Alliance Air – LTC Fares for the month of July-2019

Alliance Air – LTC Fares for the month of July-2019
Alliance Air Domestic Fares (Advance & Instant Purchase Fares)

Fares for the month of JULY – 2019

Domestic: LTC Fares – TABLE II


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TO Basic Fare
1 Delhi Kullu 16500
2 Kullu Chandigarh 15000
3 Delhi Allahabad 13250
4 Delhi Dharamshala 13000
5 Delhi Jammu 12750
6 Delhi Gorakhpur 13200
7 Delhi Dehradun 13000
8 Delhi Jabalpur 14300
9 Delhi Gwalior 11850
10 Delhi Indore 13000
11 Delhi Mumbai 17400
12 Gwalior Mumbai 13000
13 Mumbai Indore 13250
14 Delhi Pantnagar 13000
15 Delhi Chandigarh 12750
16 Delhi Jaipur 12900
17 Delhi Lucknow 12500
18 Delhi Udaipur 12500
19 Delhi Hyderabad 13500
20 Delhi Bathinda 11500
21 Delhi Ludhiana 11750
22 Delhi Pathankot 11500
23 Jaipur Lucknow 13250
24 Jaipur Bhopal 12750
25 Jaipur Raipur 13000
26 Raipur Bhopal 12700
27 Jaipur Udaipur 10850
28 Mumbai Bhuj 14000
29 Mumbai Surat 13000
30 Mumbai Bhavnagar 13000
31 Mumbai Shirdi 13000
32 Hyderabad Pune 13000
33 Hyderabad Shirdi 12950
34 Hyderabad Tirupati 13750
35 Hyderabad Ahmedabad 12500
36 Hyderabad Kandla 16500
37 Nashik Kandla 11500
38 Hyderabad Kolkata 13500
39 Hyderabad Cochin 12500
40 Visakhapatnam Vijayawada 12250
41 Visakhapatnam Tirupati 12900
42 Visakhapatnam Hyderabad 13900
43 Visakhapatnam Bangalore 12950
44 Visakhapatnam Mysore 13750
45 Vijayawada Tirupati 13750
46 Vijayawada Hyderabad 13000
47 Vijayawada Bangalore 13500
48 Vijayawada Mysore 13200
49 Bangalore Cochin 13000
50 Bangalore Agatti 13700
51 Bangalore Hubli 13100
52 Bangalore Belgaum 13000
53 Bangalore Pune 13500
54 Chennai Coimbatore 13000
55 Chennai Madurai 13000
56 Chennai Trichy 13000
57 Chennai Mangalore 13000
58 Chennai Hyderabad 13150
59 Hyderabad Goa 13250
60 Pune Goa 13000
61 Kolkata Ranchi 13100
62 Kolkata Bhubaneswar 12400
63 Ranchi Bhubaneswar 9250
64 Kolkata Raipur 13400
65 Bhubaneswar Raipur 12750
66 Ranchi Raipur 12750
67 Ranchi Jharsuguda 12750
68 Kolkata Guwahati 9825
69 Kolkata Lilabari 10200
70 Guwahati Lilabari 7700
71 Kolkata Tezpur 10050
72 Guwahati Tezpur 7700
73 Kolkata Shillong 10200
74 Kolkata Pasighat 10200
75 Guwahari Pasighat 7700
76 Mumbai Diu 10100
77 Cochin Agatti 11500
78 Pasighat Lilabari 7000
79 Delhi Bathinda 10000
80 Bathinda Delhi 10000
81 Bathinda Jammu 10000
82 Delhi Ludhiana 10000
83 Delhi Bikaner 10000
84 Bikaner Delhi 10000
85 Bikaner Jaipur 8000
86 Delhi Shimla 10500
87 Delhi Pathankot 10000
88 Pantnagar Dehradun 8000
89 Gwalior Indore 10000
90 Gwalior Delhi 8000
91 Jaipur Agra 8000
92 Nashik Hyderabad 10250
93 Hyderabad Nashik 10250
94 Nashik Ahmedabad 8500
95 Kolhapur Hyderabad 10000
96 Kolhapur Bangalore 10500
97 Bangalore Kolhapur 10500
98 Belgaum Pune 10000
99 Bangalore Mysore 8500
100 Mysore Bangalore 8500
101 Kolkata Jharsuguda 10000
102 Jharsuguda Bhubaneswar 10000
103 Jharsuguda Raipur 10000

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