for the year 2019-20.

References from various offices have been received in this HQrs office .regarding workflow for processing of APARs for the year 2019-20 in respect of officers (below SAG grade) posted in various Principal Controllers/ Controller offices and IFA set ups.

2. In this regard following workflow may be created. Further timelines as mentioned in the annexure enclosed with DoPT OM No. 21011102/2015 โ€“ Est (A-II) -Part II dated 30.03.2020 shall be followed.

(A) For IFA organization:

Sl. No. Officer reported upon Reporting officer Reviewing officer Accepting Authority
(i) SAG and above Executive Authority CGDA Secretary Defence Finance

(ii) Where there is no SAG/HAG level officer available and the IDAS officer OTS/STS/JAG/NFSG level officer) is designated as IF.A.

Addl. IFA/ Jt. IFA/ Sr. Dy. IFA/ Dy. IFA Executive Authority (Brig. and its Equivalent Ranks in Army/AF/Navy/CG) Sr. Jt. CGDA (Finance) Addl. CGDA (Finance)

Executive Authority (Major General and its Equivalent Ranks in Army/ AF/ Navy/ CG)

Sr. Jt. CGDA (Finance) Addl. CGDA (Finance)

Executive Authority (Lt. Gen. and its Equivalent Ranks in Army/ AF /Navy/ CG)

Addl. CGDA (Finance) CGDA
(iii) Where SAG/ HAG level officer is available :
Jt. IFA/ Addl. IFA IFA/PIFA Addl. CGDA (Finance) CGDA
Dy. IFA/Sr. Dy. IFA Jt. IFAl Addl. IFA IFA/PIFA Addl. CGDA (Finance)

Note: In case where Dy. IFA/Sr. Dy. IFA is directly under IFA, then IFA will initiate the report, Sr. Jt. CGDA (Finance) shall review and Addl. CGDA (Finance) will accept the report.

2. In case where Dy. IFA/Sr. Dy. IFA is directly under PIFA, then PIFA will initiate the report , Addl. CGDA (Finance) shall review and CGDA will accept the report.

(iv) Officers posted in DRDO:
Addl./Dy . IFA IFA Cluster DG Cluster CGDA
Addl./Dy . IFA at Independent Stations IFA of the major Cluster DG Cluster CGDA
Dir. (Fin) ASL Hyderabad Director (ASL) Addl. (Finance) CGDA CGDA
DFA, GTRE, Bangalore Director (GTRE) Addl. (Finance) CGDA CGDA

(i) Name of Ms. Gargi Kaul, IA & AS may be mapped as Secretary Defence Finance.
(ii) Name of Shri Sanjiv Mittal, IDAS may be mapped as CGDA.
(iii) Name of Ms Anuradha Mitra, IDAS may be mapped as Addl. CGDA (Finance).
(iv) Name of Shri Nawal Kishore, IDAS may be mapped as Sr. Jt . CGDA (Finance).

2 (B) For officers posted in PCDA/CDA office:

Officer reported upon Reporting officer Reviewing officer Accepting Authority
SAG and above CGDA Secretary Defence Finance Defence Secretary
Officers below SAG level
ACDA Jt. CDA/ Addl. CDA CDA/PCDA Respective Addl CGDA
Jt. CDA/ Add i. CDA CDA/PCDA Respective Addl CGDA CGDA

(i) In case ACDA/DCDA (including IDAS Probationer) is directly under PCDA/CDA, then PCDA/CDA will initiate the report as Reporting officer, Respective Addl. CGDA will review the report and CGDA will accept the Report.

(ii) In case of SAG level officer posted under PCDA (P) Allahabad, the report of that SAG level officer shall be initiated by PCDA (P) Allahabad, reviewed by CGDA and accepted by FA(DS)/SDF.

(iii) In respect of officers posted at UN Mission , the report will be initiated by the Commanding officer, Indian Troops Contingent, reviewed by JCDA/Addl. CDA, O/o the PCDA, New Delhi and accepted by PCDA New Delhi.

(iv) Name of Dr. Ajay Kumar , lAS may be mapped as Defence Secreatry.

(v) Name of Ms Gargi Kaul, IA & AS may be mapped as Secretary Defence Finance.

(vi) Name of Shri Sanjiv Mittal, IDAS may be mapped as CGDA.


(Praveen Kumar)
Sr. Jt. CGDA (AN)

