COVID19 Outbreak โ SoP to run the office to be followed in DoD โ MoD Order on subject Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID19
F. No. 50024/01/2020-D[Estt.I/Gp.I]
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Dated the 23rd March 2020
Subject: โ Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID19.
Department of Personnel & Training, vide its Office Memorandum No. 11013/9/2014-Estt(A-III) dated 22 March 2020 on the above subject (copy enclosed), have issued instructions in connection with preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID19. As per this O.M., HoDs may draw up a Roster of skeletal Staff, who are required to render essential services within each Department during the period from 23 March until 31 March 2020.
2. The following SOP should be followed in DoD with immediate effect:
- A cell comprising of essential officers (as per Annexure) will function physically in DoD for all days till 31.3.2020 except holidays. All other officers and employees will work from home. They should be available for any work to be done remotely through email/phone.
- All officers and employees should be available on call of duty in which case they may be required to attend the workplace
- All official matters may be attended through official email of NIC. Private emails should not be used for official work. NIC email is official record and official business can be disposed through email of NIC. All officers to check their emails regularly during work from home duration. Approvals can be issued on email and necessary instructions complied thereafter.
- Sensitive matters should not be sent over email. Due discretion in this regard may be attended to by officers dealing with sensitive information.
- Further instructions may be issued in this regard from time to time
3. Secretaries of other departments of Ministry of Defence viz. DESW, DDP, DDR&D and DMA are requested to issue similar orders in terms of the aforementioned DOP&Tโs O.M.
(S.S.S. Sarma)
Director (E)
Encl: As Above.
All Joint Secretaries/ Acquisition Managers/ Additional FAs/ TMs/ FMs in DoD
Copy with similar request to:-
: 1. Secretary, Department of Military Affairs
2. Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
3. Secretary, Department of Defence Production
A, Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development
Copy.for information to:-
1. PS to RM/ PS to RRM.
2. Sr. PPS to Defence Secretary/Sr.PPS to Secretary (Defence Finance).
3. PPS to AS (JN)/Sr. PPS to AS&DG (Acq.)/Sr. PPS to AS&FA(Acq)/PPS to AS(DP).
Source: MoD Order