Court Order – Grant of One Notional Increment on date of Retirement (30th June) : Public Grievance petition


Court Order – Grant of One Notional Increment on date of Retirement (30th June) : Public Grievance petition

Court Order – Grant of One Notional Increment on date of Retirement (30th June) : Public Grievance petition

No. 16/2/ 2020-Estt (Pay-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 21st January , 2020

Shri S. Basu
111, New Ashiana Apartments,
Plot No. 10, Sector – 6,
Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075.

Subject: Public Grievance petition bearing CPGRAMS Registration No. PMOPG / D/ 2020/ 0011242.


I am to refer o your letter dated 08.01.2020 requesting for grant of one notional increment on date of retirement (30th June) in the light of the judgment rendered by the Hon’ble High Court, Madras Bench in W.P. No. 15732/ 2017 in the case of P. Ayyamperurrial Vs. Union of India.

2. It may kindly be noted that the judgment of Hon’ble Madras High Court in W.P. No. 15732/ 2017 in the case of Shri P. Ayyamperumal, is in personam, i.e. specific to the case of petitioner only.

Yours faithfully,

(A. K. Jain)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
011-2309 4542


Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


  • Dr.G.R.Mahajan 5 years ago

    I Dr.G.R.Mahajan retired on 30thjune 2010 facing the similar prolem. I would like to go to court for redressal. please let me know whether you are interested. my email is thank ing you

  • mukundan 5 years ago

    An increment on fixation of option in my service from 1993 March identified and recommended is not considered. This had resulted a loss of about Rs. 2 lakhs in my service and further affected me inthe settlement and pension benefits from 2010 and in 7CPC recommendations for pensioners so far.
    Being the only case and left ignored. Rules were relaxed on uniform july increment date in 6CPC to all and many were enjoying he benefits in service and settlement permanently as eligible. I am affected further by this in service and reflectin my settlement and pension benefits.
    Notional increment for the retires in june for pension is on card. But the last date of the month for retirement is given for all for administrative convenience and benefits were given to all in service. And the increment is eligible only for those who are in service after one year. I am not against the benefots to them.
    But my case is …left aside and allowed to appeal alone and one sidedly.
    DoPPW claims that the pension is given as per the pay drawn and the pension revision will be done only on correction of pay.
    My appeals to all concerned and meetings in person is of one sided only.
    Will it be looked by any one or will somebody will guide me properly ?