HomeDoPT Order

Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport: DoPT OM dated 18.02.2020

Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport: DoPT OM dated 18.02.2020 in super-session of OM. dated 28th March, 2018.

No. 11012/7/ 2017-Estt.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-III Desk


North Block, New Delhi โ€“ 110001
Dated 18th February, 2020


Subject: Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departmentโ€™s 0.M. of even no. dated 28.03.2018 prescribing the guidelines for grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport. The guidelines have been reviewed by this Department in consultation with Central Vigilance Commission and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).

2.  MEA has also issued the guidelines for issuance of ordinary Passport to the Government servants vide O.M. No. VI / 401/ 01/ 05/ 2014 dated 26.05.2015, wherein procedures to be followed in this regard have been prescribed.

3. In view of the above, it is mandatory for the administrative Department/ Controlling Authority to check as to whether any provision of the Section 6(2) of the Passport Act, 1967 is attracted in case of employees, who are working under them, while obtaining Indian Passport. As such, it is required to check the vigilance clearance of such Government servants.

4. Accordingly, it has been decided that vigilance clearance can be withheld only under the following circumstances:

(i) The officer is under suspension;

(ii) Charge sheet has been filed in a Court by the Investigating Agency in a criminal case or after grant of sanction by the Competent Authority under PC Act or any other criminal matter and taken cognizance of by the Court of Law.

5. All Ministries/ Departments/ Offices are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all Disciplinary Authorities under their control.

6. This OM is issued in supersession of this Departmentโ€™s earlier OM. No. 11012/7/ 2017-Estt.A-III dated 28th March, 2018.

Hindi version will follow.

(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

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