7th Pay Commission Training Allowance – Revised rates admissible in Defence Training Establishment: MoD Order dt 28.11.2019

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7th Pay Commission Training Allowance – Revised rates admissible in Defence Training Establishment: MoD Order dt 28.11.2019

7th Pay Commission Training Allowance – Revised rates admissible in Defence Training Establishment: MoD Order dt 28.11.2019.

No. PC-1(16)/ 2017/ D(Pay/Services)/Pt. II
Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, the 28th Nov 2019


The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Training Allowance.


I am directed to refer to MoD letter No. 1(26)/97/VI/ D(Pay/Services) dated 29.02.2000, Nos. 1/54/ 2008/ D(Pay/Services) and 1/55/ 2008/ D(Pay/Services) both dated 04.1i.2008 and Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 13024/01/ 2016-Trg. Ref. dated 24.10.2017 and 12.11.2018 and to say that consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission vide Ministry of Finance Resolution No. 11-1/2016-IC dated o6th July 2017, Instructional Allowance has been abolished as a separate allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2017 and Training Allowance shall now be admissible to the eligible personnel, at the following rates:

In National/Central Training Academies and Institutes for Group ‘A’ Officers mentioned under Appendix ‘A’ 24% of Basic Pay
In other Training Establishments mentioned under Appendix ‘B’ 12% of Basic Pay

2. Admissibility of this allowance will be regulated in the following manner:

(i) Training allowance will be admissible only to faculties who join the training academies/ institutes/ establishments for imparting training for a specified period of time and are then likely to go back.

(ii) Training allowance will be admissible to faculty members excluding those not covered by these guidelines as indicated in sub para (v) without any ceiling and will not form part of pay as defined in F.R. 9(21), but will count for purpose of leave salary.

(iii) Training allowance will continue to be drawn for the period the trainer is on study or tour related to training activities.

(iv) Such training allowance will also be admissible to personnel who goes on deputation as a faculty member to an autonomous training institutions aided by the Central Government which inter-alia trains Group ‘A’ Government officials.

(v) Training allowance will not be admissible to those permanent faculties of training academies/ institutes/ establishments who have been recruited directly by the training academies/ institutes/ establishments for imparting training.

(vi) Deputation (Duty) Allowance will not be payable during the period in which the trainers are in receipt of Training allowance.

(vii) Standard cooling off period between tenures will apply.

3. The term ‘Basic Pay’ for the purpose of these orders refers to basic pay as defined in relevant Army/ Air Force Pay Rules and Navy Pay Regulations.

4. Institutes either discontinued/ disbanded from the list of training establishments mentioned under MoD letter No. 1(26)/97/VI/ D(Pay/Services) dated 29.02.2000 are mentioned under Appendix ‘C’

5. Officers/JCOs/ORs deployed on administrative/logistic duties m these Training institutes will not be entitled for Training Allowance.

6. These orders shall be effective from 1st July, 2017.

7. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their ID No. 3(8)/ 2019/AG/PA/ 212-PA dated 26.11.2019.

Encl. As above

(Arun Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


National/Central Training Academies and Institutes for Group ‘A’ Officers eligible for 24% of Basic Pay  [Click to view]


Other Training Establishments eligible for 12% of Basic Pay [Click to view]


Institutes either discontinued/disbanded from the list of training establishments mentioned under MoD letter No. 1(26) / 97Nl/ D(Pay /Services) dated 29.02.2000

SL No. Institute SI. No. as per MoD letter dated 29.02.2000 Remarks
1. Military Farms School and Research Centre, Meerut. 31 (Army List) Disbanded
2. Counter insurgency School, West 33 (Army List) Does not exist


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