7th CPC Pay Fixation โ€“ Bunching of stages of pay in the pre- 7 CPC โ€“ MoD Order for Defence Civilian Employees

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7th CPC Pay Fixation โ€“ Bunching of stages of pay in the pre- 7 CPC โ€“ MoD Order for Defence Civilian Employees

Bunching of stages of pay in the pre- 7 CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay scales based on 7th CPC โ€“ MoD Order for Defence Civilian Employees

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of Defence)

Subject: โ€“ Circulation of OMs issued by MoF/DoE regarding 7 CPC.

All concerned are requested to download the undermentioned Govt. Orders issued by Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) from their website for necessary action/ compliance. The provisions contained therein are duly applicable to Defence Civilian Employees paid from Defence Service Estimates. These OMs are also being uploaded on the MoD/DoD website under the link โ€˜Employees Corner/Seventh Central Pay Commissionโ€™.

S.No. OM issued by OM No. & date Subject
1. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) No.1-6/2016- IC/E.II(A) Dated 07.02.2019 Bunching of stages of pay in the pre- 7 CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay scales based on 7th CPC โ€“ reg.


(C.V. Suresh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India




D(O-II) D(Med) D(Works-II) D(AG) D(N-II) D(Civ-II)  D(BR) D(CG)
D(Air-III) D(Q&C) D(Apptt) D(GS-II) D(GS-VI) D(GS-I/Civ) D(R&D)
D(GS-I) D(GS-IV) DAD/Coord) D(Mov) D(Res-II) D(QA) DDP/Coord D(QS)
DMA(Parl & Coord)
D( IT)- with the request to upload this ID Note & OM on the website of MoD at location: MoD> DoD> Employees Corner>  Seventh CPC

MoD ID No. 11(3)/2016-D(Civ-I) dated 09.03.2020

Copy to:

AG/Mp-4(Civ)(a) DG-Coast Guard AirHars/PC-5 CAO(HRDte) CGDA DPR
Hqrs. IDS, (Dte of Pers) DGQA/Admin-7B OFB, Kolkata DGDE/Admn DRDO/DoP
Employeesโ€™ Federations: AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/CDRA


Source: https://mod.gov.in/dod/sites/default/files/circula120320.pdf


  • Govind Sharma 4 years ago

    I am defence civilian employ. I joined 20/12/2010 and some employ joined after jan11 to may 2011 in this cpc they are getting same basic pay please clarify the matter can I get bunching benefit