News about deduction in allowances of CGE is false भत्तों में कटौती की मीडिया रिपोर्ट गलत: वित्त मंत्रालय का स्पष्टीकरण
दावा : हिन्दुस्तान अखबार ने रिपोर्ट किया है कि #Covid_19 के मद्देनज़र केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों को एलटीसी/लीव एनकैशमेंट/ ओटीए/ मेडिकल जैसी सुविधाओं में कटौती का सामना करना पड़ेगा #PIBFactCheck:सरकार द्वारा ऐसा कोई प्रस्ताव नहीं है। मीडिया रिपोर्ट गलत और निराधार है। (1/2)
वित्त मंत्रालय ने इसे “भ्रामक” और “सरासर झूठ” करार देते हुए स्पष्ट किया है कि विभिन्न भत्तों में किसी तरह की कटौती का कोई प्रस्ताव नहीं है। यह #CAG का एक आंतरिक संचार है जो केवल IA&A विभाग पर लागू है, न कि अन्य सभी सरकारी कार्यालयों पर। नीचे देखें
Dear Sh Shashi Shekhar ji,
This is in reference to the news report in Hindustan daily newspaper with headline “केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों के भत्ते में कटौती की तैयारी’ by Shri Madan Jaida dated 26” April 2020 carried on Page 1. The news report is misleading and utterly false and therefore expressly denied. The report has malicious intent to cause panic and sensation in public.
There is no proposal for any cut in various allowances including LTC, leave encashment during LTC or Leave encashment on retirement,OTA and medical reimbursement, as admissible under the existing orders, has either been considered or under contemplation at present. These payments will be continue to be paid as per existing norms.
The Reporter/Correspondent’s interpretation of Department of Expenditure’s order dated 8″ April,2020 is farfetched . He has filed news based on his own assumptions & without cross verification of facts from anyone in the DOPT or Ministry of Finance.
Further, to the PIB’s Fact Check unit’s tweet today afternoon on the aforesaid news item , the Reporter/Correspondent has given basis of his news item to the internal communication of CAG’s office dt 22.4.2020, which is meant only & only for the Indian Audit & Accounts Department and not for rest of Government of India.
In view of the above facts , it is requested that clarification/ rebuttal be published prominently in your esteemed newspaper
Warm regards,
Thanks and regards.
Rajesh Malhotra
Director General (M&C)
Press Relations & Information Division
Ministry of Finance & Corporate Affairs
PIB : No deduction in allowances of Central Government employees
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
No deduction in allowances of Central Government employees, PIB Fact Check busts fake news
Fact Check Unit of Press Information Bureau has today clarified in a tweet that Central Government is not going to deduct allowances of Central Government Employees. The tweet was a fact check on a media report speculating that Government was planning such a move in response to the coronavirus crisis.
In another post, Fact Check has busted a rumour on Facebook that blamed ICMR for allegedly buying COVID19 testing kits and a significantly inflated price when cheaper options were available. ICMR has since clarified that it has fixed rate brackets for the kits and is open to any company that can provide the kits at a still cheaper rate.
In order to check the spread of fake news on social media and following observations of the Supreme Court, PIB set up a dedicated unit to bust rumours getting viral on the social media. ‘PIBFactCheck’ is a verified handle on Twitter that continuously monitors trending messages on social media platforms and conducts comprehensive review of its contents to bust fake news. Besides, PIB_India handle and various PIB regional unit handles on Twitter are posting official and authentic version of any item on Twitter using the hashtag #PIBFactCheck for the benefit of the Twitter community at large.
Any person can submit to PIBFactCheck any social media message, including text, audio and video, to verification of its authenticity. These can be submitted online on the portal or on Whatsapp No. +918799711259 or email: The details are also available on PIB website:
Source: PIB