Claims recoverable on account of Leave balance at credit in respect of employees transferred from DoT and absorbed in BSNL
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Corporate Office
Pension Section, 5th floor
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
H.C. Mathur Lane,
New Delhi-110001
No.48-16/2019-Pen (B)
Dated: -01-2020
All Heads of Circles/Telecom Districts/ Regions/Projects/
Telecom Stores/Telecom Factories & Other Administrative Offices
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
Sub: Claims recoverable on account of Leave balance at credit in respect of employees transferred from DoT and absorbed in BSNL โ reg.
The Leave Encashment to the employees who were transferred from DoT and permanently absorbed in BSNL w.e.f. 01/10/2000 is presently being paid by BSNL at the time of their retirement/ resignations/ death etc. The Leave at credit at the time of retirement/ resignation/ death etc. of the employee working/worked in BSNL also includes the Leave at credit as on 30/09/2000. Hence, there is a need to calculate and recover the amount of Leave Encashment for such Leave balance at credit from DoT. Accordingly, it has been decided to work out the amounts recoverable from DoT in respect of payment of Leave Encashment on the Leave balances as on 30/09/2000. Hence, immediate action is required to be taken on the followings :-
i) Identify the Leave balance at credit as on 30/09/2000 in respect of each and every employee who has been permanently absorbed in BSNL.
ii) Calculate the amount of Leave Encashment paid to such employees on the date of their retirement/resignation/death etc. against the Leave balance at credit as on 30/09/2000.
iii) Calculate the amount of Leave Encashment payable to such working employees on the date of their retirement against the Leave balance at credit as on 30/09/2000.
2. All Heads of Telecom Circles/Other Administrative Units/Cadre Controlling Authorities in BSNL Corporate Office are requested to furnish the aforesaid information in respect of their respective Circle/Office in the attached Excel Sheet in the following E-Mail address : patbsnlco[at] /dmpensionbsnl[at] within 7 days.
Yours faithfully,
Enclosure : As above
(Rabin Sarkar)
Asstt. General Manager (Estt.-])
Tele. No. 011-23037477
Copy to :-
1. PS to Dir (HR) /Dir (F)/Dir (Ent.)/Dir (CFA) /Dir (CM), BSNL Board
2. PGMs/Sr. GMs/GMs (Pers. /FP/BW/Elect./Arch/Civil), BSNL CO
3. BSNL CO Intranet Portal
(Sudhanshu Shekhar Ray)
Deputy Manager (Pension)
Source: BPDA.IN Click here to view/download the PDF