Preventive measures to be taken by Training Institutions – DoPT OM dated 19.03.2020 on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Training Division
Block-IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067
Dated: 19th March, 2020
Sub:- Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
With a view to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) it is imperative that the following precautionary measures are taken by all the Training Institutions:
View: 50% Staff to work from home – Example of Weekly Roster of Duty with reference to DoPT OM 19.03.2020
- All Training Institutions may review the ongoing training programmes and take appropriate measures to defer/curtail them to the extent possible. It would not be advisable to undertake any new training programme for the time being.
Entry of visitors to training institution may be restricted. If absolutely necessary, such visitors may be admitted after proper screening. Installation of thermal scanner at the entry points of the buildings may be taken up wherever feasible. Hand sanitizers should be mandatorily placed at the entry points and every person-faculty member/staff member/Visitor entering the premises should compulsorily clean their hands before entering the premises.
Availability of adequate hand sanitizers and running water/soap in the training institute should be ensured.
Training/Teaching may be conducted, as far as possible, in a virtual/online mode.
Adequate distance may be maintained between students in the physical classrooms
Meetings to the extent possible should be conducted through video conferencing only.
All non-essential travel may be avoided. Outside visits and excursions, group activities/screening of movies etc. and physical training activities may be suspended with immediate effect.
Calling of guest faculty may be avoided.
All gyms/recreation centres, creches, book clubs etc. inside the premises may be shut down immediately.
A fully functional medical centre with the presence of qualified doctor(s) and nursing staff may be ensured with proper protocol for treating of staff/faculty/trainee with flu like symptoms. SOPs may be developed in consultation with local Public Health Authorities to ensure quick response for testing and isolation/quarantine of symptomatic patients etc.
Separate quarantine facility may be created in consultation with local Public Health Authorities.
Mess Supervisors should ensure that all the trainees and mess staff wash their hands properly before entry into the Mess and before entry into the kitchen. Messaging outside the mess, its kitchen and the toilets about ‘Dos and Don’ts’ must be ensured.
Everything prepared in the mess must be cooked properly and raw salad and uncut fruit avoided for the time being. Linen should be changed frequently. The Trainees may be advised not to share the glass for drinking water and use only their respective water bottles for drinking water. Trainees may be advised not to use outside eateries as a preventive measure.
Common contact places including class rooms, hostels, mess, guest houses, vehicles/buses etc to be disinfected frequently. Dustbins may be placed in front of all the washrooms. Doorknobs of class rooms, toilets, hostel doors, canteen and all common facilities to be disinfected regularly.
All faculty members and staff members may be advised to take care of their own health as well as of their friends and family and look out for symptoms such as respiratory problems, fever, discomfort etc. In case anyone feels unwell and shows flu-like symptoms, should inform the Training Coordinator/designated faculty immediately and report to the Medical Centre of the training institutes.
All staff & faculty at higher risks such as elderly employees, pregnant employees, employees with poor medical conditions and employees suffering from major chronic ailments may be advised to take proper care.
Frequent hand washing with soap, water and alcohol-based hand rub, should be encouraged. Covering of nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing, throwing of used tissues in close bins immediately after use. Keeping a safe distance from persons during interaction, especially with those having flu-like symptoms, sneezing in the inner side of the one’s elbow and not coughing into the palms of one’s hand, regular check of temperature and respiratory systems, consultation with the doctor in the event of one’s feeling unwell, wearing of mask and covering of mouth and nose while visiting a doctor and avoidance of social gatherings, must be strongly advised to every faculty member and staff member. Staff & faculty should also be advised not to spit in the public, travel unnecessarily, participate in the large gathering, spending time in the canteens unnecessarily, visit gyms, clubs and crowded places.
The Health Advisories issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare should be referred to and followed scrupulously.
Action taken in this regard may be intimated to this Department regularly.
(Biswajit Banerjee)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele. No.011-26194167
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