Representations/ Communications directly received by DPE


Representations/ Communications directly received by DPE

Representations/Communications directly received by DPE

No. W-02/0049/2019-DPE(WC)-GL-XXVII/19

Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block No. 14, CGO Complex,

Lodhi Road, New, Delhi-110003.
Dated, the 20th December, 2019.


Subject: Representations/Communications directly received by DPE – regarding. .


The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE)’s OM No. 2(22)/11-DPE(WC)-GL-IX/2011 dated 30″ May, 2011 on the aforementioned mentioned subject. The said OM stipulates a proper channel for marking official communications by CPSKEs, their employees and employees’ associations/unions to the DPE. Any communication originating from CPSKs, their employees and their association/unions addressed to DPE must be routed through the administrative Ministry/Department of CPSEs. However, despite clear cut instructions, DPE continue to receive a large number of representations/ communications from CPSEs, their employees and their associations directly.

2. It is therefore reiterated that the Administrative Ministries/ Departments of CPSEs may forward communications from CPSEs, their employees and their associations to DPE along with Ministry’s/Department’s considered view and after having internally examined the matter in consultation with their IFUs in light of the extant guidelines. All the Administrative Ministries/Departments of CPSEs and CEOs of CPSEs are requested to ensure compliance of these guidelines. CPSEs are requested to give wider internal circulation to these guidelines.

(Naresh Kumar)
Under Secretary
TEL: + 91 11 24366820

All Administrative Ministries/Departments
Copy to:
1. All CMDs / CEOs of CPSEs for information & necessary action.
2. NIC for uploading of this OM on DPE website.
