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Reflection of utilization of GeM in APAR: DoPT Order

Reflection of utilization of GeM in APAR DoPT Order

F.No.21011/04/2019-Estt. A-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 24 September, 2019



Subject: Reflection of utilization of Government e-Marketplace (GeM) in Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR).

The undersigned is directed to say that Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal facilitates online procurement of common use goods & services by various Government Ministries/Departments. Procurement of goods & services through GeM portal has been made mandatory by Government of India under Rule 149 of General Financial Rules, 2017, for goods and services available on GeM. GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement and to achieve the best value for money.

2. To ensure that this digital e-Commerce portal for procurement of goods and services is appropriately utilized by all the Ministries/Departments, it has been decided, with the approval of the competent authority, that a reflection of the work done through GeM by the Officer Reported Upon (ORU) shall be made in the APAR of Group ‘A’, Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ officers belonging to Central Civil Services (other than All India Services).

3. The ORU, who are handling procurement from GeM portal in their Ministry/Department/Organisation, while recording Self-appraisal in APAR form, against the column ‘Targets/Objectives/Goals’ shall specify the ‘Total budget allocated for procurement by the Ministry/Department/Division/Section’ (as may be applicable in the case of the ORU) and against the corresponding column ‘Achievements’, the ORU shall indicate (i) the ‘Total procurement through GeM portal’ made by him/her during the period of report, (ii) specifying the % of procurement through GeM portal, (iii) the procurements made outside GeM and the reasons therefor, and (iv) steps taken for promotion of GeM in the Ministry/Department/Division/Section.

4. The Reporting and Reviewing officers, shall, in general, while recording the numerical grading under ‘Work Output’, ‘Personal Attributes’ and .’Functional Competency’ in the APARs, shall, wherever applicable, take into account the performance of the ORU for procurement of goods & services through GeM, in accordance with the extant instructions in force during the period of report. Also, the remarks recorded by the ORU in Self-appraisal against Targets and Achievements on procurements made (as mentioned at para 3 above), may specifically be taken into account by the Reporting and Reviewing officers, while according numerical grading for items such as ‘Accomplishment of planned work/work allotted as per subjects allotted’ under Work Output and ‘Knowledge of Rules/Regulations/Procedures in the area of function and ability to apply them correctly’ under Functional Competency. A reflection of the performance of the ORU with reference to procurement through GeM or otherwise may also be recorded by the Reporting Officer in the Pen Picture.

5. The above provisions would be applicable for APAR from the reporting year 2019-20 onwards. The APAR format may be modified accordingly in the manner indicated in Annexure-1. A sample format of Self-appraisal Section and Reporting Section of APAR is at Annexure-11 for reference.

6. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all the offices under them for strict implementation.

(Kabindra Joshi)


(Annexure to DoPT O.M. No.21011/04/2019-Estt. A-II dated 24 September, 2019)
(For illustration only)

Part-2 Self-Appraisal -<To be filled up by Officer Reported Upon)

Instructions for Point No.2 as under:

“Please specify targets/objectives/goals (in quantitative or other terms) of work you set for yourself or that were set for you, eight to ten items of work in the order of priority and your achievement against each target (Example: Annual Action Plan for your Division).

Targets/Objectives/Goals Achievements

may be modified as:

“Please specify targets/objectives/goals (in quantitative or other terms) of work you set for yourself or that were set for you, eight to ten items of work in the order of priority and your achievement against each target (Example: Annual Action Plan for your Division), particularly having regard to procurement planned and actually made through GeM portal for those Government servants who handled procurement during the period under reference.

Targets/Objectives/Goals Achievements

⇒ Procurements made through GeM portal (wherever applicable)
Total budget allocated for portal procurement by the Ministry/ Department/ Division/ Section in Rupees (as may be applicable in the case of the Officer Reported Upon).

(i) Total procurement through GeM  made by him/her during the period of  report (in Rs.).
(ii) % of procurement through GeM portal  as against the budget indicated in the Target.
(iii) Procurements made outside GeM portal and the reasons therefor.
(iv) Steps taken for promotion of GeM in the Ministry/ Department/ Division/ Section.


(Annexure to DoPT O.M. No. 21011/04/2019-Estt. A-11 dated 24 September, 2019)
(For illustration only)


Instructions before Numerical gradings may be modified to include the following:

“Numerical grading is to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authority which should be on a scale of 1-1O, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 1O to the highest. Numerical gradings, wherever applicable, may be awarded having special regard to the remarks recorded by the officer in the Self-appraisal regarding utilization of GeM portal for procurement and specifically for items ‘Accomplishment of planned work/work allotted as per subjects allotted’ under Assessment of Work Output and ‘Knowledge of Rules/Regulations/Procedures in the area of function and ability to apply them correctly’ under Assessment of Functional Competency.”

Instructions before Pen Picture by Reporting officer may be modified to include the following:

“Wherever applicable, comments on steps taken by the officer for promotion of procurement on GeM during the period under report, percentage of procurement on GeM and his/her attitude towards full implementation of GeM in the office may also be recorded”


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Source: DoPT Reflection of utilization of GeM in APAR DoPT Order