Grant of Selection Scale to the Teachers of JNVs without insisting on higher qualification


Grant of Selection Scale to the Teachers of JNVs without insisting on higher qualification

Grant of Selection Scale to the Teachers of JNVs without insisting on higher qualification

Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Deptt. of School Education & Literacy)
Government a India
5, Institutional Area, Sector-62, NOIDA, Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.)- 20130

F. No. 10-8/2017-NVS(Estt.II)/85



Sub: Orders dated 4.8,2017 of Hon’ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench in O.A. No. 180/627/2016 in the matter of N. Krishna Kumar v/s Union of India & Others regarding grant of Selection Scale to the Miscellaneous Category Teachers of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (JNVs) without insistingon higher qualification-regarding. .

In compliance to Ministry of Human Resource & Development letter No. 17-33/2017-UT-3 dated 21.01.2020, approval of the competent authority is hereby conveyed for grant of Selection Scale to the Miscellaneous Category Teachers of JNVs without insisting on higher qualification in relaxation of the conditions contained in para 3 (v) of MHRD order NO.F.5-180/86-UT-1 dated 12.8.1987.

It is, therefore, requested to comply the above provision. Further, the number of the posts in the Selection Scale will continue to be restricted to 20% of the posts in the Senior Scale of the respective cadre. The other terms & conditions of the letter dated 12.08.1987 of MHRD will remain unchanged.

(N.K. Pahwa)
Deputy Commissioner(Admn.)

1. The Deputy Commissioner, All Regional Offices/NLIs- for information and necessary action. Cases, if any, pending with regard to grant of Selection Scale to Misc. Category Teachers may be got disposed off, accordingly.

2. All Officers of NVS Hars. — for information and necessary action

Copy to:

1. Shri Manoj Kumar, Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, MARD- With reference to his letter No. 17-33/2017-UT-3 dated 21.01.2020.

2. PA to Commissioner, NVS — for information


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