LTC for Dependent parents to visit their son at his duty station and to go back to native place: Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 issued by DoPT vide OM No. 3/1/2019-JCA dated 13.06.2019]
6.4 DoPT
6.4.9 Item No. 19/19/NC-47 โ LTC for Dependent parents to visit their son at his duty station and to go back to native place.
Staff Side stated that Government employee and his family are allowed LTC to go to their native place and go back to duty station 2 times in a block of 3 years. The parents of most of the govt. servants prefer to live at their native place, though dependent on the govt. servant. It is suggested that in the first year/next year, the serving employee and his family may be permitted to go on LTC to their native place to meet their parents. In the next or the first year, the parents, if dependent on the Government servant, may be permitted to go from native station to duty station of their son/ daughter on LTC and to return to their native place.
Reply of the Official Side:
DoPT has already issued an OM on 31.10.2017 [click to view]. Hence, the demand of Staff Side has been accepted.
The item may be treated as closed.
Previous Agenda Item of 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
6.4.8 Item No. 15/19/NC-47 โ Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR-15(a)
Next Agenda Item of 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
Item No. 20/19/NC-47 โ Revised Scheme of Compassionate Appointment
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