Creation of Department of Military Affairs under Ministry of Defence: Transfer Orders
F.No. A.-11029/01/2020 -D(Estt.I/Gp.I)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
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Dated 10th January 2020
Consequent upon creation of new Department viz., the Department of Military Affairs (DMA) under Ministry of Defence in pursuance of the Cabinet Secretariatโs Notification No. 1/21/17/2019-Cab, dated 30.12.2019, D(O&M) issued Order No. 38(1)/2020-D(O&M) dated 9th January 2020 transferring posts of 2 Joint Secretary; 13 Deputy Secretary/Director; 25 Under Secretary and 22 Section Officer to the newly created Department.
Accordingly, the Officers mentioned in the Annexure are hereby transferred from the Department of Defence to the newly created Department of Military Affairs with immediate effect.
Orders in respect of Joint Secretaries and Supporting Staff will be issued separately.
(S. S. S. Sarma)
Director (Establishment)
Gazette Notification โ Chief of Defence Staff โ Office, Tenure, Retirement Age etc.
Distribution: โ
1. All Officers concerned
2. All Sections concerned
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