RBE No. 131/2019 โ 7th Pay Commission revised hourly rates of incentive bonus in CLW and bonus factor in GIS in Workshops/PUs
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBE No.131/2019
New Delhi dated:- 09.08.2019
Sub:- Revision of Hourly rates of Incentive bonus and bonus factor of workshop/PUs in respect of staff under CLW pattern GIS.
Arising out of implementation of 7th Pay Commission pay structure, revised hourly rates of incentive bonus in CLW pattern incentive scheme and bonus factor in Group Incentive scheme in Workshops/PUs have been approved by Railway Board as given below:-
i. A factor of 2.25 is applied for revision of hourly incentive rates for CLW pattern incentive scheme and bonus factor for Group Incentive Scheme for all direct categories and JEs/EIWs.
ii. Incentive to the SSEs is linked to the basic pay. The applicable percentage for calculation of incentive for SSEs directly supervising the work of staff working in the shop floor will be 15% of the new basic under 7th CPC. i.e. Incentive payable to SSEs = New Basic pay x 15%.
iii. The revision of hourly rates of incentive bonus and bonus factor of workshops and PUs is linked with 5% improvement in productivity. It is to be done by revision of allowed time in case of workshops/PUs under CLW pattern incentive or 5% increase in productivity without additional payment in case of workshops/PUs under GIS.
iv. Biometric attendance is made compulsory in all workshops/PUs.
2. The increased hourly rates of incentive bonus and bonus factor of workshops/PUs in respect of staff under CLW pattern/GIS are made applicable from 01st July, 2017.
3. Zonal Railways and PUs should decide on provision of inspection by third party for improvement in quality of output in the overall interest of Indian Railways.
4. Other guidelines, not covered in this letter, for payment of incentive to staff under CLW/GIS pattern incentive schemes shall continue to be in force.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(A.V.K.M Rao)
Dy. Dir. Mech.(W)
Railway Board

Source: AIRF